2012 Ceramides Challenge (Part I)

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Need to step up my ceramide usage and back in the game. Used Claudie's Tiffani Pomade yesterday, and was wonderful. Just applied an oil blend containing wheat germ oil, and it felt amazing going on!
Just did a tea rinse and put grapeseed oil on my hair. Covered that in my DC

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I am dying for some red palm, walnut, pumpkin seed oil and some raw honey from wholefoods. I need to find some change like yesterday to buy a few things.
Last night I massaged my scalp with claudie's elixir, misted with water and M&S with hair dew and Tiffani pomade.

Today I DC'd with Fluertzy's conditioning treatment and M&S with CJ smoothing lotion and cocasta oil
Pre poo with vera oil,Dc with Amaka Creations (Burdock & Brahmi) mask Dc 1hr,Amaka Creations (Coconut & Honey) milk as a rinse,Kyras (mango) cream leave-in,Marie Dean (Honey & Soy) on ends & Sealed with Rice bran oil....

*All products above contain Ceramides....

Happy Hair Growing!
Prepooing at the moment using WGO/Safflower oil mixture. I will be back hard now cause I will be out of my weave for a while.....
I've been using sunflower oil instead of grapeseed oil for the past week. My hair is softer with sunflower oil (I think it's sealing the moisture in better). I'm going to keep using it!
Haven't checked-in in forever. My hair has been in TST for 6 days; tonight I'm gonna apply a little Hair Dew for moisture and seal w/ safflower oil.
I am using variety of products and oils that contain ceramides: joico k-pak reconstructor conditioner and Crisco; coconut, sesame, olive, palm, sunflower and soybean oils.
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Last night I massaged my scalp with claudie's elixir and M&S with moisturizing ends insurance and bsp.

Tonight I misted with water and M&S with quinoa and coffee cream and Tifanni pomade.
Not quite sure grapeseed oil contains ceramides but anyway...i'm pre-pooing with it over night b4 doing the soda/conditioner thing tomorrow.

Eta: been doing the LOC method w grapeseed oil and CW hair healer for about a week and i love it.

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Sealed up with a little Nourish oil.

I'll be washing again on Sunday morning and plan to do a HOT with a ceramide mix.
Did overnight pre-poo with EVCO on Scalp, JBCO on Edges and Nape and Grapeseed oil on the length of Hair.
UMMMM ok so i know this product OLÉO-RELAX SLIM CREAMcontains ceramides but does anyone know the full ingredients list?
Joining in...It's been a looooong time since I joined a challenge. I've already been using ceramides, but want to do so more intentionally and maybe try some of the oils.

What ceramide oils/products will you be using?
Current stash:
Skala Ceramide G3 line (shampoo, mask, leave-in)
AO GPB conditioner
AO Rosa Mosqueta conditioner
Frederic Fekkai Protein Rx PM Repair Strengthener
L'Oreal Everstrong Overnight Repair Treatment

How will you be using them? (pre-poo, shampoo, DC, leave-in, sealing etc)
All of the above--I've got a product in every category that has ceramides. Any of the conditioners can be used as pre-poo or DC, so it will vary. Fekkai PM treatment is an overnight pre-poo, and the L'Oreal overnight treatment is actually my moisturizer. I'd like to try out a ceramide-rich oil for sealing my moisturizer. I'm not sure which one yet.

How often will you be using them?
Weekly for wash day products, daily for moisturizing/sealing.
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