2013 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

So heartbroken for a friend that just lost her dad....I pray her peace and comfort that he's no longer suffering. And pray that I be a good friend and support to her as she has always been to me.
From the Minsitry of Encouragement

A few years ago, an automaker used the tune of the old Shaker song"Simple Gifts" to promote a luxury car. To those who knew the lyrics, it seemed contradictory to use a song about finding contentment in a simple way of life to sell an expensive car. It says, "Tis the gift to be simple, 'tis the gift to be free,'tis the gift to come down where we ought to be."

We often struggle to accept the bible's teaching that contentment has nothing to do with our wardrobe, our bank account, or whether we have steak or corned beef for supper. It is not material prosperity but"godliness with contentment" that the apostle Paul called "great gain" (1 Tim.6:6). Timothy may have been as stunned as we are to read the words, "having food and clothing, with these we shall be content" (v.8).
How many of us will pause today to thank the Lord because we have something to wear and something to eat? But how might our lives be revolutionized if we did?
That old Shaker song also reminds us that contentment is a gift that is to be enjoyed. It says,"And when we find ourselves in the place just right, 'twill be in the valley of love and delight." In the abundance of God's simple gifts, we can be content.

As we keep on collecting more and more stuff,
We sometimes complain that we don't have enough,
But let us be thankful for what God has sent - with food and with clothing may we be content.

Contentment comes not from great wealth but from few wants.

Scripture Text: 1 Timothy 6:3-16
The deeper one goes into their walk the deeper you have to get inside. Did something that I kept reasoning myself out of but when God speaks one must listen. It will take some getting use to but it's to glorify God. Not my will but God's will. Now if I can get out of this angry mood I will be good but I know the process isn't a fun times.
ladies I posted a list 60 ways to improve your happiness. I thought some of ya'll would appreciate it. :) http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=677977

I caught some of the Bible series with my mom yesterday. It reminds me of Bible movies... my mom didn't get the hype at all. I thought it was okay though. If I get the chance I'll watch again. :yep:

I'm trying to mediatate on God more. Pray everyday when I wake up. I was talking to my bro and telling him that prayer is something I can do even before I open my eyes.
I was so upset the other day that I ended up breaking my fast. I know I shouldn't have done it but I still did. It's not that the food even brought me comfort :/ I was still upset. I wonder why we seek comfort in physical things instead of God sometimes.
Why have I been waking up around 3 AM for the last few days? But I've been praying and reading my word and just waiting for sleep to hit me again.

Watching the Popes inauguration I have a desire to visit Rome.

Thank you for everything Lord.
Why have I been waking up around 3 AM for the last few days? But I've been praying and reading my word and just waiting for sleep to hit me again.

Watching the Popes inauguration I have a desire to visit Rome.

Thank you for everything Lord.

Seems like the Pope is going to do some unprecedented things. I can't wait to see what happens...
ladies I posted a list 60 ways to improve your happiness. I thought some of ya'll would appreciate it. :) http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=677977

I caught some of the Bible series with my mom yesterday. It reminds me of Bible movies... my mom didn't get the hype at all. I thought it was okay though. If I get the chance I'll watch again. :yep:

I'm trying to mediatate on God more. Pray everyday when I wake up. I was talking to my bro and telling him that prayer is something I can do even before I open my eyes.
I was so upset the other day that I ended up breaking my fast. I know I shouldn't have done it but I still did. It's not that the food even brought me comfort :/ I was still upset. I wonder why we seek comfort in physical things instead of God sometimes.

:giveheart:Forgive yourself and continue on with the fast. We ALL fall short.:huggle:The bold is a great question, I was pondering it during my mediation this morning.
What's not to love about the Pope? His past wonderful remarks:

"I think even we are sometimes like these people, who on one hand want to listen to Jesus, but on the other hand, sometimes we like to stone and condemn others. The message of Jesus is this: Mercy."

"The Lord never tires of forgiving, never!"

I can't write some of his recent quotes. I just love good people! I need to not get so excited!
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I still feel this ickiness about people. I know I shouldn't be this way but it's like I don't want to be bothered with people and their issues. Thank God he isn't that way. I don't want to hear a million excuses at 8am. Thank God he doesn't mind at 3 am. I felt pressure in my chest last night thinking how am I going to manage next month how am I going to have gas money for work? Like I'm just doing enough to get bills paid and food and their isn't much left over. I'm tired of never having and always feeling like it's something major to buy me something bc I want it not bc I need to look ok for work. God comforted me and just focus on right now right now right now. Who knows I may be with the father come April who knows. I will focus on today vs next week.
John 6:65-69 KJV
And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. [66] From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. [67] Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? [68] Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. [69] And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

Powerful.. There is nowhere to go outside of Jesus. Only he can give true life. Lord Jesus I love you. In the day of the falling away help me to remain anchored in you.
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Go back to what, death, there is nothing to go back to and no place I would rather be than in the safety of the loving arms of Jesus.:yep:

QUOTE=MrsHaseeb;18095175]John 6:65-69 KJV
And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father. [66] From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. [67] Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? [68] Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. [69] And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.

Powerful.. There is nowhere to go outside of Jesus. Only he can give true life. Lord Jesus I love you. In the day of the falling away help me to remain anchored in you.[/QUOTE]
*When you became a Christian, you were set free from the sinful things of the world. This was not done by human hands. You were set free from the sins of your old self by what was done in Christ’s body. - Colossians 2:11 NLV

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One can't say this too many times....

This is the Day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank you Lord, for all that you've done..

Be blessed today!
i should lay off of FB and i only go on there for a few min a few times a week...but i all see is engagements, kids and everyone all of a sudden found God...i might just be hater so gonna pray on that
Is this you God? The more refined I become the harder the refining becomes. The pressure I feel the more I'm reaching out for you,doing what I can in obeying you is this why there is all out attack hitting me? If this is so then I will take this attack as I know if I die it's cool I will be coming to the real new world streets laid with gold as clear as glass. Just give me energy and focus today Lord though. I'm tired,you know my bank account info is rather poor and I'm poor in energy. But I know you will keep carrying me until I can regain.
Got this from a church member and wanted to share:

Dear Heavenly Father, I just want to say thank you for this day. You continue to bless us Lord daily even though we continuously fall short. We could never thank you enough for all that you have done and still plan to do. Thank you for life and thank you for Grace. Lord I pray that we start our day with a dependence on you. ...God I pray that Your will be done. Remind us daily God of your strength and knowledge in all things. Today Lord help us to rest in your perfect hands and give You all that may be worrying us; all that occupy our hearts and minds with anxiety. Lord please surround us with your comfort and perfect peace.

Lord, I pray for those struggling today with decisions in their homes, struggling to make decisions that will change their lives and they feel as if there is nowhere to turn. Please Lord remind them You are there; they can cast all their troubles upon You. Lord I pray that you guide them, to remind them that you are in control.
A couple of days ago a storm came through here that was crazy. I’ve never seen that much hail and rain. It reminded me of when I was living in my old house. Every time there was a bad storm I had to go through some major things to get the lights back on in the house. One time there was a storm so bad that lightning hit the house and all the power went out. I looked across the street and my neighbor had power, so I knew the problem was just in my house.

Stay with me, I’m going somewhere here…

I knew I had to get to the circuit breaker to fix what was going on. Now, in my old house, the breaker box was in the attic, and in order to get to it I had to climb a ladder, go up a flight of stairs and then climb over an air conditioning unit, all the while trying to not step through the ceiling joist or I would go straight through the sheet rock. And imagine trying to do all of this in the dark. But I had to do it if I wanted lights on in my house.

I got to the breaker box and started turning the breakers back on. For those of you who are not up on your DIY (do it yourself, LOL), the circuit breakers protect the house from further damage by turning themselves off if they get too much power or pull too much power to them.

As I was thinking about this yesterday I started thinking about us as people, as souls... me, you and any other human on this planet. What is common about us all is that we all, at one time or another, will go through or have been through a storm, and sometimes the storms are so bad that they turn off circuit breakers in our lives. We can look at others who have gone through the same storm and they are fine, like my neighbor across the street. They had power, but I was in the dark. Same storm, but it affected me differently. Many people can have the same experience and get over it but it affects each of us differently. Never let someone tell you to just get over it because they did. It’s not that simple.

When circuit breakers shut down in our lives they usually turn off to protect us from trauma, but just because they turn off doesn’t mean that they are supposed to stay off. A lot of times we leave them off because we don’t want to do all that is necessary to reach the breaker box to turn them back on. So what happens? We begin to live a life that is not as bright and fulfilling as it was originally designed to be. You just stay in the dark because it’s easier to not go through what you need to go through for healing. Trust me, I’ve been there, lived there for a while until I realized that I wanted all the lights on in my soul. I had to get these breakers back on.

Why am I saying this to you? Well I know that God designed all of us to live the fullest life that we can, to live in the light, love and joy. It is my hope and prayer today that you will start to do the work to turn on some of the breakers that may have been turned off in your life by difficult moments. What do I mean by that? If you have a dream and you stopped dreaming because it got too hard, that’s a breaker that went off. Turn it back on. If you decided that you wouldn’t love anyone else because you’ve been hurt, that’s a breaker that’s been turned off. Turn it back on. If you have decided to give up on life because nothing seems to go right, that’s a breaker that went off. Turn it back on. If you have given up on your kids because they won’t do the right thing, that’s a breaker that went off. Turn it back on.

You see what I mean? Go through your life and look at all the people who have hurt you. Look at all the situations that have left you in the dark. Turn those breakers back on. Live in a full house. One of my favorite scriptures says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven.” Light up your soul!

By: Tyler Perry

I thought this was really good and wanted to share!
It's funny how God sends you *winks* I've been praying that God would work on me in helping me to have the fruit of gentleness (I can be a gentle firecracker right?). Today I got a card from a new Christian friend thanking me for my compassion, warmth and gentleness. I had to pause...me gentle? Made me smile and stuff.
Your wisdom knows no color, no culture, no partial side. Those who find it find something worth more than all the riches and knowledge of the world. It can elevate the simpleton. It can humble the erudite. Your ways, O L-rd, are beyond our complete understanding. But those who try you in earnest, they find something worth more than all the riches and knowledge of the world.
2 weeks ago I realized what God's will was for me. And I kid you not, he has done his most to ensure that everything I have tried to do since goes smoothly.

I was told to wait 6-12 months for something: picked up the phone and a lady helped me to get it done in a week and a half.

I was told to wait 10 days for something and the system had not been reflected to show my status: I had 3 different government departments working to get it sorted in one afternoon.

Friends told me not to do it because it would be difficult to get a job: I have interviews set up with some of the biggest agencies in the country. The one I want in particular has been unable to find someone skilled enough to fill this role in 6 months.

If nothing comes of this, I KNOW that my God has a purpose for me and he wants me to achieve it. And I am happy when trying to achieve that purpose (and only OK when trying to do what I want but what I know is not meant for me)