2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Isa 5:20

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

This is truly the age that we are living in.
It's funny how God sends you *winks* I've been praying that God would work on me in helping me to have the fruit of gentleness (I can be a gentle firecracker right?). Today I got a card from a new Christian friend thanking me for my compassion, warmth and gentleness. I had to pause...me gentle? Made me smile and stuff.
Making me smile too....I too am a gentle firecracker...God surely knows what He's doing! :lol::lol:
Foolishness on "Christian" TV has gone to new heights. I am convinced that TBN is the devil. Did I really just see them air a commercial asking people to make a living will with TBN as the beneficiary?!?! And did I see cigarettes in my sister's(who is a smoker) purse and the logo on the cigarette box was the TBN logo?!?! Mercy Lord Jesus. Deception is everywhere.
Hebrews 4:12-13 GNT

The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart. There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.

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John 10:27-30

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand. I and my Father are one.
I spent the last few years participating in a variety of ministries. I participate for a few months and leave. Truth be told, I never had a desire to participate in church ministries.

But if a church needs a financial donation, I'm trying to figure out ways to donate.

I think I'm going to stay in my lane and be a financial blessing; until I come across a ministry that meets all of my needs.

le sigh......just thinking out loud.
I am so happy and blessed to have friends who generally care and love me for who I am. I can be silly....love to crack jokes and have a good time with them.

Thank you, Lord for all my friends!!!
John 11:5-7 KJV
Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. [6] When he had heard therefore that he was sick, he abode two days still in the same place where he was. [7] Then after that saith he to his disciples, Let us go into Judaea again.

When studying the Bible, specifically the Gospels, I really get a kick out of Jesus' personality and how He functions so differently than we like to think He would function. Leave it to Jesus to hear Lazarus was sick and stay just where He was for 2 whole days. Lol. It makes me chuckle but it also makes me appreciate God's timing. He waits until something seems "dead" then shows up right on time to resurrect it. The more I learn Him the more He captivates me. Glory to your name Jesus!
I hate you so much. I really really do. I'm so angry I want to strangle you out like you have done me over the years. I see nothing but red and black. Red from anger and black from pain and hurt.So many lies lies you tell me no one cares about you fattie no man can ever see you or want you. Your probable gay and won't ever be nothing but a low bottom feeder. I hate you I want to scream. I want to kick and hurt you I'm so glad I don't have a weapon. And you yes you the one who is allowing all this to happen why me? Why not some other person? Why do some get to have a nice life while others like me wake up to misery every single day. Oh I know your words says the meek will inherit the earth but how long will that take? I'm sick, I'm tired and I'm disgusted. I just want to not wake up for once and be mad. Is that possible. Oh I see you over there laughing I still want to do bodily harm to you. The rage I feel is for you and you alone.

These are the thoughts I have directed to satan and God. I'm not crazy just worn.
I hate you so much. I really really do. I'm so angry I want to strangle you out like you have done me over the years. I see nothing but red and black. Red from anger and black from pain and hurt.So many lies lies you tell me no one cares about you fattie no man can ever see you or want you. Your probable gay and won't ever be nothing but a low bottom feeder. I hate you I want to scream. I want to kick and hurt you I'm so glad I don't have a weapon. And you yes you the one who is allowing all this to happen why me? Why not some other person? Why do some get to have a nice life while others like me wake up to misery every single day. Oh I know your words says the meek will inherit the earth but how long will that take? I'm sick, I'm tired and I'm disgusted. I just want to not wake up for once and be mad. Is that possible. Oh I see you over there laughing I still want to do bodily harm to you. The rage I feel is for you and you alone.

These are the thoughts I have directed to satan and God. I'm not crazy just worn.

Now tell me this. If you bought great gifts for your child but the child started ranting against you, would you give them to the child. Even when the child gets it together I'd wait.

Just a thought.
It's cartharsis...let the rant get out all the anger. This isn't the TBN edition of the Christ-walk, it's the gritty, hard, Streets of San Francisco walk and coming into being - a bonafide, real one. If you've never been that deeply into the pain, it would be difficult to comprehend the level of hurt and anger that has developed. The thing is, G-d knows what's there long before the individual. He hasn't left her and doesn't go by how WE think He should act. He is long-suffering, slow to take offense....he is 'Abba and He hears it all. He comes deeply within, quietly and with much patient love for his angry child. I've been there.

If one never gets out those feelings, they fester and all we end up doing is lying to ourselves that we don't feel them somewhere. They will get pushed into the deep crevices of the heart and do damage. G-d exposes them and sometimes, we react out of the pain of what's there. It is better to lance the wound, open it up and let run that festering pus than cover it over with false piety and save-face. That does us no good. She is blood-letting...she'll get to where she personally needs to be. I think she is a holy soul, deeply troubled and suffering saints, like some of the greatest ever. Many have revealed their deep mental and spiritual anguish through their writings.

G-d bless you, Goddessmaker, He holds you and knows exactly how you feel. I have been there with you, daughter of Christ.
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It's cartharsis...let the rant get out all the anger. This isn't the TBN edition of the Christ-walk, it's the gritty, hard, Streets of San Francisco walk and coming into being - a bonafide, real one. If you've never been that deeply into the pain, it would be difficult to comprehend the level of hurt and anger that has developed. The thing is, G-d knows what's there long before the individual. He hasn't left her and doesn't go by how WE think He should act. He is long-suffering, slow to take offense....he is 'Abba and He hears it all. He comes deeply within, quietly and with much patient love for his angry child. I've been there.

If one never gets out those feelings, they fester and all we end up doing is lying to ourselves that we don't feel them somewhere. They will get pushed into the deep crevices of the heart and do damage. G-d exposes them and sometimes, we react out of the pain of what's there. It is better to lance the wound, open it up and let run that festering pus than cover it over with false piety and save-face. That does us no good. She is blood-letting...she'll get to where she personally needs to be. I think she is a holy soul, deeply troubled and suffering saints, like some of the greatest ever. Many has revealed their deep mental and spiritual anguish through their writings.

G-d bless you, Goddessmaker, He holds you and knows exactly how you feel. I have been there with you, daughter of Christ.

Yeah get the thoughts out. But take instruction too. Sometimes we don't always think of things but when they're brought to our attention, we're like I get it.

My comment wasn't to judge but enlighten. Keeping quiet adds nothing and helps no one.

Just the truth.
Jesus Christ came to bind up the broken heart and to deliver us from bondage.
Luke 4:18 KJV
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised,

God's remedy for a broken heart or spiritual bondage is Jesus Christ. I will be praying for all Christian women that Jesus Christ will bind up the broken hearts and heal the hurts.
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Another's walk may not look exactly like that of another. But if one is constantly looking within, that is the work of the H-ly Spirit. That means that you are on the path. So what should happen consistently is getting up after a fall. It's still the indication that one is in tune with G-d. Some may look at these posts and think they are awful. But life is often awful...or has awful moments. Not everyone is dealt the same cards so please don't fear or be repulsed by such transparency. Actually, a transformation is taking place and I think that is a h-ly moment. G-d is at work...and Jesus ate with prostitutes, touched lepers, spat on the ground and got muddy bits to give new organs etc. He had big, burly, uncouth apostles as well :lachen:. He is divine, no doubt, but oh, is He the L-rd of the humans!!! He's heard it all. Don't lose hope nor fear. One day, you'll be able to say to another, "once upon a time, there was this girl and she was in deep pain and I saw the L-rd deliver her." :yep:
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With all due respect you don't know my walk or struggle. I would love to look at God as this beautiful Father who is loving and kind but I don't know of a father that way. I know God is leading me through this but this isn't that sweet oh I went through and God immediately blessed me. It's been 27 years of this so please excuse my rawness at this moment. Many days it's a struggle to get out of the bed and just get up and throw praying and studying in the mix of the Word and knowing all the things one must do in order to be pleasing to his sight.I understand your pov very much but if you really could feel my pain like God does you wouldn't be too quick to knock me for sharing what alot of people really feel who go through clinical depression and who also are a Christian.

Now tell me this. If you bought great gifts for your child but the child started ranting against you, would you give them to the child. Even when the child gets it together I'd wait.

Just a thought.

I know no one has ever suffered far greater than the Father. You sent your kid your only kid to die for me and my ratchet life. I am thankful for that and I'm thankful you are able to understand pain. I know another from the bible who suffered much Job. He prayed,he got mad and he allowed God to renew him.
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Just my observation, I don't think she knocked you, GM. I think you are taking what she said as an attack and I really don't feel in my heart that is what she did. I'm sure she will come back and share with you further, but I don't want you to be hindered in any way...please continue to allow the Holy Spirit to do the work in you that He has started.

Don't retreat....but advance!
With all due respect you don't know my walk or struggle. I would love to look at God as this beautiful Father who is loving and kind but I don't know of a father that way. I know God is leading me through this but this isn't that sweet oh I went through and God immediately blessed me. It's been 27 years of this so please excuse my rawness at this moment. Many days it's a struggle to get out of the bed and just get up and throw praying and studying in the mix of the Word and knowing all the things one must do in order to be pleasing to his sight.I understand your pov very much but if you really could feel my pain like God does you wouldn't be too quick to knock me for sharing what alot of people really feel who go through clinical depression and who also are a Christian.

I know no one has ever suffered far greater than the Father. You sent your kid your only kid to die for me and my ratchet life. I am thankful for that and I'm thankful you are able to understand pain. I know another from the bible who suffered much Job. He prayed,he got mad and he allowed God to renew him.

I wasn't knocking you. That's not my intent. Please accept my apology for coming across that way. I do understand. I feel your pain. That is why I said what I did. It is why I also said, yes, let it out, feel the pain and turn the focus.
Philippians 4:6-7

Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

God has us. All we have to do is cast all our care on Him.

1 Peter 5:7-10
Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.
Though this is an important week in Christendom, I have a strong sense of indebtedness to Yeshua that lasts year-round. He is so worthy....
I don't want there to be any ruffle in this part of the board. The board as a whole is ruffled enough. I apolgize to Leigh if I came off on the defensive. I read your post in the prayer request thread and here and coupled with everything that is going on it's a bit overwhelming. I know no one here can pick up tone nor the extent of one's suffering. I'm trying to keep leveled in a whirlwind that just doesn't make sense.

This moring is good but it makes me nervous. But I will try and enjoy the good times because there will be enough in the bad times.
God so desparately wants to be the father that you never had. He IS beautiful loving and kind and once you have passed this stage of your deliverance you will know that...

You are in my thoughts and prayers, you ARE an overcomer.

With all due respect you don't know my walk or struggle. I would love to look at God as this beautiful Father who is loving and kind but I don't know of a father that way. I know God is leading me through this but this isn't that sweet oh I went through and God immediately blessed me. It's been 27 years of this so please excuse my rawness at this moment. Many days it's a struggle to get out of the bed and just get up and throw praying and studying in the mix of the Word and knowing all the things one must do in order to be pleasing to his sight.I understand your pov very much but if you really could feel my pain like God does you wouldn't be too quick to knock me for sharing what alot of people really feel who go through clinical depression and who also are a Christian.

I know no one has ever suffered far greater than the Father. You sent your kid your only kid to die for me and my ratchet life. I am thankful for that and I'm thankful you are able to understand pain. I know another from the bible who suffered much Job. He prayed,he got mad and he allowed God to renew him.
GoddessMaker ....this is for you!

I don't want there to be any ruffle in this part of the board. The board as a whole is ruffled enough. I apolgize to Leigh if I came off on the defensive. I read your post in the prayer request thread and here and coupled with everything that is going on it's a bit overwhelming. I know no one here can pick up tone nor the extent of one's suffering. I'm trying to keep leveled in a whirlwind that just doesn't make sense.

This moring is good but it makes me nervous. But I will try and enjoy the good times because there will be enough in the bad times.

Amen. :bighug: Your apology is accepted. I wasn't offended only concerned for you. I know things don't always make sense but believe me, God has a master plan.

Things may not have made sense to Joseph, however, he went with the flow.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart;
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him,
and he shall direct thy paths.

Isaiah 55:8-11
For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways,
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
For as the rain cometh down,
and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither,
but watereth the earth,
and maketh it bring forth and bud,
that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth:
it shall not return unto me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please,

All we have to do is ask for what we want. His word does not come back void so He will grant us the desires of our hearts when they are in alignment with his will.
I know this for sure when I'm tired I am not at my best. I was so bummed that I won't be able to do the stripper minstry. But when God says go it will happen. As my loving church adoptive mother stated yesterday sometimes we try to do too much even when it's good. So I know I will get to focus now on my Steps program esp with me going through the inventory part now. Maybe God will open the door to allow me to work on day but right now I have to admit to myself I need to get together before wanting to help others. Because the help I want to extend I want it to be great not for me but for God.
She is a wise lady... glad to know you have an adoptive church mom! That's a blessing...

I know this for sure when I'm tired I am not at my best. I was so bummed that I won't be able to do the stripper minstry. But when God says go it will happen. As my loving church adoptive mother stated yesterday sometimes we try to do too much even when it's good. So I know I will get to focus now on my Steps program esp with me going through the inventory part now. Maybe God will open the door to allow me to work on day but right now I have to admit to myself I need to get together before wanting to help others. Because the help I want to extend I want it to be great not for me but for God.
Yes it's a blessing. I picked her. Since my church is so young there aren't many older members so I just sort put my bid in lol. It was so great when I shared that I wanted to quit church and everything she was like ok we need to sit and chat then like now. No judgement no looking down on me just great. I feel refreshed by God through her.
Psalms 130:3-4 KJV

If thou, Lord , shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared.