2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let your prophets and fortune-tellers who are with you in the land of Babylon trick you. Do not listen to their dreams, (Jeremiah 29:8 NLT)

I keep seeing this verse...I'm not sure how it applies to me, but it's obvious The Lord wants me to see it. I woke up feeling something wasn't right. Idk what's going on. I could just be overreacting but I'm definitely going to be aware of who I come into contact with today.

If this verse isn't The Lord's warning loud and clear I'm not sure what is.

Thanks for sharing this.

ETA: For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the midst of you, deceive you, neither hearken to your dreams which ye cause to be dreamed. KJV

Will be pondering this as well.
If God spends all His time just eating up with HATING sin, then dang... he must spend His time with His face all twisted up and His nose plugged. Everyone sins. All sin is abhorrent to God. There was only one sinless person. I don't know. I can't imagine God being all that consumed with sin. There's just too much of it. Unlike us, He's not going to cherry pick the ones he doesn't do to single out as the most offensive.
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If God spends all His time just eating up with HATING sin, then dang... he must spend His time with His face all twisted up and His nose plugged. Everyone sins. All sin is abhorrent to God. There was only one sinless person. I don't know. I can't imagine God being all that consumed with sin. There's just too much of it. Unlike us, He's not going to cherry pick the ones he doesn't do to single out as the most offensive.
If this post is because of my post upthread, then you missed the point of the post....:yep:
This question goes to anyone willing to answer: How do you know God's will for your life? I feel like I know, but I'm not sure how you can determine if it's His will for certain or if it's just your thoughts. Do you ask Him to confirm it?

ETA: just got lead to read 1 Corinthians 12. By reading that I think I know what my gift is.
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I don't know what it is, but some time in the past two months, things just clicked for me in terms of my relationship with God. I look at the world and the people around me differently and I was different things for myself and for my life. Has anyone else ever experienced that before?
I was just listening to a choir that sounded really really good, but there was something missing no anointing, it's more than looking and sounding good it truly makes the difference.
Wrong thread.....sorry.

I do feel that my walk with God is growing. I find certain things I want to do (or use to do) is no longer a desire.
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I don't know what it is, but some time in the past two months, things just clicked for me in terms of my relationship with God. I look at the world and the people around me differently and I was different things for myself and for my life. Has anyone else ever experienced that before?

Would u care to expound? I ask bc I'm a babe to Christianity and I really would like to read/hear other believers experiences. Renewed1 would you care to share also?

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This question goes to anyone willing to answer: How do you know God's will for your life? I feel like I know, but I'm not sure how you can determine if it's His will for certain or if it's just your thoughts. Do you ask Him to confirm it?

ETA: just got lead to read 1 Corinthians 12. By reading that I think I know what my gift is.

This sermon by Voddie Baucham was really helpful to me concerning this matter: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R20mCvTT8Wc

Simple saying, but it is derived from Proverbs:

Lot's of people get advice, only smart ones know how and whether to use it. - Steve Keating
September 29

Matthew 15:14
Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. (New American Standard)

Although Jesus is rebuking the religious leaders for not receiving His words, He is also revealing the fate of those that will continue to follow them. When Jesus makes a statement, it must be examined very closely. The disciples were concerned that the Pharisees were offended when Jesus exposed their hypocrisy. I'm sure there was a time when the disciples thought Jesus was after the same goals as the Pharisees. After all, they were the respected religious leaders of the day, and everyone assumed God set them in place. When blind followers follow blind leaders without considering the quality of their leadership, they bear some responsibility for ending up in the ditch. God makes His word clear enough that anyone who wants to know the truth can receive it. Unfortunately, we have people in leadership positions that don't qualify to lead; but if the followers were sharp, the incompetent leaders would be out of business. Sometimes people are blind followers simply because they are too lazy to investigate for themselves.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
September 29

Matthew 15:14
Let them alone; they are blind guides of the blind. And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit. (New American Standard)

Although Jesus is rebuking the religious leaders for not receiving His words, He is also revealing the fate of those that will continue to follow them. When Jesus makes a statement, it must be examined very closely. The disciples were concerned that the Pharisees were offended when Jesus exposed their hypocrisy. I'm sure there was a time when the disciples thought Jesus was after the same goals as the Pharisees. After all, they were the respected religious leaders of the day, and everyone assumed God set them in place. When blind followers follow blind leaders without considering the quality of their leadership, they bear some responsibility for ending up in the ditch. God makes His word clear enough that anyone who wants to know the truth can receive it. Unfortunately, we have people in leadership positions that don't qualify to lead; but if the followers were sharp, the incompetent leaders would be out of business. Sometimes people are blind followers simply because they are too lazy to investigate for themselves.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church

Laela - This is good teaching.
Ty Adams

Don’t go back to what God delivered you from. It ain't worth it! God paid too much of a high price to set you free!

"Like a dog who goes back to his own vomit,
so is a fool who always returns to his foolishness." Prov 26:11

Ty Adams
I didn't do enough for god yesterday. I failed him. I talked about smoking weed. I feel condemned. I know its just the devil talking in my ear but its making me feel so bad. I just want to be pleasing to god. I didn't do him justice. I'm here to save souls and I know it. I just need to take it one day at a time. I need encouragement.
I am afraid to become successful. Sometimes I rather not try at all. Yet in my spirit I know that's not God. He wants more for/from me as I do for myself. Lord cast away my fears and allow me to walk in my light.
I am afraid to become successful. Sometimes I rather not try at all. Yet in my spirit I know that's not God. He wants more for/from me as I do for myself. Lord cast away my fears and allow me to walk in my light.
That is a lie from the devil. Cast your fears onto the lord. Do not be dismayed. For god will show his glory through you. Let god use you. Die to yourself. ANd be resurrected in god.
I didn't do enough for god yesterday. I failed him. I talked about smoking weed. I feel condemned. I know its just the devil talking in my ear but its making me feel so bad. I just want to be pleasing to god. I didn't do him justice. I'm here to save souls and I know it. I just need to take it one day at a time. I need encouragement.

You are always enough for God, just by being 'you'...

Thoughts are like radio and cable TV stations. When the wrong music or picture shows up.............. just change the channel. :yep:
whatever we release on earth will be released in heaven and whatever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven (Matthew 18:18).
Maracuja - I love the sound preaching that Voddie Baucham delivers. Glad to see that others are listening . . .

Been living in this new city for 1 year, 8 months. Still have not found a church home. I've have prayed so much about this. My previous church home allowed me to worship with the body of Christ, fellowship with the body of Christ and be in community with the body of Christ. They were my family. I MISS THEM. They also held me accountable. I grew in the Word so much when I was with that church. So did my husband and my kids. My husband was so open to the word during that time, he would often preach/teach/ and talk to me about God's word. It filled me with such joy to hear him talk about he Glory of God. We changed our lives so much.

I attend BSF now and L-O-V-E it but it is not the same as a church home. My husband and children do not get to go with me. I don't know what to do. We have visited at least 30 - 40 churches in the area. People are surprised by this. They give us the look like, just pick one. Sadly, these churches are not teaching the Word of God or it is so watered down that it doesn't help people grow it's just surface. We have been attending a church nearby, really just to say we are going. Maybe I'm expecting too much from a church, but I know what I had. The church we are currently going to is teaching the Word, but the sermons are so short (30 min), I feel like their wrapping up when they start to get to the meat. He gives the background, builds it up and delivers the point but just when I'm expecting him to go in, he's like Amen, see you next week. LOL. The choir is horrid. Sorry but it is. Christian Rock. I actually sing the words because every song they sing either has scripture in it or it's all about Glorifying God. Not what God can do for me. I like that, but it's not the style I'm used to, if you know what I mean. Hmpp! This is frustrating. Worried about my family, as our relationship is becoming distant from HIM.
Maybe I should get some "soaking" music. I must be late to the game, because I never knew such a genre existed or never knew there was a name for it.
Thine eyes have not seen. Thy ears have not heard. The blessing of the coming of the lord. All will feel his presence in the coming months. They will all know he is real. Even non believers. God is going to show himself in the coming months and rain down a blessing on the faithful. There will be no room for doubt. His words will be marked by miracles. ANd everyone will know he is real. And is in control.
He answered a BIG prayer for me and I am so very grateful. A hurdle was thrown at me with my first client but what God has for me, is for me! He placed this opportunity in my hands and He has it for me so it shall come to pass. So happy. So blessed.

I feel like giving an Abrahamic sacrifice for the way God came through for me! Thanks is not enough.
God won't leave any of us hanging, He equips each of us with unique spiritual gifts:

Romans 12:6-8 :
Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith; if service, in his serving; or he who teaches, in his teaching; or he who exhorts, in his exhortation; he who gives, with liberality; he who leads, with diligence; he who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.
I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist but noting this young lady shot at the White House. Anyone even cares what her sister said ? She said: "It's impossible"... praying for the well-being of the baby girl she left behind. Can't believe everything in the media. Something's amiss....