2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

I know someone who is *always* hurting people with their anger. I don't know how God can allow it, it's really awful and they're
supposed to be Christian. They do some serious emotional damage to people. Yeah I get all that carp about not judging people, but until you've constantly been verbally abused by someone who God gave a position of authority over you, how about not judging me. If God is on this person's side, I wish I could un-know God.

I do feel sorry for this person in some ways and know God is understanding of their pain, but at what point is His anger aroused? Why is it so much easier for Him to punish me and make me suffer?

I see how atheists become atheists. A lot of them IMO are Christians or former Christians who are just pissed at Him and heartbroken. Just listening to them speak it's always "if there's a God then why ____?".

I feel "stuck" with God, like I can't unsee what I've seen of Him, but if that weren't the case I'd be gone too. Long gone...

Well, not judging someone in the sense that they have wrongs but not us. G-d said to forgive, not excuse nor ignore their wrongs. It's never ok for someone to harm another. We can forgive someone as Christ forgives us. In fact, we must. Believe me, I have a hard time with Hitler and Goebbels and slave masters of the past. But I must forgive them. It doesn't mean that what they did is of no consequence. But if I wish to receive forgiveness, I must take the first step in forgiving them. And often times, it means recognizing that we serve a sovereign G-d who sees all, even our own faults. They were enough to keep us from heaven if not for Christ's sacrifice. Think of it somewhat of letting go the anger against them, not against what they did. Take back the power of their hurt and not let it hurt us again. Everyone has to figure out just how that will happen in their own situation because it's going to look different with the individual case. If those hatreds surface, forgive in the heart again until we get it right, no? And ask for forgiveness from G-d as if righteous. Nothing in this life is easy but we can through Christ.
You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are. –Max Lucado

The Great I AM is.. therefore you are.
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
so right now I'm on a self imposed ban on lhfc (i even have a block set up and everything) but i started reading redeeming love by francine rivers again and I'm so angry at the people in this book. I took the block off just to come here and say how upset I am. His brother in law is just ugh I hate him. I really like Angel. Her life </3

Also, would you tell someone that someone is attracted to them? I believe a married man at my church is attracted to someone at my church. They're oblivious about it and think they are being kind and worried about her husband (that doesn't go there) I mean I don't know for sure, but, for some reason I don't feel right about it.
Why are there so much foolishness in the christian book store? I mean so many authors parading around like they are about the sound doctrine life? And want to charge 20 plus dollars a book. I just can't. I'm being real picky about what I feed myself spiritually. Just like I'm lactose intolerant in the physical I'm spiritual fat intolerant in the spiritual.
GoddessMaker said:
Why are there so much foolishness in the christian book store? I mean so many authors parading around like they are about the sound doctrine life? And want to charge 20 plus dollars a book. I just can't. I'm being real picky about what I feed myself spiritually. Just like I'm lactose intolerant in the physical I'm spiritual fat intolerant in the spiritual.

Im the same.

And don't get me started on some of the people on TV. Don't get me wrong, I really like some of them, but you really need to listen to what people are saying not just get caught up in how they present it.
brg240 said:
so right now I'm on a self imposed ban on lhfc (i even have a block set up and everything) but i started reading redeeming love by francine rivers again and I'm so angry at the people in this book. I took the block off just to come here and say how upset I am. His brother in law is just ugh I hate him. I really like Angel. Her life </3

Also, would you tell someone that someone is attracted to them? I believe a married man at my church is attracted to someone at my church. They're oblivious about it and think they are being kind and worried about her husband (that doesn't go there) I mean I don't know for sure, but, for some reason I don't feel right about it.

Oh I love this book too!! I need to read it again.
Had a nice chat with mom earlier today... (oops..that's yesterday now)
I miss open-air meetings in the islands sometimes... It's so different here in US. But what she shared bears testimony...she was preaching to the crowd a week ago and said she was surprised the words came out of her mouth, but she told them - paraphrasing - "Some of you here have years left, some months and some even days..it may be the last time you hear my voice or hear someone ask you to give your life to Christ."
There was a young man in that crowd who she found out, later in the week, had a bout of vomiting and ended up dying at the hospital. She is praying he did give his life to God after that message ... it was a great reminder, that this life is not our own. Ever utter something that surprises you, only to see later, that there was a purpose? Separation of body and spirit serves as a great reminder that the things we find to be so important are not at all and have no value in the spiritual realm or in the after life. That is why people die everyday. People we take for granted, should not be. We all will die one day and face God for ourselves.. God's not going to be concerned about anyone else but the one standing before Him...the Good Book says so...He'll be concerned about what I did with the Life He gave me. In His Presence, my mouth won't be able to utter any excuses.... the worries of this life..money, clothes, food, people we hate, like, don't like.. that all will cease one day.

God said His Word will never pass away, nor return to Him void. Amein~

I started reading the Bible again, and I'm following two devotional series. It's about time I got serious about this!
Had a nice chat with mom earlier today... (oops..that's yesterday now)
I miss open-air meetings in the islands sometimes... It's so different here in US. But what she shared bears testimony...she was preaching to the crowd a week ago and said she was surprised the words came out of her mouth, but she told them - paraphrasing - "Some of you here have years left, some months and some even days..it may be the last time you hear my voice or hear someone ask you to give your life to Christ."
There was a young man in that crowd who she found out, later in the week, had a bout of vomiting and ended up dying at the hospital. She is praying he did give his life to God after that message ... it was a great reminder, that this life is not our own. Ever utter something that surprises you, only to see later, that there was a purpose? Separation of body and spirit serves as a great reminder that the things we find to be so important are not at all and have no value in the spiritual realm or in the after life. That is why people die everyday. People we take for granted, should not be. We all will die one day and face God for ourselves.. God's not going to be concerned about anyone else but the one standing before Him...the Good Book says so...He'll be concerned about what I did with the Life He gave me. In His Presence, my mouth won't be able to utter any excuses.... the worries of this life..money, clothes, food, people we hate, like, don't like.. that all will cease one day.

God said His Word will never pass away, nor return to Him void. Amein~

I didn't know your mom was a minister...that's awesome news! Now I see where you get it from :giggle:

That was an awesome message and a message that needs to be heard more and more. Thank you for sharing!
When we look at King Solomon, we see a man in 3 parts of his life:

The Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs) was in his youthful life where everything was love and romance.:grin:

The Book of Proverbs - In his mid-life where he had experienced some things....he knew who God was and what He wanted from him, yet he did what he wanted to do with his life and it was not all good either.:nono:

Ecclesiastes - In his old age where he realized that there is nothing new under the sun....this is when he lived the wisdom he spoke about.:yep:

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:
a time to be born, and a time to die;
a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted;
a time to kill, and a time to heal;
a time to break down, and a time to build up;
a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;
a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
a time to seek, and a time to lose;
a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
a time to tear, and a time to sew;
a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
a time to love, and a time to hate;
a time for war, and a time for peace.

What gain has the worker from his toil? I have seen the business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with. He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man.

I perceived that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it. God has done it, so that people fear before him. That which is, already has been; that which is to be, already has been; and God seeks what has been driven away. Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 (ESV)

I looked at my own life this morning, and being in my "mid-life" needed to ask myself some questions after reading this.

Am I where I am supposed to be?
Am I doing what the Lord asked of me?
Can I honestly say the Lord is pleased with my life?
Am I an open book to the Lord and can He see my true heart? (of course He knows all things, but this question is for me as to am I being real with Him)

I have learned in the years that I have lived already....there is nothing new under the sun. I must be changed so that the Lord can work on me first, then I can become a change-agent and help others.

Thank you Lord, for always giving me revelation about me and what I must do to change. Let your light shine in my heart that I may see you there and not look for others to see you there first.

Our God is Greater

Water You turned into wine
Open the eyes of the blind
There's no one like You
None like You
Into the darkness You shine
Out of the ashes we rise
There's no one like You
None like You

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God...

Into the darkness you shine
Out of the ashes we rise
There's no One like You
None like You.

Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God...
Our God is greater, our God is stronger
God You are higher than any other
Our God is Healer, awesome in power
Our God, Our God...
[ Lyrics from:
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
And if Our God is for us, then who could ever stop us
And if our God is with us, then what can stand against?
What can stand against?
Father give me patience, grace and the tolerance to deal with my boss. He didn't lie when he said he has some irritating ways about him.
Ok I have a question this is to all the bible scholars and the pastors and copastors here. I was doing my subject matter bible study and came on John 15:10. I was reading the side notes and it states that to be obedient we must do it in love. That being good christians shouldn't be done in drudgery.

My question is how is this possible. Am I suppose to smiley and sappy while I persucute the flesh daily? Or is this is something that you develop over time? I'm trying to go deeper in my walk and there have been things that have come to head lately that I knew was there but didn't know it would really ruffle my walk. But with that I want to be good and pleasing but everything I don't feel is something to be happy about. Like I need to study my bible at times I don't want to read anything not even this site let alone the bible. Ok any thoughts and no bible slapping me lol.
my pastor preached the same message two weeks back to back, I know we've been hearing for years now that no man knows the day or the hour but, that can be today for me and tomorrow for someone else it's very sobering and we should NOT be non-chalant because our day hasn't come yet, it will come and we need to be ready.

Had a nice chat with mom earlier today... (oops..that's yesterday now)
I miss open-air meetings in the islands sometimes... It's so different here in US. But what she shared bears testimony...she was preaching to the crowd a week ago and said she was surprised the words came out of her mouth, but she told them - paraphrasing - "Some of you here have years left, some months and some even days..it may be the last time you hear my voice or hear someone ask you to give your life to Christ."
There was a young man in that crowd who she found out, later in the week, had a bout of vomiting and ended up dying at the hospital. She is praying he did give his life to God after that message ... it was a great reminder, that this life is not our own. Ever utter something that surprises you, only to see later, that there was a purpose? Separation of body and spirit serves as a great reminder that the things we find to be so important are not at all and have no value in the spiritual realm or in the after life. That is why people die everyday. People we take for granted, should not be. We all will die one day and face God for ourselves.. God's not going to be concerned about anyone else but the one standing before Him...the Good Book says so...He'll be concerned about what I did with the Life He gave me. In His Presence, my mouth won't be able to utter any excuses.... the worries of this life..money, clothes, food, people we hate, like, don't like.. that all will cease one day.

God said His Word will never pass away, nor return to Him void. Amein~
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Ok I have a question this is to all the bible scholars and the pastors and copastors here. I was doing my subject matter bible study and came on John 15:10. I was reading the side notes and it states that to be obedient we must do it in love. That being good christians shouldn't be done in drudgery.

My question is how is this possible. Am I suppose to smiley and sappy while I persucute the flesh daily? Or is this is something that you develop over time? I'm trying to go deeper in my walk and there have been things that have come to head lately that I knew was there but didn't know it would really ruffle my walk. But with that I want to be good and pleasing but everything I don't feel is something to be happy about. Like I need to study my bible at times I don't want to read anything not even this site let alone the bible. Ok any thoughts and no bible slapping me lol.

I'm no biblical scholar nor pastor/co-pastor...but I think that if you develop a spirit of gratitude for what He's done positively for you, that would be part of the worship in love. It sometimes takes time to realize just what G-d has done for us. If it's just even for gratitude that He sacrificed Himself on the cross to open heaven for us all...that might be a start...then build from that.
Ok I have a question this is to all the bible scholars and the pastors and copastors here. I was doing my subject matter bible study and came on John 15:10. I was reading the side notes and it states that to be obedient we must do it in love. That being good christians shouldn't be done in drudgery.

My question is how is this possible. Am I suppose to smiley and sappy while I persucute the flesh daily? Or is this is something that you develop over time? I'm trying to go deeper in my walk and there have been things that have come to head lately that I knew was there but didn't know it would really ruffle my walk. But with that I want to be good and pleasing but everything I don't feel is something to be happy about. Like I need to study my bible at times I don't want to read anything not even this site let alone the bible. Ok any thoughts and no bible slapping me lol.

My question is how is this possible. Am I suppose to smiley and sappy while I persucute the flesh daily? No, that certainly is not me....I'm not smiley or sappy all the time:lol:.

What helped me GM was to ask myself some questions about how I feel about God and what He means to me. In order to love, I had to first understand the One who is Love and in order to be obedient, I had to first understand what it truly means and I could only do that with the Lord.

Once I answered that question with a sincere heart, I then asked myself am I doing everything possible to get to know who God is and am I developing a relationship with Him. Once again, I had to answer that sincerely....I then realized that I was not doing ALL that I could do to know God and I said to myself that if I don't try to do everything I can to have a relationship with Him, then I won't know what love really is.

I began a relationship with Him by spending time with Him and it was not easy. I purposed it in my heart that I was going to try to do this and the more time I took to make it happen, the easier it got.

After awhile, I began to realize that it wasn't something that I HAD to do, but something that I WANTED to do....I began to fall in love.:love3:

What a whirlwind!!! The Lord swept me off my feet and I haven't landed yet!!! It's been 24 years and I still love spending time with Him!

I said all of this to say....purpose in your heart to spend time and get to know Him. I know it won't be easy, but just say "I'm gonna do it and nothing is going to stop me!" Trust me...you will not regret it.

I hope this helps you in some way.

God bless you, always :kiss:
so right now I'm on a self imposed ban on lhfc (i even have a block set up and everything) but i started reading redeeming love by francine rivers again and I'm so angry at the people in this book. I took the block off just to come here and say how upset I am. His brother in law is just ugh I hate him. I really like Angel. Her life </3

Also, would you tell someone that someone is attracted to them? I believe a married man at my church is attracted to someone at my church. They're oblivious about it and think they are being kind and worried about her husband (that doesn't go there) I mean I don't know for sure, but, for some reason I don't feel right about it.

Pray... ask God to divide the two of them immediately. And pray. If you say something it may spark interest or curiousity between them about each other.

If this woman is having problems with her husband, it will more than likely 'flatter her' that someone else finds her interesting and/or attractive.

In addtion, if this married man who has 'befriended' her hears the words that she may be attracted to him, it more than likely will pump his male ego and give him the green light to 'pursue' something more with her.

Therefore, pray for God to put an end to it before it goes any further.
She is... not an "ordained" minister by way of title..just loves the Lord and her ministries are with the sick, children and the encarcerated... But yes, girl, sometime her words are so timely or she'll send me a text that causes me to 'be still'.. lol She's most certainly my Naomi ..

I didn't know your mom was a minister...that's awesome news! Now I see where you get it from :giggle:

That was an awesome message and a message that needs to be heard more and more. Thank you for sharing!
DaiseeDay I finished reading it that night. I started over a year ago but once I got to pg 148 it started getting good. :lol: After that I couldn't put it down :yep:
This story made me really angry while reading it. :( Paul(her brother in law) upset me sooo much, but, I guess like Angel needed forgiveness/redemption he needed it too. But I disliked him so much.

I don't think I liked it as much as A Voice In the Wind/ An Echo in the Darkness. The Mark of the Lion series made me reexamine my walk with God. Hadessah I thought had such a pure spirit. Angel spoke to flesh, because in my head i was making smart comments right along with her :lol:
Ya'll I took a test today, that i really didn't study for. :look: And I was praying like Lord please help me/bring things to my remembrance and the scripture "Faith without works is dead" and "Do all things to the glory of God" kept popping in my head. :look:

but to quote a song i was listening to "Shame on me, 'cause the blame's on me but Hallelujah the Lord showed His grace on me" The person proctoring said i did alright. I even got an 84 on a program i never used before. :)

Also, someone almost crashed into me today but thank God for some reason i had swung my car out farther when turning. :)

hope all ya'll had a blessed day :kiss:
Ok ladies I have some things to share and need some insight. Please don't be too rough I'm rough on myself enough.

Ok so with my line of work I work with the unemployed all day long. I got a customer who talked to me for 2 hours today. I asked him what happened at his last job and it turned into a 2 hour testimony and witnessing session. I left the conversation uplifted and encouraged.

He gave me 2 churches that he has been apart of and since they are local to my area I'm thinking maybe I should look into them. I love Zion Church with all my heart. I get sad when the service is over because that is when it's over for me. I'm thinking on the Sundays I don't have to do pray monitoring I can try and visit those 2 churches. For me I have been in all black churches most of my life. So these churches aren't of that racial makeup. I feel a bit uncomfy as there are issues that non black people just can't relate to. I know before someone states a church has no race. True,however being with some like faces never hurt.

He asked me if I read my bible and what not. I stated I do. He said as he talked to me at the end that I am self-schooling myself quite well esp on the various things we talked about. He asked me before he left what concerns do I have he could pray about.

I was so drained after this conversation because it was so surprising to hear a white man be so transpareant with me a black woman of no status in this world. He has gone from being a unbeliever to a believer. He knows the day he got saved which really was very outstanding to me. He shared a lot which really put me in a different frame of mind about my walk.

I think the funniest thing he asked me was is men reading the bible suppose to be attractive since some ladies were giving him and his friend the eye lol. He also asked me would I ever marry a man who was not black. That was very thought provoking. He is a trained professional when it comes to looking at a person esp bc of his 27 years of police officer experience. He was so open about his flaws like that he said I use to profile young black dudes but then after working at a school where the guys looked one way but then were just as well mannered as could be it checked me.

I haven't been right all day since that convo. I had to come straight home from work because of it. It's no coincidence I had to help him. I just want to process all of this and grow.

Ok thanks for reading if you did..
I'm not going back! I'm moving ahead! I'm here to declare to you my past is over, in You all things are made new! Surrender my life to Christ I'm moving moving FORWARD!!!! FORWARD!!!!!
She is... not an "ordained" minister by way of title..just loves the Lord and her ministries are with the sick, children and the encarcerated... But yes, girl, sometime her words are so timely or she'll send me a text that causes me to 'be still'.. lol She's most certainly my Naomi ..
This is so beautiful!!! I would love to meet her one day...:love3:
Lord can you show me how not to be so aggravated? Is it possible to not be agged when your in a season of poverty and lack? I notice that the job I'm in drains me mentally,which makes me just want to not be bothered but once I'm out I'm so much calmer. Trying to remember that it could be worst so I need to just need to keep that in mind.
Morning Blessings

Psalm 121:7-8
The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.