2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Wondering how to tell a relative that he shouldn't get married to his fiance in June...don't want to cause trouble and really don't want him to let her know why I don't think they have sought God's counsel in their decision to marry....sigh
I have experienced that with a close friend. I told her what the Lord showed me about him and I begged her not to marry him...I cried and everything.

Well, he convinced her not to be my friend anymore and she married him anyway. He beat her the whole marriage.:nono: She finally got up the strength to leave him. He passed away, so she was free to move on.

I said all of this to say the best thing you can do is pray for him. Pray that the Lord will open up his eyes so that he can see the truth. He may still marry her, but it will be his own choice.

I will keep this in prayer for you. I know how you feel :hug3:
Random Thought:
God is Good all the time, and all the time, God is Good. Nothing but Good comes from Him and I am grateful and praise Him today for His Mercy and Grace; for saving lives and for those who stand in the gap, despite what is going on in this off-beat world. Have mercy Father, Have mercy....

Love you, my sister...my friend! :hug2:
Please tell me someone else sees that ad to the right with a picture of a man, with the text: "Aged 25-44? Long-haired? Our Christian singles in your area love long hair! Christiancafe.com"


:lol: No, I don't see it. I see Redken and Jamaican Black Castor Oil
:lachen: I did a double take when I first saw it as well....hilarious

for you Shimmie, here's the ad. Hopefully you can see it before they take it down. lol


:lol: No, I don't see it. I see Redken and Jamaican Black Castor Oil
I'm 100% convinced that I judge myself much harder and more often than God does. I'm gonna relax and enjoy my life and stop trying to be perfect. I'll never be perfect and God doesn't expect that of me. He loves me as is, flaws and all. It's time for me to see myself and love myself as my Heavenly Father does.
I'm 100% convinced that I judge myself much harder and more often than God does. I'm gonna relax and enjoy my life and stop trying to be perfect. I'll never be perfect and God doesn't expect that of me. He loves me as is, flaws and all. It's time for me to see myself and love myself as my Heavenly Father does.
:giveheart: :love2:
I'm 100% convinced that I judge myself much harder and more often than God does. I'm gonna relax and enjoy my life and stop trying to be perfect. I'll never be perfect and God doesn't expect that of me. He loves me as is, flaws and all. It's time for me to see myself and love myself as my Heavenly Father does.

@luving me I really almost came to tears with this post. I often feel this way but there is always something that makes me go into hyper drive of being so hyper critical of myself. You truly must have been in my journal soo seriously..

Thinking and tearing up I think that I'm not adjusting too well in this time of my life. I know one day I may get to look back and understand why all of this has come up so quickly and so fiercely. I feel right now is the time to develop and not go backwards. It's so foreign for me to say I'm not happy because I'm mad scared of what is ahead of me. I know that I was made and equipped with the right tools to handle all that I'm going through right now. God hasn't left me even though I want to leave him. God must have something over the horizon because he is sending me people to help me while I'm going. This must be the crushing phase because it hurts but after crushing one can be remade into what he the potter desires.
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Being a daughter of the Father makes a difference if one's proactive about developing or else...:

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear Son
In general, a true friend will tell their friend the truth even if they don't like it. It's not a betrayal if you told others because they were foolish enough to do something with severe consequences. In other words, it's reprehensible and they are violating other's civil liberties along with laws. In addition, they wouldn't want what they did done back to them...It means that you were concerned deeply about their future and welfare...even if they weren't.
Going out with a street evangelism team tonight.

Folks would say since I'm an introvert, bad at striking up conversations, and terrified of rejection I had no business out there. However, with God I can do anything. I'm excited and can't wait to see Him move. :)
Going out with a street evangelism team tonight.

Folks would say since I'm an introvert, bad at striking up conversations, and terrified of rejection I had no business out there. However, with God I can do anything. I'm excited and can't wait to see Him move. :)
Love, love, love street evangelism!
ya know what, I thank God for Jesus, he really makes the difference...if you let him.

Oh He's real, He's real Jesus is real to me
Oh Jesus, he gives me the Victory
so many people doubt him, but I can't live without him
That is why I love him so, cause Jesus is real to me
God I may not be perfect but you made me perfect for your purpose. I have kinks in me and I may never be this bible thumping demure type. I'm thankful for being me and I can only own and embrace me. Not everyone is going to love,like or encourage me.I will continue to encourage as many as I can and just fuel from the good feeling of helping others. I will pursue my life and not feel scared anymore about making mistakes because its already written. I'm thankful right now even though we have gotten another bad report on the health of someone. Grandma is healing but he son my abuser may have kidney issues. God the healer of my heart can be the healer of his body.
Meditating on this today...

2 Thessalonians 2:3
Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
Thank God, we have this great assurance of protection and all things work for our good:

But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.
The devil is a liar. Don't be used by him....for the moment you think you have it all together, he will turn on you and bite you in the behind.:nono:

Repentance is of uttermost importance in the life of not only the believer, but those who claim to know Christ.

Repent...for the Kingdom of God is at hand....