2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread


GoddessMaker said:
I believe this but then I remember that we are human. The thing I want to stop pulls me more and the things I need to do are much less desirable. God wouldn't view you as harshly as you are viewing yourself. It was all apart of the process. When you know better you do better..

GoddessMaker I'll be in Dallas in December. We should have dinner!

Thank you Lord for my children and stepchildren. Please let me be a light of hope. I worry about them all day, but please remind me that when I pray for their safety that I remember the blood of Jesus covers them.

sent thru my iPhone
BostonMaria Ah I would love to meet you..that would be soo cool..

Lord give me the ability to not act on the feelings I have today. I feel very agged and I just want to shut down. This environment called work isn't good at all. I will remain until something great happens..just have to make it.
kila82, you're so pretty!

Praise the Lord CoilyFields, that's beyond awesome news.

I'm going to focus on being a blessing, I believe God sends everyone in my path for a reason. How can I be a blessing? will be my focus from here on out.
LoveisYou said:
kila82, you're so pretty!

Praise the Lord CoilyFields, that's beyond awesome news.

I'm going to focus on being a blessing, I believe God sends everyone in my path for a reason. How can I be a blessing? will be my focus from here on out.

*blushing* Aww thank u! It just happened to be a good pic tho lol :)

I pray that prayer "let me be a blessing to someone today" almost everyday! You'll be surprised the little things u can do to help.

Yesterday I was feeling down so I decided to get my mind off my personal crap and write a letter to a persecuted Christian from Vietnam who got the crap kicked out of him just for spreading the Good News. If anyone is interested in doing the same please visit: www.opendoorsusa.org it's an amazing site with lots of different ways u can help our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world :)
Well all day today; I knew that God had a Word for me today. I knew I had to get to my Bible. (didn't have time...work); but as today unfolded with this mess with my boss; and wondering what is going to happen with my job. (My boss is the 3 strikes you're fired type of guy).

I swear, I had a PEACE that overcame me (I was panicking).

Then I read Shimmie the dry bones scripture (thanks girl). I was just talking to God about how my career goals (and other dreams) haven't came to fruition. Considering these goals have been around about almost 10 years.

That scripture.....God's Promises...gave me new life and purpose to continue pursuing my goals.
Someone mailed us letter with no return address to "Resident" and inside was a photocopy of the 10 commandments with a handwritten message at the top of it about going to hell. I mean, why not put your name on it? I know what they are trying to do but ???? Going to ask my neighbors if they got one as well and if not, then I'll know it's either some youngster at my kids' school (they openly proselytize and it's irritating to the kids and mine won't join the christian club so they push???) or Jehova's witnesses who were after us 2 years ago. Thing is, this doesn't sound like anything that JW's do. Maybe I'm mistaken. I dunno, I find it kinda cowardly to mail something and not put your return on it. We get mail from various evangelical churches in the area all the time. This is just weird. I don't know who's doing it...unless some kid from the bus. I think that's it!!!
Just feeling so discouraged......I try my best to be a good honest person, live a Christian life, teach my children the same, but all I continue to be surrounded by is liars, users and abusers. I'm ready to live on a mountain somewhere by myself. Lord help me.
Happy Birthday to our amazing, beautiful and sweet sister in Christ LoveisYou! Enjoy your day girl! And today I e-celebrate with you and thank you for every encouraging word and for being a dear sister friend!
And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38, 39 NLT)
Happy Birthday to you, LoveisYou!!

God bless you ... your selfless encouragement doesn't go unnoticed in this Forum.... stay classy and stylish :)

Happy Birthday to our amazing, beautiful and sweet sister in Christ @LoveisYou! Enjoy your day girl! And today I e-celebrate with you and thank you for every encouraging word and for being a dear sister friend!


Happy Birthday to You, Angel. Wishing you showers upon showers of Blessings, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen. :pray:

Finally found a church home. I have been looking for a church for about a year now since DH and I relocated. I really enjoyed the service and it just felt right....

Now I am just waiting on the Lord to move on my job situation.
MISS.kane Yay where did you select if you don't mind me asking?

This message today again is hitting me really hard. I feel God is working on me on some deep issues that is scary. Glad that I have been given some support.
From the Ministry of Encouragement...

Jesus is not only able
to calm our storms,
but He is also able
to calm us in the storms.

Listen carefully because
one word from the Lord
can change everything.

In the name of Jesus
speak peace to yourself
and your storms.

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind,
and said unto the sea, Peace, be still.
And the wind ceased, and there was
a great calm” Mark 4:39
Notes from class:

Nehemiah 8:10 - ... The joy of the Lord is our strength

Pastor: "The enemy is not after our money, our spouses, our etc. He is after our joy. If the enemy can rob you of your joy, he can rob you of your strength."
I lift up my eyes to the hills- Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip -
He who watches over you will not slumber;
Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD watches over you
The LORD is your shade at your right hand;
The sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all harm -
He will watch over your life;
The LORD will watch over your coming and going
Both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121
With G-d's law, it's not about being perfect, it's about what you DO and what you don't DO. That levels the playing field for all.
I'm going to write this here as I just need to get it out. It really hurts when you are a introvert who is trying to be a better woman and reach out to people to mentor you and they ignore you. I have done this here and on another aveune and it hurts all the same. If you think I'm not pretty enough,smart enough,on a high enough status,or not skinny enough or whatever not enough for you then don't bother to start out as though you want to help but don't. I'm like borderline in tears because the more I tell myself your hard you will probable have to do everything alone the more I want to cry. It's not fair that I'm not the socially accepted person that makes people want to do things for. Depending on God right now doesn't seem to help either. I just want to be successful so I can enjoy my life be it alone or with a very select few.

The only positive I will focus on is at least they showed me their true selves before going too deep.
Gosh the last couple of months were soooooo difficult, but I learned so many valuable lessons. Thank you Jesus for keeping me through the storm. Though I couldn't see it then, the storm must end. Thank you for deliverance and Uour blessings.