I just broke down at work.....I feel like I am about to literally fall into a million pieces. I feel like I'm being persecuted.
I keep asking God what did I do wrong? Because I feel like only an evil, horrible bad person should be going through all the things that I am going through.
Lord at this time when I see only one set of footprints in the sand, carry me as only You can. Protect my babies. Help me to show them love even though all I have in my heart is despair and fear.
Sweetie... I'm just holding you in my heart, as I would hold my babygirl or one of my sisters. Holding you and letting you just cry it all out. Every tear of pain until it is all washed away.
For a moment of Truth: This is not going to last 'forever'. All that you are going through is not going to last forever. One day it will just 'stop'. You'll wake up one morning, get up and go about your daily activities, you'll come to the end of that day, go to sleep, wake up and suddenly, you will be aware that something is no longer there. You will notice that all of the pain is just gone. It went away; without an announcement, without saying goodbye, it just up and went away.
Little one, I cannot explain it any better than that, except that you will not have to endure this pain forever and I dare to speak not much longer. It will soon, just 'go away'. And you will be all the more stronger for all that you have been through.
You mentioned 'footprints' in the sand...
Sweetie... Close your eyes. Just rest, relax, straighten your neck and your back, relax and close your eyes. There you are sitting in the sand and right next to you is Jesus... He's sitting right there next to you. He's reaching out and holding your hand, letting you 'cry it all out'. He understands, for He is not untouched by our feelings.
Sweetie... Jesus reaches out to hold you in His loving arms and allows you to bury your face into his strong and loving shoulders. He's there, holding you and in your ear, He whispers;
You are my Love and my Life, for it is my Life that I have given to you as my gift of my Presence, and I am yours forevermore.
I'm sitting right here beside you, I will not move. Ask of me what's in your heart, just ask of me and when you are ready to move, I will make it happen.
One step, two steps, 'baby steps'...take your time. When you are ready to move... I am here, I will carry you... I will make it happen.
'Sweetie"... Close your eyes and see the Lord who is surely with you.
In Jesus' Name... Amen
"... O' ... greatly beloved, fear not: peace [be] unto thee, be strong, yea, be strong. And when he had spoken unto me, I was strengthened, and said,
Let my lord speak; for thou hast strengthened me......" Daniel 10:19
:Rose: :Rose: :Rose:
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will[a] ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
John 15:7