**2012 Ceramides Challenge Part III (July 1 - Sept 30)**

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ZebraPrintLover said:
Is this an EO? I try to stick to carriers myself but Im just asking cause I have only seen this in an EO.....

I would say yea. Eucalyptus EO would be great in your carrier oils, IMO....

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Will there be a Part four to this challenge? I saw a big bottle of sunflower oil at Big Lots for $4....gonna go back and buy it (couldnt remember if it had ceramides of if I was mixing it up with another oil).
I’m in! I have some hemp oil and safflower oil. I’ve been using safflower oil for a moment without knowing it was a great source of ceramides
Pre-poo last night with avocado and lavender infused safflower oil. Shampooed this morning and now under dryer with my homemade deep condish mixed with hemp seed oil.

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I haven't posted in this thread in a minute but, I've been pretty consistent with my wheatgerm oil.
Ain't it the shiny truth? Will be using to seal with now bc it's too cold for coconut oil.

Currently overnight pre-pooing with WGO + aloe vera cholesterol mixed.

I like it better than my beloved wheat germ oil! Ill be adding it to everything :)
I like it better than my beloved wheat germ oil! Ill be adding it to everything :)

I was just thinking when I did my WGO pre-poo last night how much I like it - it's so thick :lick: but I agree it just gets pipped to the post by sunflower oil whose shine and slip is magical! And the massive price difference helps - £12 versus £1 !!!
I'm still using sunflower oil as my sealer and trying to figure out how to incorporate it in my wash n gos. I think I need something heavier though. What are some REALLY HEAVY ceramide oils that you can think of?

I purchased Redken Extreme condish today because of the 18-MEA and if I love it I'm going to get the whole line minus the poo:)
Also bought LaBomba DC!
I'm still using and loving hemp seed oil 3-4x a week (the base of my sulfur mix). I'm so glad you all recommended it to me.
Doing my overnight deep ceramide treatment using: EVOCO, sunflower oil, wheat germ oil, SD Vanilla Silk, Organix Morrocan oil deep treatment and Redken extreme condish. I use x3 as much oil as condish :) my hair loves it!
Although I haven't posted in awhile I've still been using ceramides in my routine daily. My new favorites are Marie Dean's DC's; they contain at least one ceramide.
I've been using my ceramide oil mix with my prepoo. I use CPR then cover it with the oil mix under a cap and sit under the dryer for about 15. Then I cover it with a towel or something and let it sit and soak in real nice.

I've been sealing with Nourish or Hydratherma Naturals oil.
Tried out Chicoro's Pre-Poo method today - I used WGO as my oil of choice. Can't find my sunflower oil (gasp!) so will be sealing my leave-in with Soybean oil.
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