2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I want to scream and kick someone in the throat.Its like my office is like death to my soul and spirit.No matter what I do I come back to this sad state of being at work.I just don't know if its the depression ppl here have since its in a very poor area but I feel so heavy being here..One day I will feel free and light.
^^^To the assumption that romantic love is unnecessary in a marriage and that it doesn't keep it together. It often does. I'm aware of the cultural differences today and that's why I made sure to state that parents of the groom/bride wished for romantic love to develop. It's not unheard of that ancient people married for love. It wasn't always a business contract.

I'm also in disagreement with christians who say that marriage is not spiritual. They couldn't be further from the truth.

I'm not following your response. I didn't say it shouldn't be there, only that even in biblical times people married with or without it.

I also don't follow the marriage not being spiritual piece.

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Ok, so I keep seeing the time on clocks at exactly 2:22, 3:33, & 4:44. It's only one of those three and it's been happening a lot. Just now I came to post and saw the time on the last entry was 3:33 and I started typing this one at 4:44.

A set of 3 successive numbers, repeated 3 times...over and over, everywhere. I told the Lord that I am interpreting that to mean that "it's time" but am unsure of whether the Lord actually speaks through such things. It seems close to interpreting omens, which is forbidden.

Any insights?

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I'm not following your response. I didn't say it shouldn't be there, only that even in biblical times people married with or without it.

I also don't follow the marriage not being spiritual piece.

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I was responding to a post in the Off-Topic in which those things were said. I am fully aware of the cultural differences today versus the old marriage contracts of the past. The statement made there seemed to suggest that the failure for marriages today is that they are based solely upon romantic notion. Well, romance is a large part of it. But that's not why there are failures...lack of committment is the reason for it as well as various other reasons.

Another thread had a response that said that marriage is not spiritual. Just random thoughts of mine on those issues as to why I didn't agree with those particular statements.
Lord give me strengh today because my past has creep back into my life

alwaysinchrist ...

Fear not, Loved one... fear not.

This will not / can not harm or destroy you, neither shame your innocence. It's not there to 'stay' but to be dealt with and put away, forever.

How so? How possibly so?


You are 'Always in Christ'. :yep::yep::yep: :love2:

For you...

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. ----- Psalm 46:5

God is in the midst of you; you shall not be moved. God has already begun to help you, for he started 'right early'.

Fear not...
I want to scream and kick someone in the throat.Its like my office is like death to my soul and spirit.No matter what I do I come back to this sad state of being at work.I just don't know if its the depression ppl here have since its in a very poor area but I feel so heavy being here..One day I will feel free and light.

You are so adorable and loved...

:love4: :grouphug2: :love4:

:bighug: :circle: :bighug:


Some very pretty lady has a Birthday a' coming' soon. :yep:
God gives you peace. This peace doesn’t bear explanation; it passes all understanding. God assigns peace to us to guard us like a bodyguard. The peace of God guards our hearts and minds. Today, more than ever, we need the peace of God. We can obtain it through prayer. The Bible says that He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.

Ok, so I keep seeing the time on clocks at exactly 2:22, 3:33, & 4:44. It's only one of those three and it's been happening a lot. Just now I came to post and saw the time on the last entry was 3:33 and I started typing this one at 4:44.

A set of 3 successive numbers, repeated 3 times...over and over, everywhere. I told the Lord that I am interpreting that to mean that "it's time" but am unsure of whether the Lord actually speaks through such things. It seems close to interpreting omens, which is forbidden.

Any insights?

I had wanted to only read today, but then I saw this...LOL!

It is a sign (not an omen) He is around and getting you ready for the next big step in your walk. All praise to Him you are picking up on His signals! I have been seeing triple-number and double-double (10:10, 11:11, 12:12) times for a couple of years now. DH started seeing them constantly six months before I did (drove him batty). We never spoke about it around the children, but my older one asked me why he keep seeing time with all the same numbers so often a month after me.

It will calm down, but never really go away. Say a quick thanksgiving for His continued presence if you feel led to. Just do not get dependent upon it (turning it into a superstition or idol) and keep it moving. One day, there will be no clocks...
Nobody is going to believe this. Our Father does not like the term "Godhead." He is not the part of a god nor head of a god or gods, but the Great I AM WHO I AM. I very rarely ever used the word, but the image of Cerberus, the three-headed dog of Greek mythology, popped up when I said it. Oops...

As with everything, take it to the Lord in prayer.
@alwaysinchrist ...

Fear not, Loved one... fear not.

This will not / can not harm or destroy you, neither shame your innocence. It's not there to 'stay' but to be dealt with and put away, forever.

How so? How possibly so?


You are 'Always in Christ'. :yep::yep::yep: :love2:

For you...

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. ----- Psalm 46:5

God is in the midst of you; you shall not be moved. God has already begun to help you, for he started 'right early'.

Fear not...

Thank you so much for that:) I needed that!!

When you accept that there is purpose in you being right there on that job that you hate so much, it will not seem so bad, trust me...stop kicking against the pricks so that you can quickly learn the lesson move from this place ...

I believe in you and know that YOU can do it...

I want to scream and kick someone in the throat.Its like my office is like death to my soul and spirit.No matter what I do I come back to this sad state of being at work.I just don't know if its the depression ppl here have since its in a very poor area but I feel so heavy being here..One day I will feel free and light.
I don't know where I am right now.....things are so up in the air.....and I'm feeling restless and rebellious....Like I have to totally switch from who I am because NOTHING is right....But the real thing is I'm scared. I feel like I'm all alone, and I know God is with me, but living on this earth all my life, and not really being loved, appreciated or respected is wearing on me.......*sigh*
I have to get this out of me as I started crying in traffic on the way home.No judging please.I can't understand this holiday time frame.I'm looking forward to 1/1/2012 bc it would be the end of the holidays.I skipped out on the offices thanksgiving thing bc honestly I can't get down.I don't understand or better yet I can't comprehend the reason for it.I can't relax in life.I don't know what joy is nor do I know what happiness is.I'm not talking about the temp stuff but real happiness and joy.I have never had a time in my life where things where care free.All I can think of is the hard and negative.Positivity feels dumb for me bc its like what's positive.That takes alot of energy to stay or try to be optimistic.I mean I tell myself with all the job you apply to something has to happen same with weight as much as your trying the fat has to come off so you can finally live your life.

I wanted family like everyone else for a long time but since I'm so old its like that time has passed.I felt like the misfit at work while everyone is getting dressing I left and went to lunch elsewhere.I felt sorta off by my manger and her response to me saying I wasn't able to participate either which was ok fine..no questions so that def put me off..which does even worst damage since she a pastor wife..I hope and pray next year I don't give up faith and God and just walk away I'm digger deeper than I ever have but I guess it's not deep enough.I'm not in pain anymore just perplexed.

Ok now off to deep breathing and bed.
Why don't you join us on the prayer line tonight...

I have to get this out of me as I started crying in traffic on the way home.No judging please.I can't understand this holiday time frame.I'm looking forward to 1/1/2012 bc it would be the end of the holidays.I skipped out on the offices thanksgiving thing bc honestly I can't get down.I don't understand or better yet I can't comprehend the reason for it.I can't relax in life.I don't know what joy is nor do I know what happiness is.I'm not talking about the temp stuff but real happiness and joy.I have never had a time in my life where things where care free.All I can think of is the hard and negative.Positivity feels dumb for me bc its like what's positive.That takes alot of energy to stay or try to be optimistic.I mean I tell myself with all the job you apply to something has to happen same with weight as much as your trying the fat has to come off so you can finally live your life.

I wanted family like everyone else for a long time but since I'm so old its like that time has passed.I felt like the misfit at work while everyone is getting dressing I left and went to lunch elsewhere.I felt sorta off by my manger and her response to me saying I wasn't able to participate either which was ok fine..no questions so that def put me off..which does even worst damage since she a pastor wife..I hope and pray next year I don't give up faith and God and just walk away I'm digger deeper than I ever have but I guess it's not deep enough.I'm not in pain anymore just perplexed.

Ok now off to deep breathing and bed.
For a few moments tonight I felt alone. I'm married, I have wonderful children, supportive parents and sometimes I feel alone.
There is something about the presence of God... that purges the spirit, soul and mind of impurities, through tears.
You are never alone. G-d hears your very thoughts even before you have them. He counts the very hairs on your head and has known you even while you were being formed in the womb. He brought you to existence. Even the sparrows are cared for. How much more will He care for you? Do not lose hope. Tell Him you trust in Him every day and if you can pray more, tell Him various times, especially when you feel distressed and alone, hopeless or afraid. Say to HIm, "I trust in You." He is with us. He is Im-Anu-El (Emanuel)...God, the One with us. No matter the circumstances, trust in His mercy. Persevere until the end. Do not lose hope if you struggle or even stumble. We all do at times. But get back up again and run towards His mercy. He is with you...He is with all of us and will NEVER leave us. When you look back on these situations in future, you will see one set of footprints in the sand and those will be the ones of Christ who carried us through it all. Be encouraged and do not fear.

The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are OPEN unto their cry...the righteous cry and the Lord heareth and delivereth them from ALL their troubles...
For a few moments tonight I felt alone. I'm married, I have wonderful children, supportive parents and sometimes I feel alone.

:bighug: You were missing 'you'. mrselle, you give so much of yourself to others, so much love and care. The moment you felt most alone, you needed to take a moment to allow the Holy Spirit to re-fill you, replenish you, to refresh you. You were 'lonely' for you.

Jesus 'often' if not always, 'took time away' to be alone with God and the Holy Spirit to be refreshed, to have His annointing recharged, to become 'one' with God His Father, and to be in touch with Himself.

You are not alone, not ever. Everywhere around you, is 'you', the 'you' which lives in the hearts of those you've given so much of yourself.

Alone mrselle, not ever. In Jesus' Name. Amen. :love3:
You are never alone. G-d hears your very thoughts even before you have them. He counts the very hairs on your head and has known you even while you were being formed in the womb. He brought you to existence. Even the sparrows are cared for. How much more will He care for you?

Do not lose hope.

Tell Him you trust in Him every day and if you can pray more, tell Him various times, especially when you feel distressed and alone, hopeless or afraid. Say to HIm, "I trust in You." He is with us.

He is Im-Anu-El (Emanuel)...

God, the One with us.

No matter the circumstances, trust in His mercy. Persevere until the end. Do not lose hope if you struggle or even stumble. We all do at times. But get back up again and run towards His mercy.

He is with you...He is with all of us and will NEVER leave us. When you look back on these situations in future, you will see one set of footprints in the sand and those will be the ones of Christ who carried us through it all. Be encouraged and do not fear.


:kiss: Beautiful ...
Heb 11:6-7
(6) But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Mat 11:29-30
(29) Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.(30) For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
OMG I went and heard Prophetess Bynum preach tonight.7:30pm to 12am..I'm just now getting in.I can't believe the things that occured as big as I am God you would put that running streak in me..Yea Lord thats so not funny.I can't believe I gave all my birthday money in church..Lord I'm expecting some extra money from somewhere so I can pay my credit card the 60.00 I put in..I can't believe Prophetess Bynum told me to sit on the floor while she was preacher so I got a extreme front row seat..All in all I know I will never be the same and 2012 is for those believers who are alive and have eaten the bitter things of life..I'm still like not all here I pray in the later this morning I have some deeper revelations..I know that it was def ordained for me to hear her tonight bc my bff emailed me at 11am asking if I wanted to go and all hell broke lose on us..you know the devil hates praying women who know exactly who they are in the Lord and the power that is in them..
Rev 12:12

12 Therefore rejoice, you heavens
and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
because the devil has gone down to you!
He is filled with fury,
because he knows that his time is short.”
I really can't weigh if its the devil which I don't like to give him credit for much or if its discernment but I can't shake the feeling Juanita Bynum is a fraud.There so much out there about the way she carried on about her domestic issue that isn't proper.I also feel as though why do you come and always ask for 1000 dollars from ppl..you made 21,000 dollars last night.My bestie is so sold of giving her all to the church but yet the church does nothing to help her.I don't know if its knowledge that makes me a bit aware but I don't know if its proper to almost tell ppl they need to use their credit cards to give money away.God wouldn't want his ppl to go in debt esp if your prophecy isn't right then those persons would be in debt bc no money is coming in like they said.I know tithing is in the bible and you pay 10 percent of your earnings not credit..bc we are to be the lender not the borrower and why would we borrow to pay God.I gave what I had but I don't believe that I will get this omg blessing that they spoke of bc that's not realistic.Maybe I'm still not a hard enough believer or just cynically that I may not be able to really enjoy my bday but this really has me thinking..I know other parts of the night where of God.