2012 Ceramides Challenge (Part I)

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I think I forgot to officially join this challenge. I stay using ceramide oils for every purpose; HOTs, steaming, DCing, and sealing. I use grapseed, wheat germ, sunflower and almond.

halee_J I see you are trying to squash that fake list that is floating around. Its been causing confusion for a long time. In the original ceramide thread (2010 I think?) it was exposed as being an incorrect list and then a challenge member found a research paper on ceramides and oils. Turns out the oil with the actual highest amount was almond. I think she gave a true list with percentages. Hope that helps. When I'm back on my laptop I'll see if I can dig it up.
OK ladies, I went out on a date tonight and ended up with a jar of red palm oil. This is my kind of first date. He white & Vietnamese and he is in love with my hair. This could be promising if I could get him to stop trying to touch it.
NappyNelle Your welcome. I told him about my hair obsession and my luv of MAC make-up. He asked a few questions but I never expected a hair gift. She is grateful and wants to keep him of course. They were doing a little flirting
Today's a Skala day. I have the G3 mask soaking into my hair as a prepoo. Going to use the G3 shampoo, Lissative conditioner, and G3 leave-in today.
@halee_J hope this helps.
Information courtesy of @lilikoi from the 2010 Ceramides Challenge (post # 734). We need to squash that erroneous list for good. I'm guilty of forgetting this info because I fell in love with grapeseed oil.


ALERT! This is really erroneous information!

Originally Posted by beautyaddict1913 View Post
I haven't posted in this thread in a while but Im still involved! I dont know if this has already been posted but I found this info about ceramides on a hair board when I googled more information about it, and I have been meaning to share.

Oils high in ceramides...(Sorted by percentage)

Safflower oil 78%
Grape seed oil 73%
Poppyseed oil 70%
Sunflower oil 68%
Hemp oil 60%
Corn oil 59%
Wheat germ oil 55%
Cottonseed oil 54%
Soybean oil 51%
Walnut oil 51%
Sesame oil 45%
Rice bran oil 39%
Pistachio oil 32.7%
Peanut oil 32%
Sorry to rain on the parade but we need to clarify this.

That lists refers to linoleic acid percentages, NOT CERAMIDES.
The original list appears here:

To my knowledge, there's no natural plant-based oil that contains such high percentages of ceramides as listed in the quoted thread (usual content is way less that 10%). The original poster probably found the erroneously labeled list at the long hair comunity forum (sorry,no link for this one--it's again this forum's rules. But you can look it up. The tread title is " Ceramides" in the "Mane" forum...) The poster there didn't even bother to mention a reference.

I looked up a couple of scientific papers on lipid analysis of various oils. The percentages listed are:
rice oil-- ~1% ceramide
walnut oil-- ~2.3% sphingolipids (wich are mostly but not totally composed of ceramides)
almond oil-- Looks like 22% ceramide out of 10% polar lipids in the total oil sample (90% neutral oils) which represents a correction: ignore this--->ceramide<---- sphingolipid concentration of ~2.2 % and a ceramide concentration of %60 of that for ~1.32% ceramide in the total oil amount (someone check my math):

"Lipid classes of almond oil
The analysis of oil A showed the presence of five lipid classes (Table I). Neutral lipids were found in high amounts (89.9% of total lipids) and the predominant lipid class was the triacylglycerides (84.7%) while the polar lipids represented 10.1% of total lipids. The polar lipids were found to be consisted of 22% sphingolipids and 78% phospholipids. Further analysis of sphingolipids presented two distinctive groups of which type III and type IV ceramides were 60% of total sphingolipids. In the phospholipid class the predominant phospholipid was phosphatidylethanolamine (37% of phospholipids)."

Here's the links to the original research articles:

almond: http://www.znaturforsch.com/ac/v59c/s59c0330.pdf
rice: http://www.journalarchive.jst.go.jp/...om=jnlabstract

The article she refers to has been archived on the target website. So I've provided a more current link. Just so you can confirm that the list given is not for ceramides. http://www.news-medical.net/health/Oils-Rich-in-Linoleic-Acid.aspx
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Just did some Googling and poking around and found this study on the FDA website on Wheat Germ Oil. http://www.fda.gov/ohrms/dockets/dockets/95s0316/95s-0316-rpt0275-04-Udell-vol211.pdf

Some highlights...

"....and wheat germ oil generally contains 6% glycolipids, which contains ceramides. i4"

"Two popular sources are brown rice and wheat germ extracts. These are the two common sources of commercially available Ceramide for dietary supplement and cosmetic applications. 16"

"We note that one of the many respected brands of wheat germ oil that has been on the market in the U.S. for many years, Solgar Wheat Germ Oil in soft gels contains 1140 mg of wheat germ oil. Given that several sphingolipids make up 6% of wheat germ oil, we calculate that this serving size of wheat germ oil, 1140 mg, would contain 68.4 mg of ceramides."

I didn't read the whole thing. I just read enough to validate, for me at least, that wheat germ oil has ceramides.
Thanks for reposting this. I was reluctant to do it myself and risk being considered a pedantic nerd (which I can be sometimes):look:
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"... Given that several sphingolipids make up 6% of wheat germ oil, we calculate that this serving size of wheat germ oil, 1140 mg, would contain 68.4 mg of ceramides."

According to those numbers WGO contains about 6% ceramides!!
Off to verify this!
Spraying hair with Claudie's Braid spray (wgo), oiling with Enso Marshmallow & Moss serum (rice bran oil & sunflower extract), and moisturizing with Shea Moisture's Yucca & Aloe Milk (wgo).
I hope it's not too late for me to join!

I need to do more research on if grapeseed is actually a ceramide, because I've read conflicting reports, but that's my staple oil that I use 1-2x a week. I'll also be using ORS Hair Mayo (new formula) every couple of weeks.
I hope it's not too late for me to join!

I need to do more research on if grapeseed is actually a ceramide, because I've read conflicting reports, but that's my staple oil that I use 1-2x a week. I'll also be using ORS Hair Mayo (new formula) every couple of weeks.

I'm in love with grapeseed oil for my hair and skin. It's light enough for daily use and i absolutely love that it has such a light virtually non-existent scent. I used to love wgo and evco for pre-poos but both of those smell so bad i was spending my washdays trying not to gag. A lot of people love evco smell...i can barely stand it!

I'd love to know what you find out, but regardless i'll keep using it because it's making me sooo happy!

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My wheatgerm oil is here :grin: the last time i used it i wasnt fully natural but still had great results so now i can really put this to test:yep:
Just used some Claudie's Tiffani Ceramide pomade. I love this stuff. It looks like a pomade but feels like a barely-solidified oil. Nice and light.
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