2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I really wish some things would have confirmation when it comes to my call and career path.I don't want to waste time.

GoddessMaker girl you and me both. I'm 35 and still trying to figure it out. My call -- is pretty much administration/helps. But I don't know if I'm suppose to help one church or anyone that needs my help. God is showing me that ministry is more than just working at one particular church.

Also, like you, I have experience in Human Resources and I can't seem to get a job in that field. I don't know what else to do, my resume is dang near perfect by everyone's standard, but whatever.

Oh Lord, help us. Give us direction, make the path clear (like dum-dum clear). Thanks Father, Amen.
MarriageMaterial I still don't believe you are the age you say..but yes I hope its clear as possible bc I don't want to be one of those who goes around the mountain to finally later in years get on point..

Lord this year will go down for me as one of the most perplexing years.I have had some of the wildest things to happen and I'm still sane which I'm grateful for.With my life I should be in the psyc ward indefinitely..but God.I think I want to be a psyc for companies but I wonder if I could branch into mental health..I really liked the psyc I met when I had to go to the psyc ward last Feb..he was just raw but refreshing..who do you cry with no one that's your issue and when was the last time you cried like never exactly that's not natural on so many levels..I guess God had to make me go through certain things in order to come to this place..
Lord please tell me my singleness will end soon after I lose weight and can be seen as a equal in the playing field.I don't want a loser man bc Im fat.I see so many in the church with a man but their are larger and their men if you call them that aren't good.I want a man that loves God and loves the best.I'm tired of being in isolation Lord but I have no energy to do anything else.I pray my life will take off soon and I can get off the bench of life.
Heavenly Father I thank you for bringing me through struggles I have faced. I still battle with my parents having left this earth so quickly and so close together. Even when I'm angry, you love me. Thank you for continuing to bless my life in so many ways.

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Why does God allow various version of the Bible to exist? It is the same reason for different denominations and doctrines—He wants each of His children to seek Him and His truth constantly. Never stop! Clawing and fighting to the top of Mt. Zion ends when we leave this world. Only then will we know if we had reached the peak.
I feel real out of touch right now.Maybe its because I'm sleepy or dreading tomorrow.God I really need some change in my life that only you can make.I'm tired of being surrounded by hurting souls.I want the life that many have of sunny days and enjoying people.I want a life of joy that is pure surrounded by quality people.Maybe this is a fantasy because its always empty always seems that people could be near me but I still feel alone.Maybe it's my self-imposed walls bc most can't be trusted or maybe I'm so delusion of what life was meant to be.Some seem to have great ones even with struggle maybe one day I will see the shimmer in the depths of the gray.

Hope all have a great week ahead..do something nice for someone that would be a sacrifice for you..it always helps to be loving.
my sister is at least 300 pounds and has a man who loves her, she also has 4 children from a previous relationship and this man still loves her...she is more self confidant that anyone I know...it is all in how you view yourself there is someone out there to love you just the way you are ...loose the weight for you not to meet someone ...

Lord please tell me my singleness will end soon after I lose weight and can be seen as a equal in the playing field.I don't want a loser man bc Im fat.I see so many in the church with a man but their are larger and their men if you call them that aren't good.I want a man that loves God and loves the best.I'm tired of being in isolation Lord but I have no energy to do anything else.I pray my life will take off soon and I can get off the bench of life.
If you haven't done so already I would like to suggest something to you and GM ask the Lord what would he have you to do...you might be surprised that it may not be something you are 'trained' or want to do...be open to whatever he is calling you to do...

GoddessMaker girl you and me both. I'm 35 and still trying to figure it out. My call -- is pretty much administration/helps. But I don't know if I'm suppose to help one church or anyone that needs my help. God is showing me that ministry is more than just working at one particular church.

Also, like you, I have experience in Human Resources and I can't seem to get a job in that field. I don't know what else to do, my resume is dang near perfect by everyone's standard, but whatever.

Oh Lord, help us. Give us direction, make the path clear (like dum-dum clear). Thanks Father, Amen.
Trying to be strong is wearing me down. I feel like I'm in a tornado. No stabilty in ANY area of my life. When I think I have one area calmed down, something else 10X worse arises...I can't even sleep at night anymore. I guess since I'm still alive today you want to give me another chance for it to get better. I once read something (I wish I could find it..)that stated just when you think you can't hold on any longer, know that GOD was HOLDING you all along.......Thank you God for holding me....

ETA: I found it, from Our Daily Bread

The Lord upholds him with His hand. —Psalm 37:24
Tough times can cause us to get our perspective turned around. I was reminded of this recently as I talked to a fellow-griever—another parent who, like Sue and me, lost a teenage daughter to death suddenly and without warning.
She told me she had been missing her daughter terribly, and she told God she felt as if she were hanging on by her fingernails. Then she felt as if God reminded her that His hand of protection was there to hold her up—that she could let go, and He would catch her.
That’s a better perspective, isn’t it? This picture reminds us that when troubles come and we feel least able to hold on to our faith, it’s not up to us. It’s up to God to support us with His mighty hand.
Psalm 37:23-24 says: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord . . . . Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” And Psalm 63:8 tells us: “My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.”
In tough times, we can become so preoccupied with our role in “clinging to God” that we forget about His promised protection. It’s not our fingernails that sustain us—it’s His loving, upholding hand. —Dave Branon
God’s hand that holds the ocean’s depths
Can hold my small affairs;
His hand that guides the universe,
Can carry all my cares. —Anon.

No one is more secure than the one who is held in God’s hand.
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I can tell you that it WILL get better he hasn't left you or forsaken you...what you are going through right now is only temporary lean in to God right now and trust him to bring you through...

Trying to be strong is wearing me down. I feel like I'm in a tornado. No stabilty in ANY area of my life. When I think I have one area calmed down, something else 10X worse arises...I can't even sleep at night anymore. I guess since I'm still alive today you want to give me another chance for it to get better. I once read something (I wish I could find it..)that stated just when you think you can't hold on any longer, know that GOD was HOLDING you all along.......Thank you God for holding me....

ETA: I found it, from Our Daily Bread

The Lord upholds him with His hand. —Psalm 37:24
Tough times can cause us to get our perspective turned around. I was reminded of this recently as I talked to a fellow-griever—another parent who, like Sue and me, lost a teenage daughter to death suddenly and without warning.
She told me she had been missing her daughter terribly, and she told God she felt as if she were hanging on by her fingernails. Then she felt as if God reminded her that His hand of protection was there to hold her up—that she could let go, and He would catch her.
That’s a better perspective, isn’t it? This picture reminds us that when troubles come and we feel least able to hold on to our faith, it’s not up to us. It’s up to God to support us with His mighty hand.
Psalm 37:23-24 says: “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord . . . . Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the Lord upholds him with His hand.” And Psalm 63:8 tells us: “My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me.”
In tough times, we can become so preoccupied with our role in “clinging to God” that we forget about His promised protection. It’s not our fingernails that sustain us—it’s His loving, upholding hand. —Dave Branon
God’s hand that holds the ocean’s depths
Can hold my small affairs;
His hand that guides the universe,
Can carry all my cares. —Anon.
No one is more secure than the one who is held in God’s hand.
This process is so painful. But I know that when God is at work, it's a good work and he will finish it. It's like a season of testing. Lord give me strength to pass these tests and to bring you glory through it all!
God I feel like I'm out of my mind right now with pain.But then I go numb.I am at a point that I want life not death.I want to look back and see things worked out.I know you say that you that started a good work will finish..I find my supervisor who at one point was on my side is now not.I know he is going through some things at work but dang its starting to get cumbersome.I pray the place that emailed me today will lead to a new position.I'm ready to feel like a adult,have a salary that will allow me not to be the borrower forever.I also want to help ppl out financially but I know I can't.But Lord you know your kid so I will have to allow things to flow.But I still wonder if there is more I should be doing.
My heart is fixed and my mind is made up. Im going to endure God. I wont let go. I cant let go..!! The fire gets hot sometimes but I remember the 3 hebrew boys and you was in the fire with them! So i know you are in the fire with me! God, allow me not to go by what I see or feel, but let me be lead and directed by your word..Im searching for you and seeking for you...YOU said if I seek I will find you..Ive laid my life down, ive laid my dreams and goals down...God take the reins of my heart and do what you will..just keep me Father! Dont just keep me from the evil of the world, but God keep me from me...keep me from my mindsets, and my attitudes and opinions and let the only thing that dwell in me, be your Word..

Your daughter....
You can be complete in Christ and ask Him for a mate if it's the desire of your heart... just boldly ask once and believe that He will keep His Promise and thank Him for it.
Begging and asking for the same thing over and over, allows unbelief to get in the way ...God cannot keep His Promises in the middle of unbelief. So, basically, He would be the One waiting....
My heart is fixed and my mind is made up. Im going to endure God. I

wont let go. I cant let go..!! The fire gets hot sometimes but I remember the 3 hebrew boys and you was in the fire with them! So i know you are in the fire with me! God, allow me not to go by what I see or feel, but let me be lead and directed by your word..Im searching for you and seeking for you...YOU said if I seek I will find you..Ive laid my life down, ive laid my dreams and goals down...God take the reins of my heart and do what you will..just keep me Father! Dont just keep me from the evil of the world, but God keep me from me...keep me from my mindsets, and my attitudes and opinions and let the only thing that dwell in me, be your Word..

Your daughter....

She' Alicialynn, your daughter who is 'steadfast' trusting in the Lord...

I can't go on how I feel, or what I see I can only go on your word...

it aint really what it feels like, it aint really what it looks like, what your words says is all that matters, your word is TRUTH...
When you pray, you don't have to convince Him, just go by His guidelines...if it's in His will (a good and righteous thing). You don't have to speak in eloquent language nor find various ways to say the same thing. He understands far beyond you. If you trust in Him, trust in Him simply, even if you cannot feel it or are struggling to believe it. Just do it in word and take that first step. Whether 100 words or a simple "Jesus, I trust in You," believe Him and know you are not needing to beg G-d for anything. He's your father...and remember:

<< Luke 11 >>
New International Version 1984
10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

11“Which of you fathers, if your son asks forf a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”

He is the Father of fathers. He is the Son of sons...and He is the Holy Spirit who leads you to all truth. Believe!
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A young man called me a pastor I have been helping at my job who wants to use my clients for his non profit asked for job help.I was totally taken aback with that call.So I know how hectic my work day is I have decided to take him as my special project after hours.I called the pastor and asked him about the boy.Those things made me def want to help him.I guess my talent God given and drive can help someone and give God glory..


Don't know how I feel right now. Convicted, ashamed, sad... I need a cup of tea and a hug.

IMHO, there is no such thing as a small miracle. Miracles come in all forms....while we love to witness the the obvious, glaring miracles that put many in awe/wonder it's the miracles that happen daily, or that few witness, that we sometimes sadly miss...I thank God for every miracle.

This is too cute to not share!

It is believed that the philtrum (the crease under the nose and above the mouth) is a result of God sending an angel to each womb to teach the baby the mysteries of life. Before the baby is born, the angel touches it between the upper lip and the nose and all that was learned is forgotten; the philtrum is formed when the angel "shushes" the baby to cause it to forget its holy knowledge. Another belief is that it is an indent left by the finger of God. However we got it, I'm in wonderment of the human body and all its mysteries.

Think Im going to sign off this site for a while maybe just until the weekend.I may come back Sunday to post in the fitness thread then go poof for awhile.Trying to cope with too much at one time and trying to connect with ppl who dish you isn't what I need.I wish I could ask certain ppl what their deal is so I could get closure.Lord please help me not do anything over the weekend..I should get some rest must do OT tomorrow..be great ladies.