2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

@nicola.kirwan okay so you are all up in my pastors sermon today, I like when the word is confirmed...

while Father is most concerned about our heart (kardia) condition where the most damage is done ...creating in us HIS character
It's gonna be a Good Day !

I love this! Thank you thank you...

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8

A divided heart leads to divided vision...

The above scripture is one of my best, and one that I seek God for. A few days ago I heard a minister say "God is looking for the pure in heart."

A corrupt heart sows discord, deceit, and disdain but the pure heart sows kindness, love, and unity. We are not always aware of it but what is in our heart and in our minds is revealed every time we open our mouths.

I truly appreciate you sharing this Nicola.Kirwan, through you God reminded me...
Apparently, you hear in one ear and nothing is being retained...like a styro foam cup with holes in it....when you pour water in the cup, it leaks.:ohwell:

Learn to listen and then retain what you hear and then do/say something productive...it's beginning to sound like Charlie Brown's mom "Wah wah wah".
Apparently, you hear in one ear and nothing is being retained...like a styro foam cup with holes in it....when you pour water in the cup, it leaks.:ohwell:

Learn to listen and then retain what you hear and then do/say something productive...it's beginning to sound like Charlie Brown's mom "Wah wah wah".

Ever see styrofoam 'melt' in a microwave... :look:
I received a call from my pastor the other day, and he said something that has me thinking. He gave a sermon on rejection/overcoming rejection. I have experienced rejection from my father and the hurt runs deep. It still affects how I relate to some people and I notice there are times I yearn for acceptance. I am very comfortable with my close friends, but get quiet uncomfortable around ppl I am not close to etc., I think I am a lot better than I was years back.
I haven't thought about it for awhile, but again I am faced with my issues with rejection, and I just wonder, how do I overcome this?
I received a call from my pastor the other day, and he said something that has me thinking. He gave a sermon on rejection/overcoming rejection. I have experienced rejection from my father and the hurt runs deep. It still affects how I relate to some people and I notice there are times I yearn for acceptance. I am very comfortable with my close friends, but get quiet uncomfortable around ppl I am not close to etc., I think I am a lot better than I was years back.
I haven't thought about it for awhile, but again I am faced with my issues with rejection, and I just wonder, how do I overcome this?
You are not alone. I too had to deal with this growing up and into my adulthood. I took it to the altar many, many times.

The one thing that has helped me overcome this was to get a picture of my dad (because he passed away many years ago) and talk to him and tell him how I felt..with everything that was in me. Once I felt that I had said everything I needed to say was complete, I released him and allowed God to finally bring healing to my soul.

Forgiveness is the key. Release him by forgiving him and move on. Unforgiveness brings bitterness and many around you will be defiled from it.


I pray for my sister and ask that you bring total and complete healing to her heart and soul. Help her to forgive her father, so that she can move on in her life and be able to help those people with the gifts that you have given her. I ask that you close the door of unforgiveness and any roots of bitterness that may have been established in her, and I pray that you will open the door of peace...your Peace, that will surpass all of her understanding that it will guard her heart and her mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Father...because I know that you answer prayers for your children according to the Will of God!

In Jesus name...Amen!!!

I hope I was able to help in some way. :love2:
You are not alone. I too had to deal with this growing up and into my adulthood. I took it to the altar many, many times.

The one thing that has helped me overcome this was to get a picture of my dad (because he passed away many years ago) and talk to him and tell him how I felt..with everything that was in me. Once I felt that I had said everything I needed to say was complete, I released him and allowed God to finally bring healing to my soul.

Forgiveness is the key. Release him by forgiving him and move on. Unforgiveness brings bitterness and many around you will be defiled from it.


I pray for my sister and ask that you bring total and complete healing to her heart and soul. Help her to forgive her father, so that she can move on in her life and be able to help those people with the gifts that you have given her. I ask that you close the door of unforgiveness and any roots of bitterness that may have been established in her, and I pray that you will open the door of peace...your Peace, that will surpass all of her understanding that it will guard her heart and her mind in Christ Jesus.

Thank you, Father...because I know that you answer prayers for your children according to the Will of God!

In Jesus name...Amen!!!

I hope I was able to help in some way. :love2:

Thanks Nice and Wavy, that did help. I have prayed many times asking God to remove unforgiveness from my heart. I do not have any ill will toward him, and I don't think confronting him will do any good. The hurt/effects are still there though. Thanks so much for the prayer :)
I received a call from my pastor the other day, and he said something that has me thinking. He gave a sermon on rejection/overcoming rejection. I have experienced rejection from my father and the hurt runs deep. It still affects how I relate to some people and I notice there are times I yearn for acceptance. I am very comfortable with my close friends, but get quiet uncomfortable around ppl I am not close to etc., I think I am a lot better than I was years back.
I haven't thought about it for awhile, but again I am faced with my issues with rejection, and I just wonder, how do I overcome this?

I found this pastor to be very helpful on this point. A different perspective.

Thanks Nice and Wavy, that did help. I have prayed many times asking God to remove unforgiveness from my heart. I do not have any ill will toward him, and I don't think confronting him will do any good. The hurt/effects are still there though. Thanks so much for the prayer :)
You are more than welcome.:love3: I found that this must be an action you take...God has already removed it. Recognize it and then do something with it...not confronting your dad, but however the Holy Spirit reveals to you...do it!
I'm trying to get to a higher energy level. It's like those Neils Bohr orbits in chemistry class. The electrons orbit certain paths around the nucleus but can transition to a higher orbit. (sorry for the nerdiness!) I need to be energized into a higher orbit--living at this level is not going to work.

First step will be to continue to eliminate everything that causes confusion, or alternatively, to embrace only that which brings clarity and peace. Just today I got some distance from a friendship that, for me, was producing all manner of toxic fruit. I also finally came to an understanding with my father about my career choices.

Second step will be to hang around those in a higher orbit. There are people who are truly secure, giving, whole, thoughtful...who will not project their insecurities onto you, who will not be possessive, who will not behave rudely, and who will address their issues with you in kindness.

I thank God that every sin and curse is washed away by the blood of Jesus.
Dear L-rd,


We are rejoicing. Please help us as we roll up our sleeves and get to work to make our Nation a better place...justice, loving, in true Tsalagi spirit of community!!!!!!! Sworn in Principal Chief Bill John Baker. Yeeeee hawWWWWW! I just cannot believe that those prayers came true. Thank you for leading many of us to pray.


If you are directed in prayer...please do so. No matter how minor it might seem to you...you'll never know until there just how much your small prayers have helped.
Robert Osborne... Father keep him in your loving arms. I pray that he is okay. Please let this illness not only pass, but bring his heart open and closer to you.

Bring him to you all the way.

In your loving heart and name I pray, Amen.
This listener-supported Christian radio in my area is so invaluable to me .... how can I not give?
As the Lord told Paul, "It is hard for you to kick against the goads." These words keep playing in my mind. The Lord was calling Paul to a specific appointment, yet Paul was resisting Him with all of his might.

Biblequestions said:
A large percentage of people in the first century were tillers of the soil. Oxen were used to work the soil. The prick or goad was a necessary devise. The prick was usually a wooden shaft with a pointed spike (prick) at one end. The man working the ox would position the goad in such a way as to exert influence and control over the ox. You see, if the ox refused the command indicated by the farmer, the goad would be used to jab or prick the ox. Sometimes the ox would refuse this incentive by kicking out at the prick. As result, the prick would be driven deeper into the flesh of the rebellious animal. The more the animal rebelled, the more the animal suffered. Hence, the statement to Saul: "It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks." (Saul was rebelling against God.)

I very much feel this way! The best way I can describe it is some kind of sense of destiny, but I am doing my best to avoid it/sabotage it. But the thought keeps coming back to me, "Okay, NK, you can refuse to act right if you want to, but you're just going to make it harder for yourself in the long run."

Walking with God can be a very strange thing. Sometimes you really can't explain to other people why you are doing what you're doing. It may not even make sense to you! Whatever the Lord has in mind with this, I finally surrender and say, "Not my will but Thy will be done."
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More thoughts...

I think it is really necessary to be able to say I don't know when it comes to the things of God. I think that as Christians we can feel like we're supposed to know the answer to everything. Of course we are to continually grow in wisdom and understanding, but I think it's easy to end up coming to wrong conclusions and short-circuiting God's growth process when we try to mature ourselves rather than allowing God to teach and guide us.

There are things that we must be assured of (salvation, God's judgment, etc.). But sometimes we really don't hear Him clearly. Sometimes we really don't know how exactly something comports with Scripture. I believe He will sooner give true wisdom to the person willing to admit they're not sure than to the one who assumes they know.

I'm trying to come to a place where I make a clear distinction within myself and before others regarding what I know for certain and what I do not yet see clearly.
As the Lord told Paul, "It is hard for you to kick against the goads." These words keep playing in my mind. The Lord was calling Paul to a specific appointment, yet Paul was resisting Him with all of his might.

I very much feel this way! The best way I can describe it is some kind of sense of destiny, but I am doing my best to avoid it/sabotage it. But the thought keeps coming back to me, "Okay, NK, you can refuse to act right if you want to, but you're just going to make it harder for yourself in the long run."

@nicola.kirwan Thanks I really needed to read this today. It's easy to get bogged down with emotion and focusing on worldly concerns and forget that God has a specific path for each one of us.. or try to put his purposes on the backburner. All the while our frustration and misery grows when focusing on Him is our remedy and resting place. Seems so simple when I type it out :lol:

It's also interesting how child-like our interactions with God really are. He truly is our heavenly Father.

Walking with God can be a very strange thing. Sometimes you really can't explain to other people why you are doing what you're doing. It may not even make sense to you! Whatever the Lord has in mind with this, I finally surrender and say, "Not my will but Thy will be done."

So true, and I'm finding that if I'm not making walking in the Spirit a priority on a regular basis I start focusing too much on other's perceptions of my life choices and journey or feel like I need to prove something. It can be hard feeling like an outsider and a sojourner but Jesus is the Author and Finisher... He who began a good work sees it through..
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Friendships (just some thoughts)

When Jesus was on Earth he was surrounded by all kinds right? but didn't most of these people repent of their sins and began to serve God

Where am I going with this?
friend and influences. Some of my closest friends don't understand and will never fully understand my walk. They have a "different" definition of Christianity. A Christian is like the rest of the world, acts like the rest of the world. She simply believes in God. I can't say I have always been the best example to show them differently; that makes me sad. :(
My friends do influence me. I feel like I need to sit down and have a more open discussion with them. I don't think they "get it", they don't have to, but I know they are starting to get confused.
Whatever you need to do Lord, no one before him
God you know I didn't have much money to celebrate my mentor/office mother bday.When I bought her lunch she kept saying this is going to be too much and I was like dang can I be nice.So I told the cashier it was my friends bday she gave her a free fruit cup 3 dollar value but then gave me a coupon valued at 8.00..I don't know if the fact I was willing to give up the cross I was wearing like automatically or what but it all worked out..God be the glory bc my bdays aren't celebrated by others which always made me feel less than bc I felt I must not be important to anyone but I don't want others to ever feel that way..