2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I just literally do not know....I need You now more than ever. Trying to do things right, trying to teach my children how to be good Christian people, LITERALLY turning the other cheek when people dog me out, holding my tongue, praying, studying, calling on You, hearing You speak....but here I am....*shouldershrug*
Just tired of being stepped on, overlooked, mistreated, lied on, hurting.......
Honestly, not pc or the right thing to say,
But sometimes I wanna "bash someone over the head and think about Heaven later"
The devil sure is a stank-toof liar... always trying to catch us off-guard, keep us in the middle of Lodibah, with a bad leg ..too dumb to recognize we were born Royalty, Sealed...he's not too smart, 'cause he keeps doing the same thing over and over .... We peep his game. Glory to Abba, because David knows where we are. At The King's table is our rightful place.

Scat, in Jesus' Name!!
The devil sure is a stank-toof liar... always trying to catch us off-guard, keep us in the middle of Lodibah, with a bad leg ..too dumb to recognize we were born Royalty, Sealed...he's not too smart, 'cause he keeps doing the same thing over and over .... We peep his game. Glory to Abba, because David knows where we are. At The King's table is our rightful place.

Scat, in Jesus' Name!!


Say that!! I almost started shouting. We have been Sealed. This is the word for the morning. Thanks for sharing.

I asked God to show me why I do some of the things I do. Show me the stumbling blocks so I can avoid them. The things I am seeing are down right scary. I'm not sure how to address them. The roots run deep. I have much work to do.
Whenever the seed of doubt comes, I have to remind myself of who I am...at the moment I got saved I became a joint heir entitled to everything my elder brother (Jesus) has.... some of these benefits I will receive in this body and the rest I will get my incorruptible body...

The devil sure is a stank-toof liar... always trying to catch us off-guard, keep us in the middle of Lodibah, with a bad leg ..too dumb to recognize we were born Royalty, Sealed...he's not too smart, 'cause he keeps doing the same thing over and over .... We peep his game. Glory to Abba, because David knows where we are. At The King's table is our rightful place.

Scat, in Jesus' Name!!
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stay in his face and he will show you...

I asked God to show me why I do some of the things I do. Show me the stumbling blocks so I can avoid them. The things I am seeing are down right scary. I'm not sure how to address them. The roots run deep. I have much work to do.
Funny story with my DS (8)
we are watching family feud together and the question was "what is the best age to tell your child about the birds and the bees?"
He yells out 18!
So I say, son, you know about the birds and the bees and you aren't 18!
He says "mamma I don't, but I'll go get my bible and look it up. Doesn't it have to do with Jesus?"
Me: :lachen:
my son is so sweet! I love him.....
(I know it's REALLY random, but him saying that he has to go to the bible to get answers made my heart swell!!!!)
God I really want to understand why things like mental illness intrigues me.I want to understand why do all the misfits of the world draw to me while those I feel are so cool diss me.Why do I feel all alone in the world and I'm in a room filled with people.Why do I seem to be sensitive to some but they don't see the bravery steps I take daily.Why is it I wanted to work with the wealthy and I seem to only be near the poor.Why couldn't I be able to penetrate the popular crowds why did I have to be the underdog? I know this life isn't my own then why make the world the way it is? I know its suppose to be counted all joy when I help the man who is down on his luck or pimp slap the young man who got fly with a coworker.I just want a clear path to go this rigmarole is tiring.I pray next year I see where I am to go.
I just literally do not know....I need You now more than ever. Trying to do things right, trying to teach my children how to be good Christian people, LITERALLY turning the other cheek when people dog me out, holding my tongue, praying, studying, calling on You, hearing You speak....but here I am....*shouldershrug*
Just tired of being stepped on, overlooked, mistreated, lied on, hurting.......
Honestly, not pc or the right thing to say,
But sometimes I wanna "bash someone over the head and think about Heaven later"

Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt and won the award!!!! You will make it! L-rd have mery, I have been there and it was UGLY! People can speak such evil over others, especially women against women. And trying to make sure your kids are grounded while receiving abuses from others against both you and your faith. I stepped out from the land, into another one. Like Abraham, I took that step. Be of great courage!!!!!

God is not only a God of Love and Mercy, He is a God of Judgment. To focus on the former more, reduces importance of the latter and vice-versa. God is a God of balance.

I love that song, "Here I am to Worship"...but, that part where we sing.. "I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross.." stops me sometimes. God's Word says we will have more knowledge in Heaven. So, if we already know we will get a new name (given by El-Elyon), a new spiritual body and will be in His glorious presence forever, why say now, WILL NEVER?
If someone sent this prayer to you personally, saying that they were praying for you, would you think they were trying to send a message?

Release forgiveness to all that have brought offense, hurt and wounding to you! I ask the Holy Spirit to heal every hurt place of your soul by His love and presence. He is your balm of Gilead.. I bind every spirit of divination & division that would operate...Amen..
If someone sent this prayer to you personally, saying that they were praying for you, would you think they were trying to send a message?

Release forgiveness to all that have brought offense, hurt and wounding to you! I ask the Holy Spirit to heal every hurt place of your soul by His love and presence. He is your balm of Gilead.. I bind every spirit of divination & division that would operate...Amen..


.....especially that last part. Don't let it get to you if they are off in this. If it is true then receive and be healed.
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If someone sent this prayer to you personally, saying that they were praying for you, would you think they were trying to send a message?

Release forgiveness to all that have brought offense, hurt and wounding to you! I ask the Holy Spirit to heal every hurt place of your soul by His love and presence. He is your balm of Gilead.. I bind every spirit of divination & division that would operate...Amen..
nicola.kirwan (luv the name btw) Yes, I would feel that they were lead by the Holy Ghost to share that prayer with me. Do you have unforgiveness toward anyone right now?
If someone sent this prayer to you personally, saying that they were praying for you, would you think they were trying to send a message?

Release forgiveness to all that have brought offense, hurt and wounding to you! I ask the Holy Spirit to heal every hurt place of your soul by His love and presence. He is your balm of Gilead.. I bind every spirit of divination & division that would operate...Amen..

Yes, but is it true? Do they know you personally, not just online or in passing? Are they more than an acquaintance outside your church? Are they good acquaintances of yours in church and might know about some situations in your life? Sometimes G-d uses another to alert us to problematic areas within our lives that we have either pushed aside or simply are not that knowledgeable about. But can you be sure that it is innocent and not the misguided opinion of someone who is trying to figure you out or spiritually meddle in Christ's place? Does it conjure up irrational feelings of guilt or fear that you may be guilty without evidence of your failure? You have to be careful because another might be used as a tool of the evil one, even if they had good, christian intentions when they truly do not know.

I know you will pray about it but I've received such things in the past and ages ago, it would bother me immensely because I knew she was wrong but she was an elder. One of the well-meaning people who thought the H-ly Spirit had a message for me personally had a mess of a marital life and wrongly accused me of the spirit of witchcraft because I wouldn't allow my husband to control our family to perdition. She didn't realize all that was going on and I was suffering abuse. This lady was controlling her own husband, trying to remove his faith and even talked negatively about him behind his back. :nono: I do know that, years later, I was NOT in the spirit of witchcraft. She did not interpret that scripture correctly and she misapplied it to me based upon some questions I had asked of her daughter, my best friend at the time. She was meddling and conjuring up imaginations of the H-ly Spirit speaking through her. :nono:

Be careful and not allow it to wear out your mind and spirit. You will know when you honestly seek the L-rd. We all do. I lived under that lady's condemnation for a long time and it was unjustly rendered.
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It seems that things turn out the best and God seems to work most clearly when I simply do what I see to be good and stop worrying about trying to know what specifically He is telling me to do. More often than not, He's probably not telling me to do anything more than what is in His Word already. I feel a good rule of thumb is that if the Lord has something additional to His written word for you to know, He will make it clear to you. Otherwise, your choices are yours to make.

I'm going to stop attempting to do God's job for Him and stick to doing mine. His job is to know all things and to work everything together for the good of those who love Him. My job is to obey His commandments and learn wisdom. If I do my job, then His plans will be made manifest without me having to figure it all out first or try to make it come together.
Lord you allowed me to see me today.I still have patience issues.I still get angry when ppl act up a shop keep today cursed me bc I called her on her stuff..I was mad for 5 min then was like she is bitter,angry and I will not allow her to destroy my day.I felt at peace after that.I see what I could be become if I don't allow certain things to flow and also allow myself to be poured into.I have this issue of always wanting to help others but not allowing folks in enough to help me.I get joy out of mentoring ppl young or old and loving on children bc I know how it feels not to be loved on.Lord please allow my fear of being done wrong and the past afflictions be taken from me.I also want continued discernment on things bc it allows me to move on quicker..happy relax day ladies.
Gal 2:20
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

this means that we are not our own...
Well I lost the last bit of income I had. I'm officially UNEMPLOYED and tired. Oh well, such as life.

You have 'officially' made room for God to fill your bounties with much, much, more. God's Omega's are always the platform for His Alpha's in our lives.

This my love, is 'such as life' for those of us in Christ, of whom you are and shall always be. :kiss:

Rest sweet love ... in Him. :sleep2: You are the 'baby' in God's loving arms being richly nurtured by Him. :love3:
Thank you Shimmie, you always have the right things to say! :kiss:

You have 'officially' made room for God to fill your bounties with much, much, more. God's Omega's are always the platform for His Alpha's in our lives.

This my love, is 'such as life' for those of us in Christ, of whom you are and shall always be. :kiss:

Rest sweet love ... in Him. :sleep2: You are the 'baby' in God's loving arms being richly nurtured by Him. :love3:
I am right now.I don't know if people would understand but I feel like what I guess others feel like.I feel as though I'm alive or what not.Not mentally but physically.I don't know if I can do this walk anymore.I strive for excellence yes and I have a heart for others and want others to experience joy that is unspeakable.But this walk so to speak I don't know anymore.I don't believe in anything.If one is incapable of loving self how on earth can one love God?I know to some this will scare or I will get a major side eye.I feel God is there but in late so much has happened that I'm just bewildered by.

God I know your know genie her for my wishes then why place certain things in a person.My desire to be in love,able to do for not only myself but others and to do something that has impact why place this in me without allowing these things to come to fruition.This is frustrating.I see so many fallen sisters here.And men are overly praised and catered to.We excuse away everything about them and not call them on the carpet for being the supposed head.I guess this is my fear of going to a church.Seeing so much debacle I cringe inside.God if its meant for me to be in you and to go by the book please show me this.I can't do this anymore.I know life isn't for our pleasure only and I know we are here for a purpose but in the purpose is all the suffering really needed for such long periods.But I do know in suffering for a period of time can birth strength and other favorable characteristics.
The only reason Satan opposes us is because he is jealous of the glory of God in us and afraid of God's power in us. So the next time you're tempted or going through a trial you know is spiritual, know that it is simply a trick of one who wants to stop you because he knows that if you overcome, you will have power over him.