2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Slowly learning to bite my tongue. There was an issue, but the Lord told me to be quiet. For a change, I ignored my flesh and kept my mouth shut. Seems like the situation has been resolved....for now.
Girrrrrlll... God is good. I got the same admonition TODAY!

Slowly learning to bite my tongue. There was an issue, but the Lord told me to be quiet. For a change, I ignored my flesh and kept my mouth shut. Seems like the situation has been resolved....for now.
I like the way HE operates HE tells some to be quiet and HE tells others to speak, right now he's telling me to speak, sometimes speaking can be a scary prospect ...
Deut 31:6
Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the LORD your God, he it is that does go with you; he will not fail you, nor forsake you.

Jer 1:8
Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the LORD.”
GoddessMaker, thank you Dear Christian, I was happy to read that you are getting help, you have come along way and I see it in your posts. Keep holding on no matter how it seems, KNOW that the Lord will come through for you in every way.
I just found out a boy I was friends with got hit by a car and killed last night. Only 31 yrs old with a fiancé and 2 small kids. You just never know when ur last day will be. There are so many people that didn't wake up today yet so many of us are worried about the stupidest things smh. This really puts things in perspective. Gotta stop wasting time on stuff that doesn't matter
Iwanthealthyhair67 Yes I believe that a lot actually. I have come to grips that I have placed myself in the position I was in because I felt I was suppose to be there. Glad for praying people.

@kila82 very true. We can't beat ourselves down however. Situations like you mentioned happen in order to push us to new heights.

I use to believe that I deserved to be hurt growing up. If I had been pretty little princess I wouldn't have had things happen. Now I know that is wrong and thankful God hasn't given up on me yet. He that started a good work will see it to completion. Thank God for grace and thank God for those that love you with truth and peace.
This story about Jessie Jackson Jr. is just heart-wrenching.

@Shimmie, @Health&hair28, @TraciChanel, @Iwanthealthyhair67 and all the other wonderful praying ladies... please keep this young man in prayer and all the young men, esp black males, who are fighting this demon and other mental health issues - some without any help from anyone. I pray for complete victory in their lives!
There are times in life it seems as if someone/something is "assigned" to us..and just can't shake 'em. :lol: But get this: Paul had a thorn in his side and had asked God to remove it from his life. Oh, for it to be so easy; but God --knowing what's good for Paul -- told him "No, My Grace is sufficient" It is up to me accept God's answer and allow His Grace to keep me when I see the splinters. Prayer changes EVERYTHING. Taking it to The Throne and leaving it there is a wiser choice than trying to fight a battle I don't even need to fight.
I'm a touch confused. People say God is loving and kind and non-critical but as I read more and more I'm finding that untrue. Maybe it's my interputation. Maybe what I'm seeing is fueled more by my own perfectionism issue more less this angry God. I feel good having finally completed the whole book of Psalms. That was alot of chapters lol. I guess in this walk it's trying to find this balance. The word says if I have not love I have nothing but then again if I look back then I'm not fit to be in the kingdom. Rome wasn't built in a day I guess nor will I..
Wow I enjoyed reading the spirits of distraction thread. Although slightly off topic, it made me realize that there are spirits of distractions in my life EVERYDAY! And I allow it to happen. All the things I am "supposed" to be doing are getting in the way of what I want to do and what God is calling me to do. School, finding the right diet for me and trying to make sure I eat healthy, exercising, studying, getting enough sleep...are all things I NEED to do....but I also allowed my life to get out of balance. Before school started, I was reading a few chapters of the bible, reflecting and praying EVERYDAY! As soon as school started it was like....drop everything and study. Of course I still pray because I NEED God to get me through this but I oftentimes will pick up my pathology book and never even look towards my bible for the day. Those are all distractions. They're not BAD distractions because they are forming me into the woman and future physician that God wants me to be but I also need to remember that it is HE who has brought me this far and that I shouldn't forfeit my daily reading/praising/praying just to study. I need to find balance and I pray that I get better throughout this fast. Pray for me ladies please :-) Thanks!
Our mass was held in the park today, in a barn. I had to rush from the Church to get to it because we weren't here last week and didn't know. Well, this might be the last year we're over here and I've been meaning to attend one of our parish masses in the park/picnic. Boy, did my bursitis hurt...it was standing room only. And why did the pianist choose such hokey pokey music style today? lol
If you've seen disappointment or rejection lately, be encouraged. I have seen a couple of times now that disappointment/rejection has meant greater blessing down the road.

Last year, I was really hoping to get into a certain niche industry and was wowed when the perfect job happened to be listed on the school's job board. I was called for an interview and it went well, and I was sure it was for me. But then I got word that they chose someone else. :( Well, I was let down, but not dissuaded. This was a tiny small business operating out of a couple's home. They mentioned in the interview that one of their large clients (big company) used to ask for referrals for interns. I remembered that he mentioned that and made a cold call to one of the VPs at that big company. When all was said and done, the big company offered me an internship making twice as much as the first one was offering, and for over twice as long, with the possibility of being hired on. The exposure from that internship was immense and I got so much more from that one than I would have gotten at the family business that chose someone else. I believe I was only meant to interview with that company so that I could learn about the larger company.

Most recently, there was a job that I thought was just *perfect*. I was so excited about it and did more preparation than I had ever done before (they even required essays). Got an interview, but in the first 5 seconds I knew the woman interviewing me wasn't really interested, and ultimately I got word that I didn't get the position. I was disappointed and a little confused because, again, I thought my background was right for it and I was genuine in my interest. Well, very shortly thereafter, I saw a post for my current position, and after working here, see that this job is sooo much better than the other one would have been. It has everything I was looking for in the first one, but with a mission and culture that is 10x better than the first.

The Lord really is faithful, even through disappointments. I remember a bible study teacher saying years ago that sometimes God takes us through disappointment to purify our hearts before Him before taking us to our blessed end. So trust Him and lay everything at His feet--especially when your hopes have been dashed. He is good. :yep:
Was feeling anxious about something but thankfully I got my message in today. The peace of God is a game changer. The peace of God goes beyond our understanding because for us to be in peace when everything around us is falling down doesn't make sense but God.
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Blessed to have worshiped with friends at their Methodist church yesterday... it was not my style of worship but I really enjoyed the fellowship and lunch. Food for the heart/soul and mouth... God is good.
One of my spiritual mentors introduced me to Chuck Pierce's ministry online, I really like him....he's deep and profound, but you'll learn a whole lot. God really blessed him with wisdom
Praying against slander.

"Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge." James 4:11
I think I've said this 10x on this forum but I love love Brian Courtney Wilson. Been listening to Awesome God all morning, great worship music. I've had a hard time finding stuff to listen to these days so when find something I play it out! Lol