2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

Hey Special Lady next birthday do a little extra dress up and smile a lot when folks ask wassup say; 'today is a special day for me today is my birthday'... then treat yourself to lunch, or mani, pedi, facial any of of these things and celebrate yourself then others will follow suit...

HE rejoices over us, it's okay to celebrate you..

God you know I didn't have much money to celebrate my mentor/office mother bday.When I bought her lunch she kept saying this is going to be too much and I was like dang can I be nice.So I told the cashier it was my friends bday she gave her a free fruit cup 3 dollar value but then gave me a coupon valued at 8.00..I don't know if the fact I was willing to give up the cross I was wearing like automatically or what but it all worked out..God be the glory bc my bdays aren't celebrated by others which always made me feel less than bc I felt I must not be important to anyone but I don't want others to ever feel that way..
God you know I didn't have much money to celebrate my mentor/office mother bday.

When I bought her lunch she kept saying this is going to be too much and I was like dang can I be nice. So I told the cashier it was my friends bday she gave her a free fruit cup 3 dollar value but then gave me a coupon valued at 8.00..

I don't know if the fact I was willing to give up the cross I was wearing like automatically or what but it all worked out..

God be the glory bc my bdays aren't celebrated by others which always made me feel less than bc I felt I must not be important to anyone but I don't want others to ever feel that way..

What a lovely thing for you to do. :yep:

So, Ummm, when is your birthday ? :love2:
Shimmie my birthday is a month on Nov 21st..I try to be nice to others bc its the right thing to do.

You're nice because you are a woman with a heart full of love for everyone. You've never shown anything but love for as long as I've 'known' you. And I'm more than sure that you've been this way before.

Therefore, it wasn't the right thing to do, it was the Goddess thing, the way 'she' do.

God what are you doing to me.I can't stop crying.All weekend long I have cried due to hearing the Word or reading things here.I know it's not hormonal so what are you up to.Can I be rebuilt? Is it possible to refurbish me or is the state of my life the way it will be forever.Lord please search me that there is no pride in me.After watching church online today I do not believe I'm above anything or anyone.I know that rain will come on both the good and the wicked Lord help me not step out until time.

Lord help me to remain strong in where you have placed me right now.I want to leave but I feel as though you won't allow me to leave yet.Help me to do the things you desire so I can flow.Keep my mind my heart strong and provide me even more endurance for this race.Even though you have given me a portion I believe is so painful Lord it will be all used for your glory.I can bear what you have given me as you equipped me for this very thing.Help all my fellow sisters here as well.

Two breakthroughs!

Thank you, Father, so much!

*happy dance*

First, I got a two-hour lecture from my brother about the need for us to cry out to the Lord. The Psalms are loaded with it. It goes beyond the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" concept. It is to receive want He wills for us to ask for in total surrender. When to cry out? I am in training right now...

Last night and early this morning both my brother and I got what it truly means to operate in faith: exercise the authority Jesus gave all His children over the natural world. Yes, controlling the natural with the supernatural through Him, not just prayer but direct words. He had been guiding me in that direction for a few months now. See His work through me manifested and the confirmation we both received has me bouncing all around (scaring my children...LOL!)

The Father is so amazing!

*more happy dancing*
Exodus 20: 13, 16

13 You shall not kill.
16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.

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Lord you have for the last couple of days really been pressing me.It's like there no reprieve.I felt so great this weekend and felt like I release alot but I guess no because I still get real upset about my life and where it is right now.I don't know what to do right now but cry.I get upset that other people are taking off and I'm still working a dead end job.I know we aren't suppose to compare but you can't help it.I know we don't know the back story of what others go through to get there so you can't compare.I'm just tired of feeling like a failure even though that contradicts the Word.
I'm so excited to know that my day is orchestrated by God! I trust Him that all that comes today is by design. With courage and wisdom I face each moment as a gift given, realizing that someone didn't make it but He willed me here! Today may not be perfect, leaving me tomorrow in which to grow.

Embrace every second and rest in the arms of the fact, He has something to give you that is better than you expect!

Know that it is the plan of the enemy to have your emotions on a roller coaster to nullify every good thing that GOD has done for you by feeling sorry for yourself, God has indeed brought you from a mighty long way...

God has placed you on that job for such a time as this, whether you like or not whether you know it or not, you are there for a purpose to be helped and to help someone (you don't always need to know where he is taking you, ust be obedient and follow)...

Learn the lesson quickly so that you can move on quickly sometimes when we kick against the pricks we 'stay' or 'pause' the hand of God...

ALWAYS go back to what the WORD says that you are in God and what you have in God, encourage yourself in the Lord...

Lord you have for the last couple of days really been pressing me.It's like there no reprieve.I felt so great this weekend and felt like I release alot but I guess no because I still get real upset about my life and where it is right now.I don't know what to do right now but cry.I get upset that other people are taking off and I'm still working a dead end job.I know we aren't suppose to compare but you can't help it.I know we don't know the back story of what others go through to get there so you can't compare.I'm just tired of feeling like a failure even though that contradicts the Word.
^^^ Thank you for this.I'm just real tired mentally and physically.I hate waking up knowing where I have to work.I do all I can while I'm there but its like this can't be life.I'm tired of getting down on myself but its like second nature.I have a real battle bc I have down so long that its almost natural for me to operate in a depressed mode..I guess this is where my frustration comes from bc I want to be the social butterfly who always spreads positivity but its exhausting to keep up.
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If you are reading the Word and it drains you then you KNOW that the enemy is playing with your emotions, he doesn't want you to get that word in you and wants to keep you in bondage to depression, the joy of the Lord is your strength the word brings change, it gives life, it doesn't make you tired ...

Reading the words isn't always a quick fix it's reciting it until it gets into your spirt, it's believeing it and living it so that you will not be a punching bag for the enemy, kwim?...

Once you start to really believe his word and live his word things will change for you, but we must be consistent double mindedness and distrust is preventing many of us from walking into our blessings (which aint all financial)

He doesn't want you to do it on your own that's why it's so hard you still trying to do it by yourself, he said that he has left us a COMFORTER gave you everyhting pertaining to live and godliness and the GREATER one LIVES IN YOU there is no way you can fail GM...

Let God word be true and every man a liar...

People are waiting on YOU to get it together so that you can help them...

I say all this praying that you would accept it not as an attack but someone who really cares and is concerned about you ....

^^^ Thank you for this.I'm just real tired mentally and physically.I hate waking up knowing where I have to work.I do all I can while I'm there but its like this can't be life.I'm tired of getting down on myself but its like second nature.I have a real battle bc I have down so long that its almost natural for me to operate in a depressed mode..I guess this is where my frustration comes from bc I want to be the social butterfly who always spreads positivity but its exhausting to keep up.
Iwanthealthyhair67 I'm speechless with your above post.But this part People are waiting on YOU to get it together so that you can help them made want cry.I don't want that on me at all.I hate this aspect of life.It makes everything compound as I already know this.

I want to believe in vision and hope but all Im around is lack of vision and hopelessness.I feel myself growing like I'm out growing certain things and mindsets but its scary and hurts all at the same time.I need to get a spiritual mentor outside of my office as my supervisor has taken that role and I appreciate what he does but I know the vision I have is wild and I need at least one in my corner for that and also one for career/life..

I'm not trying to hurt you but who are you to tell Almighty God NO, you don't want the responsibility of someone else what if Jesus felt that way about us, what if he didn't go to the cross for us ...

we all have to do things that hurt and are sometimes uncomfortable to the 'flesh' but it's a part of the growing process it's a part of the die-ing process...He is telling us to COME UP decrease so that He can INCREASE in us, come up to where He is, He has already given us ALL that we need for this walk ....

COME UP GM, COME UP you are not alone...
In all I go through I get joy in uplifting others.I become extremely emotional in regards to Luke 13..I feel like Im the bent over woman..18 yrs of afflication and God spoke to her woman thou art-right now;immediate loosed-past tense;already happened.So as my lovely sister Iwanthealthyhair67 says I have all I need to over come this scripture confirms this for me..God has already placed all in me to be great as I will have the victory I just need to hold a little while longer as Pslams 30:5 says Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

My morning will be bright like the stars.I can't stop I must continue to press.I must remove distractions and confusion.I must only align myself with the word and those who are pressing on.Now I know some will or have given up on me bc I have been to scared to step and some get tired of encourage one they have tried to uplift..but those who are patient with me I'm truly blessed for it..if its just one then Im blessed.

Thank you my spiritual mothers here Laela Nice&wavy and Shimmie..your prayers are definitely felt..bc when I thought I would lose my mind something would over come me and keep me..
In all I go through I get joy in uplifting others.I become extremely emotional in regards to Luke 13..I feel like Im the bent over woman..18 yrs of afflication and God spoke to her woman thou art-right now;immediate loosed-past tense;already happened.So as my lovely sister Iwanthealthyhair67 says I have all I need to over come this scripture confirms this for me..God has already placed all in me to be great as I will have the victory I just need to hold a little while longer as Pslams 30:5 says Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.

My morning will be bright like the stars.I can't stop I must continue to press.I must remove distractions and confusion.I must only align myself with the word and those who are pressing on.Now I know some will or have given up on me bc I have been to scared to step and some get tired of encourage one they have tried to uplift..but those who are patient with me I'm truly blessed for it..if its just one then Im blessed.

Thank you my spiritual mothers here Laela Nice&wavy and Shimmie..your prayers are definitely felt..bc when I thought I would lose my mind something would over come me and keep me..

You inspired me to be a better person, let alone a better Christian.

God looked upon this forum and sent us an Angel, a beautiful Angel named, "You" ... GoddessMaker. :love3:
I'm thankful for a new day new mercy.Lord help me not throw away all the teachings I got yesterday..I want to be what the vision I have.I don't want to be sad or depressed anymore.I want to be normal if that makes sense Lord.I know you hear me bc I see things and receive comments out of the blue that tells me I'm changing that brings me to tears bc I can remember when my mind was so diluted with anger and pain that I couldn't function.I remember when I was in the psyc ward for a night and I saw what truly not in their right mind is..so constantly nudge me Lord when I seem to say Im done that is when some things are really turning around.

Hope everyone has a blessed day..well is there really any other way to have a day.
GoddessMaker girl there is greatness in you God wants to use you mightly and the devil knows this.... DON'T give in...

I'm praying for you I'm rooting for you ...you have a cloud of witnessess in heaven and on earth cheering you on to the finish line...