2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

One day I will finally accept I was made to be a certain part of the body and not another and be ok with it. Right now I still get mad I wasn't made to be extremely intelligent with the ability to do everything perfectly. Some people have the ability that anything they touch it's gold. I also have to accept that I may never be fully whole and my affliction may always be until death of this body. I am thankful for support from those you have placed in my life. I never quite accept that I always try and add people but it never works. The people I know God placed in my life are those that things fluidly flow and I don't feel like I have to be a mask wearer.
This book "The Confident Woman" is SUCH a HUGE blessing to me, I can't say enough about it!!!! Thank you Jesus for placing it in my path, it is EXACTLY what I needed. Another quote:

"None of us living in a fleshly body has a perfect record, we all make mistakes and yours probably are no worse than anyone else's. So, stop beating up on yourself and start expecting God to be God in your life. BE Confident even when you don't FEEL confident and watch God work."
"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." — Romans 12:2.​
I'm puzzled, when did Jesus die exactly, I don't mean on the cross when he rose again but after that, when did he actually die or is he still alive today (in spirt)?

Sorry if this sound dumb

Read the Nicene Creed. Google it. It's an affirmation of faith and the tenets of the faith.
Heard the Newsboy's "Jesus Freak" on the radio yesterday and it pretty much sums up how I've been feeling lately.
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Been relishing in God's presence...quite refreshing. Even started back journaling and sharing a devotion with my friends via email.
LoveisYou said:
This book "The Confident Woman" is SUCH a HUGE blessing to me, I can't say enough about it!!!! Thank you Jesus for placing it in my path, it is EXACTLY what I needed. Another quote:

"None of us living in a fleshly body has a perfect record, we all make mistakes and yours probably are no worse than anyone else's. So, stop beating up on yourself and start expecting God to be God in your life. BE Confident even when you don't FEEL confident and watch God work."

I thoroughly enjoyed that book...I was in a self-esteem battle and it blessed me tremendously.
heard a good message today about paying attention to details. it's not that we shouldn't pay attention to them, but we shouldn't fight over them. :yep:
To be airy and free seems so unreal but I know it's possible I see it too often. Not the fakery but real free joy. This weekend was really eye opening to things that is sad but sometimes it's needed to see other things. I don't believe pain has to be the bane of my existence. I wonder if the calm I'm feeling right now is the still before the storm or God way of preparing me for today's dr. appt. Change is coming and I'm glad that there are some who I am able to speak to about it. Depression will not be my life.
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

James 1:6-8
I did something today that I didn't think I would ever do. I was uplifted by someone I wouldn't think would care that much. At times this thing here is good and bad bc we don't pick up everything. I'm glad to have what I have here but I'm glad I have some irl ppl now too. Life isn't that bad.
It hits me today, a random act that he didn't know another witnessed and it uplifted me. I'm not alone in this walk, there is a whole community out there that cares and takes a risk every single day to do what the world thinks as stupid.

An elder man drove past the nursing home and he did the sign of the cross. I did one too, because he did one. May such things multiply and encourage others. We are not perfect, but L-rd, help us to demonstrate that spark once in awhile. We may never know who we uplift.
I'm learning at times we have to step outside of ourseleves and be sensitive to others. At times being overly aggressive hurts the body of Christ honestly. I have witness that and have done that recently. I'm glad I was prompted by God to rectify the situation bc I don't want that type of damage. If I'm wrong it's not hard to say I'm sorry bc it's better to make amends then to be all extra with pride.
I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.

Had lunch with a friend the other day. Enjoyed her company, as always, but it has become even more apparent that she is part of the reason for the rift that is between me and a mutual friend of ours. For a split second I wondered if she did this out of jealousy. It hurts me. It hurts to know that she would cause discord out of jealousy. She has no reason to be jealous of me. It hurts to know that she seems almost at peace with this rift because she knows that there is no chance that me and this other person will ever be friends again. And can I even call her a friend?
Sometimes even in our pain we have to stop and help others. We can't get too high horsed in thinking well I encouraged you you should be better by now. I have witnessed this first hand and it makes me strieve that even while someone is going through even if I have said the same things over and over not to give up on them. It hurts badly. I have faith that the ones that are hurting won't hurt always bc God comforts those in pain.
Think about what you've been thinking about.

We have to pay attention to our thoughts. Holy Spirit let me be aware when I'm engaging in stinking thinking.

You are not what you feel, you are what you believe.
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LoveisYou said:
Think about what you've been thinking about.

We have to pay attention to our thoughts. Holy Spirit let me be aware when I'm engaging in stinking thinking.

You are not what you feel, you are what you believe.

Amen sis! Needed this! We have control over what we think, feel and say! Just because the thought enters my brain or the feeling enters my body doesn't mean I HAVE to entertain it. Joyce Meyer said "If someone gives u a bottle of poison are u gonna take it just cause they offered it to you? Ofcourse not!" it's the same with negativity period! We don't have to be negative just because a feeling or thought comes to us.
GoddessMaker said:
Sometimes even in our pain we have to stop and help others. We can't get too high horsed in thinking well I encouraged you you should be better by now. I have witnessed this first hand and it makes me strieve that even while someone is going through even if I have said the same things over and over not to give up on them. It hurts badly. I have faith that the ones that are hurting won't hurt always bc God comforts those in pain.

I def agree however that person also has to want to get better. Unfortunately some people stay in the same place spiritually for years because they like being the victim. They like the attention and they don't feel God really loves them which makes it impossible for them to get healing. Encourage people yes but also recognize people that may be there just to drain you spiritually. I had a friend like this who I am no longer friends with and I thank God I finally realized this and moved on lol. I wish the best for her but ultimately I cannot make anyone change, none of us can. All we can do is pray for that person and believe that they will overcome their issues
I've been refocusing during this month and it feels great! Spending time with God in the morning, reading his word and praying def has revived me! Even my skin is glowing lolol. I feel so special and loved by Him right now :)
Amen sis! Needed this! We have control over what we think, feel and say! Just because the thought enters my brain or the feeling enters my body doesn't mean I HAVE to entertain it. Joyce Meyer said "If someone gives u a bottle of poison are u gonna take it just cause they offered it to you? Ofcourse not!" it's the same with negativity period! We don't have to be negative just because a feeling or thought comes to us.

Wow, powerful!!!!!!

I'm actually listening to this sermon by Joyce Meyer now