2012 Ceramides Challenge (Part I)

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OK ladies, I need some help. I realized I'm having breakage due to too much protein. So, I need to figure out which oils I can use while I up my moisture. I know I need to take out Avocado, Wheat Germ & Hemp Oil (that one is going to hurt). What oils should I use in the meantime that won't overload me more with protein? TIA

I like soybean oil.
Off topic:: Tiki your texlaxed hair looks great!!
I'll be washing later tonight and I plan to add my ceramide mix in there somewhere. A mix of hemp, rice bran, jbco, and amla.
I CWed w/AOHR this morning. Then I moisturized with my AV/WGO/CO pudding mix. I put a silk scarf on & then a headwrap on top of that. When I got home this afternoon & took the scarf/wrap off, my hair felt like silk.

I'm excited to learn what my hair likes & am glad that it doesn't have to be all complicated.
Does anyone know if Sunflower or Safflower oils are protein rich? I did a HOT last night with both mixed with castor oil and my hair feels like hay
Joininng. I noticed that my hair was doing really well with WGO.. I used to use it before as a pre-poo.. but now according to the OP, it acts like a glue.. so i guess I'll use it as a dc.. Possibly a sealant!!! Just the pure oil mixed into my DC
Under my heatcap right now - did a DC on dry hair w/AOHR mixed w/JBCO. Will rinse it out & moisturize & hide under a silk scarf since I'm not going anywhere today.
PLEASE add me i use my wheat germ oil as a sealant when i am in protective styles i also add to my relaxer when i will purchase grape seed oil so since it has a higher percentage of ceramides
also added to my weekly pre poo

sallys knock of kerestase
ao conditioners
halee_J, can I be a distant relative to this thread that shows up to the family reunion every blue moon? I use ceramides often within my regi...as a detangling agent before shampooing (wheat germ oil), oil rinse (wheat germ oil) or a sealant (hemp seed oil). I'll lurk and post from time to time.
OK ladies, I need some help. I realized I'm having breakage due to too much protein. So, I need to figure out which oils I can use while I up my moisture. I know I need to take out Avocado, Wheat Germ & Hemp Oil (that one is going to hurt). What oils should I use in the meantime that won't overload me more with protein? TIA

Ms. Tiki, I don't know enough about oils scientifically to comment on their protein behaviors. Although my hair is protein sensitive, I have had excellent results with the three oils you mention - avocado, wheat germ and hemp. Do you feel these oils are further tipping your hair on the protein side?
@divachyk My hair loves hemp but from what I've read online it is "supposed" to be high in protein content. From what I read about wheat germ if you are sensitive to wheat protein you shouldn't use it. So for the hemp and wheat germ, I'm afraid to take the chance of using them for right now until I get things balanced. However, I know for a fact my hair acts a fool with anything avocado.When I've used avocado too much I've gone through true protein overload. I bought it specifically for it's protein content. I thought that would great way to add protein when needed.

I just can't find any info on the oils I used today. I did manage to get my hair to soften back up without too much trouble. I put some Amla and Mustard oil on my hair and it was heaven. I now have my new fav combo outside of hemp.
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Just took my hair down to wear a braidout today. I used some of the Kinky Curly Knot Today with some rice bran and coconut oils. My hair is so soft and shinny! I'm having an awesome hair day! :)
I'm tardy to the party :ohwell:

Couldn't find Hot Six Oil but I did find African Pride Olive Miracle is it a good alternative?

From the ingredients you posted it looks like it has a few more chemicals in it but if its working for you, I say keep it up. I've never used this oil. Sorry I couldn't be a bigger help.

OK ladies, I need some help. I realized I'm having breakage due to too much protein. So, I need to figure out which oils I can use while I up my moisture. I know I need to take out Avocado, Wheat Germ & Hemp Oil (that one is going to hurt). What oils should I use in the meantime that won't overload me more with protein? TIA

Are you sure its the oils causing the protien overload? How often are you putting it in your hair and how? Maybe instead of cutting oils that work good for your hair, maybe you could limit the amount you apply and lower the frequency. Oil helps me to seal in my moisture.
Just used my hempseed oil for the first time as a prepoo. I like! My shed hairs just slid on out and it left my new growth very soft. The smell isn't as off putting as I imaged it being, but I probably won't seal with it.
Did the LOC method with grapeseed oil today. Also did it yesterday and used it to help with detangling

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF :)
Doing a pre-poo with Grapeseed Oil for 30 mins without heat and 15 with heat.
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Washed with KBB & Dc with Marie Dean (Coconut Vanilla dc).Marie Dean (Mango con/detangle leave-in)....Used Marie Dean (Amla Hair Cream) to moisturize...Sealed with Sunflower oil...

*Hair feels wonderful,very soft & detangled with great moisture...

*KBB con poo-Coconut oil
*Marie Dean (Amla Hair Cream)-Rice bran & Wheatgerm oil
*Marie Dean (Coconut Vanilla Dc)-Coconut oil,Sunflower oil & Olive oil....
*Marie Dean (Mango con detangle/leave-in)-Kukui nut oil

Happy Hair Growing!
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I cleansed my scalp w/diluted ACV then did a mud wash w/my own clay mix. Now I'm about to go under my heat cap w/a yogurt/WGO/GSO/JBCO DC. Once I rinse I will moisturize w/my WGO/AV/CO pudding.
LimitedEdition It is a combo of all things protein, oils and products. I leaving them out for a bit to use products that will get my moisture levels back up to balance things out. Lord knows I'm tempted to leave my beloved hemp in the mix. I love that stuff
Oil rinsed with my mix, DC'd with CR conditioning mask ( contains hemp oil) and M&S with claudie's braid spray, leave in and cocasta oil.
Did some celie twists/braids on stretched out hair last night.

I used rusk sensory moist conditioner to do my twists.
Once done I sealed w/ JBCO&Crisco oil blend.
I am doing a "lazy" pre-poo (wearing this for hours, with a plastic bag, as I lounge on the couch) with cutenss ceramide cocoction. I will rinsed and DC with my WEN 613. I love ceramides as a pre-poo, then my castor/argan oil as my mositurizer post wash.
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