2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

WHEW! Lord you are GOOD and your MERCY endureth FOREVER!!!!!
I KNOW you have my back! Demons and devils are trying to distract me from who YOU REALLY ARE! I know you will come through for me!
I'm not going to lose my JOY or my PRAISE!!!
God I feel you correction but it seems its coming way to much.I wonder if I will have to lose it all to become a perfect vessel.Figuring out yesterday why I act the way I do and why I think the way I do inferiority complexes aren't nice at all.I always feel as though I have to show others that I'm good and I feel part of my giving is not bc I want to but to overcompensate on my lackluster in relationships.Alot of soul searching is going on.I hate hearing you need to grow up as I want to say what the heck do you think I'm trying to do.Rome wasn't built in a day nor will my strongholds and mental hangups. But I'm happy things are coming forth bc this is no way to live constantly in fear,pain and worry.
My spirit is grieved...WHY would anyone allow a 'prophet' to make them desecrate the Bible -- literally put their two feet ON the Word of God and stand on it -- to pray.. Lord have mercy on their souls and I pray for a breaking of strongholds!
Be careful what you pray for it may come to fruitation.I use to want to be this uber holy chick who was so faithfilled,happy and always pushed through.I now look at myself and laugh as none of it is possible.The harder I try to be better the more I mess up under the pressure.I guess it will take me leaving Christianity possible for me to be happy as the more I dig the worst it becomes.I observe a lady that I work with.She is amazing to me.She is competitive but not the in you face type,sweet but not a push over,helpful and never complains.I'm in awe with her bc that what I wanted to be.But then hearing how she was brought up its not wonder.I know God allows many things and I hope to be around to see the reason for certain things being allowed.
^^^You don't have to leave your faith, just put aside emulating another. Christians are no different from anybody else. We put ourselves on pedestals that are easy to fall off of. We forget that we are all His children..all the same...but for the grace of G-d, we'd be sinning in the most horrible ways. We elicit His help...the only true difference. What is harmful is that we have been sold a lie that the christian walk is full of daffodils, butterflies and easy times. We are the "holy" ones. How far from the actual truth. We are all wretched...but it's that wretchedness that brings His great mercy, if we accept it. If we truly see what Jesus has laid before us, it would be scary, truly. His crown was won through blood. We will travel in His steps.
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I pray that you will not only declare the word of God but allow it to take root in you so that 'change' will be made...

Be careful what you pray for it may come to fruitation.I use to want to be this uber holy chick who was so faithfilled,happy and always pushed through.I now look at myself and laugh as none of it is possible.The harder I try to be better the more I mess up under the pressure.I guess it will take me leaving Christianity possible for me to be happy as the more I dig the worst it becomes.I observe a lady that I work with.She is amazing to me.She is competitive but not the in you face type,sweet but not a push over,helpful and never complains.I'm in awe with her bc that what I wanted to be.But then hearing how she was brought up its not wonder.I know God allows many things and I hope to be around to see the reason for certain things being allowed.
Went to a great service last night! It was about working on ourselves before presenting ourselves to God everyday like we do asking God for blessings like he HAS to give it us---- REALITYCHECK
Then today I get confirmation that these young men are not ready for me and I need to stop "pretending i'm not looking" and really stop looking for a mate Best things come to those who wait right?....I think God speaks to us through others too

^^^ironcially when i started typing this was not what I wanted to say but that what I typed so i'm gonna leave it Have a blessed day everyone!!
My father was murdered two weeks ago. He was the glue that kept this family together. He was my best friend. I'm not sure we or I can get through this. a lot of us including me have lost our faith.
Father I want to thank you for healing my son's skin condition. It took a long time but how and when he was healed is the Lord's business.
My father was murdered two weeks ago. He was the glue that kept this family together. He was my best friend. I'm not sure we or I can get through this. a lot of us including me have lost our faith.

I will definitely be praying for you and your family. May God comfort you.
(((IVY))) I am so sorry about your loss, so very sorry. I will keep you and your family in my prayers and ask God to comfort you during these especially difficult times.
@ivyness, I'm sorry to hear this about your dad. May God comfort the you and your family members at this trying time.
My father was murdered two weeks ago. He was the glue that kept this family together. He was my best friend. I'm not sure we or I can get through this. a lot of us including me have lost our faith.

Ivyness, please don't lose faith; this is what the "enemy of souls" wants. I am going to be praying for you and your family, and that you all discover that through this difficult time Jesus will be your best friend and the glue to help get everybody through this.

It want be easy, but it'll be harder for you and your family to try to carry this load by yourselves. You all need Divine help.

I hope that everybody that sees your post will join me in sending pray and our cyber love to you and your family.
I struggle with that concept as it's usually presented for one reason - dealing with past holier than thou's. We aren't in that close relationship, being able to boldly come before Him so we can shove past others with proud shoulders to the front golden pews, asking for specialized favors. We have that privilege for....

...the benefit of others. The way to greatness is through servitude. He showed us that very example. I know that my opinion is very much based upon experiences that were less than kewl. I realize they didn't mean any harm. It has still had a very negative effect on me because I began to realize that people were being marginalized. As long as I recognize my lowly place, there is much mercy.
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Lord I like how you talk to me in the morning on the way to work when there nothing but me and my ford focus.I hear your voice.I have had many people say I see soo much potential in you.This morning it finally dawned on me when in the heck am I going to see it.Then it flowed when I see my potential I will begin to act in the way and then operate in such a manner that if its not going to get me to my goal then I don't want it.So for now on if what I say isn't going to get me into the management position or in my mua career then it won't be said.Same for other areas of my life.Until I see me for the great woman I was created to be there will be no man on earth that can convince me.

Also ivyness don't lose heart in the struggle my love.Your daddy wouldn't want that.God wanted one of his gems back I just hate the manner he was taken.I will also keep you and your family in my prayers.
Father, I'm gonna stick and stay, I'm fully persuaded this world has nothing to offer me, there is no turning back, I'm looking to the hills ...
ITA.. blessed -- to be a blessing...nothing more! Amein~

I struggle with that concept as it's usually presented for one reason - dealing with past holier than thou's. We aren't in that close relationship, being able to boldly come before Him so we can shove past others with proud shoulders to the front golden pews, asking for specialized favors. We have that privilege for....

...the benefit of others.
I grew up on Carnival in the Caribbean...it WAS my culture but Jesus is my culture now. There is no turning back. Amein~

Just a revelation that has helped me in my little black book of questions...you know, you keep them until you can answer them. I've struggled with that for so long. Thank you. Pray for me.
Lord please allow me to enter your fellowship tomorrow without the past pains of being a christian and attending a church service come over me to the point Im too overwhelmed and irritable..I pray for peace and the breakthrough financially so I can start living a bit but more importantly the mental breakthrough that I am sufficient and I am worth something more than a whore..I want to start seeing myself the way you see me God is this possible or do you over look my cry..I'm so tired of always having to petition for myself and when someone does I am caught off guard..I want these things bc I turn 26 if you allow and I don't want the same baggage for anymore of my life here.

I am agreeing in prayer with you. You know that God is for you and if you don't know I'm telling you that he is.

You and all of us are made in his Hoy image and we are blessed. He knows your pain and collects your tears in his bottle (Psalms 56:8).

You are meant to be a blessing. That is why Satan is constantly on the attack. Remember he is a defeated foe and is only trying to drag folk to Hell with him.

God is for you!
Never say Never and always always be kind to people especially the ones you do not like, you never ever know who your going to need or where your going to end up. One day you can be in your kitchen cooking dinner and the next your outside looking at your house with the windows kicked out and water flying in it and wondering whats going to happen to you. Really all you can say is Thank God I am on the outside and not inside where the danger is. Thank you Lord.
Lord please allow me to enter your fellowship tomorrow without the past pains of being a christian and attending a church service come over me to the point Im too overwhelmed and irritable..I pray for peace and the breakthrough financially so I can start living a bit but more importantly the mental breakthrough that I am sufficient and I am worth something more than a whore..I want to start seeing myself the way you see me God is this possible or do you over look my cry..I'm so tired of always having to petition for myself and when someone does I am caught off guard..I want these things bc I turn 26 if you allow and I don't want the same baggage for anymore of my life here.


:kiss: For all of the pain inside, God has 'kissed' it all away. You are His darling daughter and no one can take that away from you. Not even thoughts from the past.

Thoughts for this moment and those to follow.. God love is in me, the Greater One, lives on the inside of me .. the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in me, therefore I am free and will always be...in Jesus' Name. Amen and Amen..
Well today was awesome the service was about being unstuck in families..I know family hasn't been a big thing to me but the points he made rang clear-forgive,there needs to be prayer and the word time daily,celebrate and trust God for the rest..I know for me I half way forgive my family.When I lived there this past year it was hard and I felt a fool for trying.I remember this past Thanksgiving I wanted folks to get up so we could bless the food and my step father and mother where so rude bc they where sleeping at 1pm..It hurt bc I was trying to build a family thing but it doesn't matter to them.I don't want to try anymore.So God has placed ppl in my life that have filled the void for me.

Then there was a praise dance that tore me all up.I mean I kept my cool through service then the dance was just so oh..the 2 of the ladies danced in angel like attire and the others had on black robes with words like depressed,worry,anger,pain etc and the song said help me see me the way you do..God sees me as whole happy,victorious..they replaced their black robes with angel attire and put words like joy,peace free..I just cried as that is the way I see me but I'm scared that I have been out in depression for too long to be whole but we shall see if its God's will for me to live a good life or to always be afflicted.Not everyone gets to be happy on earth some have to go through for life until death and they get to go to heavy like the chronically poor or underemployed.

Here's the song the danced off of-Paul S Morton-I am what you see
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Feeling ups and downs...I'm honest about my faith and that's how G-d wishes me to be.

Heard a song last night at mass:
This is Our G-d

A refuge for the poor, a shelter from the storm
This is our God
He will wipe away your tears and return your
wasted years
This is our God
Oh... this is our God
A father to the orphan, a healer to the broken
This is our God
And he brings peace to our madness and comfort
in our sadness
This is our God
Oh... this is our God
this is the one we have waited for
Oh... this is our God
A fountain for the thirsty, a lover for the lonely
This is our God
He brings glory to the humble and crowns for the
This is our God


This walk is not easy and there is no fairy dust with 100% joy and good times. If it is, then you are not walking it honestly...or just wait.
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