2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Anyone know scriptures I can read to settle my emotions lol I'm trying to stay strong but i'm feeling like I cant hear God's voice and maybe I wont ever hear it smh I dont know what to do next in my life...do i go to school or not, leave my job or not, move out or stay home smh I'm finally content with being single and now i want to be defined by more then just as a single Christian woman Sorry i'm getting impatient.....its time for my mid-day prayer let me go take it to the Lord

What they mean for evil, God means for good. I'm reminding myself of this today. The enemy is trying but failing. My God is an AWESOME God and he reigns!!!

@luving me Thank you sis- i'm trying and i'm happy i read this quote today...the enemy is definitely failing
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I'm finally getting to the point of breaking mental negativity. I really allowed things of others lay on me and destroy my hope. I really felt I wasn't a good Christian because I was depressed,sucidal,and now that I'm on a med. I felt oh I could just pray it away.God can do all but that doesn't mean he will and that doesn't mean he loves me any less than because I have to use meds.I will keep praying but I will freely use the tools God created ie doctors,meds etc in order to not self destruct. He gave us tools called a brain. It's like not showing I'm any lower or better if I say oh I will not take meds when I'm ill. A cancer patient wouldn't do that and the love they recieve isn't looked at any differently. I know in the black community being mentally ill or having problems is looked down upon but it's not in other communities. I will embrace me and now I can actually stop rejecting God.
^^^I'm glad you're using the tools God created for us. I like what T.D. Jakes said about taking meds for mental health, "we tend to forget that our brain is connected to our body". If you had a thyroid issue you'd take meds and not think twice. I pray that someday the stigma attached to mental illness will be removed. I'm staying in prayer for you and anyone else who's dealing with any type of mental illness.
Im going through one of my spells and when I feel this way Im leaning on the Word and the love of others. I wanted to be so mad today as someone yet again tried to hit me in my car. I felt like beating the woman but God. It would have been a bad accident but God didn't allow it. Im now home safe and thankful. Lord your a protector when the world is a utter mess.
Romans 8

8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

I love this scripture it reminds me that I am forgiven of my past, people may remember and remind me but God does not.
It's funny you wrote this...earlier today, while in the bathroom stall.. lol ... this thought came to mind "God's presence is always Present" I ran with that.. . Thanks for confirmation!

Romans 8

8 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

I love this scripture it reminds me that I am forgiven of my past, people may remember and remind me but God does not.
When God's with us there is a evidence of it in our behavior consistently and not everyone can be wrong if they point us to that fact.

When you are a God Chaser, there is evidence that can be witnessed.:grin:
John 8:7

They kept demanding an answer, so he stood up again and said, "All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!"

Ephesians 4:2

Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love.
Laela that is a throwback! I haven't heard that since I was in VBS which is so telling my age lol.

Sometimes I wonder why do I make things so hard? God is a lover not a punitive God. I still remember a month ago being on top of the world because I got baptized. All hell has broken loose. The more I press into him the more the devil is pissed.

I'm thankful my sisters in Christ in my home group love me so and tell that regularly. Like I would never think folks would want me around them and like miss me when I'm not. I wanted to pull myself away but I can't do that to them nor myself.

I'm also noticing I have to be real careful what I say and what I put out of me. Satan is real ladies. I didn't think Satan wasn't real but some of the things I have experienced as of late have been nothing but wow and that isn't anything but Satan. I be darned to have that joker win. My depression my thorn but his grace is sufficient.
Reminder to myself

"The only way to bear fruits is to walk in the Spirit."

Love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, humility, self control
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This morning I was led to apologize to a friend that I hurt. I decided that it was time to live authentic not just in words but in action. I was holding a grudge and angry at this person and caused a rift in our friendship and actually felt justified doing so. This morning I was just so overcome with peace and I knew I had to fix what I destroyed. I'm so happy I obeyed the spirit and made peace with my friend. After a tearful discourse we both apologized and realized it was time to heal and restore. Thankful for the conviction of the holy spirit!

"Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen." 1 John 4:20
If you look to the cross and see Jesus, you won't have time to worry about the devil in every little corner. Evil is inevitable and is all around us. But, do you focus more on satan's wiles or on Jesus? Give Jesus more thought. "How can one ignore the traps of the devil?", one might ask? Focus on Jesus' life and words of promise. Surely, we need balance and to be careful and knowledgeable about snares, but obsession about what satan is doing is also a trap, taking our focus off the goodness of Jesus.
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It's not easy raising a black male today... prayers for all the mothers, single or married, assigned this role!
One of the things that intercessors need to keep fresh on their mind is to pray for ambitious young adults that encounter people who are wicked and have other issues to be overcomers against their attacks to destroy them. A typical ambitious young adult tends to be focused on their next goal.
Psalm 101:6-8 NKJV
6 My eyes shall be on the faithful of the land,
That they may dwell with me; He who walks in a perfect way,
He shall serve me.
7 He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house;
He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.
What I learned about the Children of Israel during their walk in the wilderness is they complained about everything - good or bad -- til it hardened their hearts. They prayed for food, God gave them food. But they complained about the food, too. They got tired of manna and complained about that, forgetting they didn't have food in the first place. Their complained they were thirsty, He gave them water ... They complained about Moses misleading them ... they complained, and complained.... yet God continued to answer their prayers, with the love of a Father because He is God. A great lesson on His mercy, patience and forbearance; but we know His Spirit will not always strive with flesh.
It's not easy raising a black male today... prayers for all the mothers, single or married, assigned this role!

I have a lot of strong emotions about this, and I am not a mom yet. I prayed about something related today so thanks for this post. We live in a society that is so hostile to black men, this morning I read something that really bothered me. No, it angered me to the core. There's an all out attack on black men.
Well you have the heart of a mother to see that. Bolded, I believe to be true.. We only need see how the smartest, hardest working, God-fearing, most respectable black men in society are treated, to know this to be truth. Even at his best, he is treated worse...

I have a lot of strong emotions about this, and I am not a mom yet. I prayed about something related today so thanks for this post. We live in a society that is so hostile to black men, this morning I read something that really bothered me. No, it angered me to the core. There's an all out attack on black men.
I have a lot of strong emotions about this, and I am not a mom yet. I prayed about something related today so thanks for this post. We live in a society that is so hostile to black men, this morning I read something that really bothered me. No, it angered me to the core. There's an all out attack on black men.

It's good that you have realized that black males need role models. I hope that you will be an influential mentor that black males will respect. They have so many evil influences and people perpetuating as mentors that seek to destroy them. Plus, it sad when people seek mentorship and it is not a great influence. That is also a destructive force too.

Black male attacks come from their own and others. Thank God for Jesus because it ain't easy for them...Turn your passion into purpose.
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It's good that you have realized that black males need role models. I hope that you will be an influential mentor that black males will respect. They have so many evil influences and people perpetuating as mentors that seek to destroy them. Plus, it sad when people seek mentorship and it is not a great influence. That is also a destructive force too.

Black male attacks come from their own and others. Thank God for Jesus because it ain't easy for them...Turn your passion into purpose.

This is so true....but I question whether or not I can truly mentor men since I am a woman, you know. I feel that they probably would be better served by male mentors. I do know black men as a group need a lot of prayer, lots and lots of fervent prayer.
8:51 PM (29 minutes ago)

March 17

Isaiah 54:14
In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.

God goes out of His way to reiterate the secure state of the believer. The righteousness of God is our foundation, and nothing can uproot that. Tyranny is only possible with the ruler in charge right now. Terror is possible when someone assumes rule later. God makes us so secure, He says neither the person ruling now nor the rulers yet to come will make us fear. Recently I visited a couple of gated communities. The only way to get access was to make contact with those in control of the gate. Once they felt comfortable with who was at the gate, they would either send someone to open it, or they would provide an access code. Whenever anything approaches your life, God maintains a hedge or perimeter around each of us. Angels are ministering spirits, sent to look after the heirs of salvation. Once God gives permission, access is granted to our "space." Don't despair because God has already signed off on whatever is happening in your life. He doesn't give access for your destruction: He gives access for your dependance and for your development. Fear not: the same God protecting you will promote you above all your enemies.

Elder S R Henderson, Associate Pastor
The Rock Baptist Church
What I learned about the Children of Israel during their walk in the wilderness is they complained about everything - good or bad -- til it hardened their hearts. They prayed for food, God gave them food. But they complained about the food, too. They got tired of manna and complained about that, forgetting they didn't have food in the first place. Their complained they were thirsty, He gave them water ... They complained about Moses misleading them ... they complained, and complained.... yet God continued to answer their prayers, with the love of a Father because He is God. A great lesson on His mercy, patience and forbearance; but we know His Spirit will not always strive with flesh.

This is actually one of my favourite stories it reminds me to be grateful for everything and not to be a complainer, still if the truth be told we can sometimes be just like them, our complains may be different but nevertheless they are complaints. Thank God for holy spirit who reminds us.
all things aside, I STILL trust God's plan for my life. devil. . .you can't steal my joy or break my faith. Don't you know, like Job, I am a child of God. POW! IN. YOUR. FACE.

ETA: The devil is a liar and the truth ain't in him. Trust in God only
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Is it wrong to cut off a family member who keeps making bad decisions? I know I need to pray about it, but I just feel my life would be so much easier if I stop all communications with this person.
Ro 8
13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.