2011 - Christian Random Thoughts

I got delivered and now I can tell the devil is trying to pull me back to my old lifestyle, please stand with me in prayer on this issue

Hi :wave: LoveisYou...

Remember when God removed Adam and Eve from the 'Garden' and assigned two angels to stand guard so that never again they could return to the place of their sin? It was for their own protection.

For you, it is likewise

The door to the old lifestyle is closed .......... forever. :yep:

You will always be free. It is a gift from God to you His beloved. God never takes away His gifts to us.

Lord you have ALWAYS been there for me and my babies...
This year has been the WORST EVER for me in my entire life.
BUT YOU PROMISED that if I was not weary in my well doing, that in due season I would reap if I FAINTED NOT!
I can see the works of your hand after months of silence.
I know you were working on my behalf all along.
These past few weeks the word has been stirring in my heart and lips bringing me JOY in the midst of my life hurricaines!!!
I see the blessings beginning to manifest!
Not because of THINGS, but BECAUSE OF WHO YOU ARE I will bless your name and sing your praises all the days of my life!!!!
Like a physical body, The Body of Christ has varied parts, with specific functions. I'm effective knowing what my role is and not worrying about others' roles or how God uses them, because there are no 'big or little' Christians. We all have great value to Him, simply because He made us and not we ourselves. Thank you Lord for my Pinky Toe ministry*.

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another."
- Romans 12:4-5

[*Tanya James]
every joint supplieth, even the pinky toe :yep:

Like a physical body, The Body of Christ has varied parts, with specific functions. I'm effective knowing what my role is and not worrying about others' roles or how God uses them, because there are no 'big or little' Christians. We all have great value to Him, simply because He made us and not we ourselves. Thank you Lord for my Pinky Toe ministry*.

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." - Romans 12:4-5

[*Tanya James]
Just a little encouragement to anyone who stops by today....

A close friend and I was 'big-ing' God up this morning just sharing about what a blessing the Lord is to us, she said how she likes to see her cupboard full of stuff and I said I like to see lots of cleaning products :lol: hey, everybody is different...

Having lots of stuff is nice but when you don't have anything and God comes through somehow it means so much more...today I had two big bills to pay and trust me afterwards I would have been left with $0, my sister called me a few minutes ago and says I'm gonna put $50 on your account, I didn't ask her for it she’s not working, I never mentioned it to my friend and I didn't ask Father but, HE knew...

$50 dollars seems like a little bit of money but right now that’s $50 more than I had so it feels like I’ve got $1000...he said he will supply our needs, now this doesn't mean than the cupboard will always be full and overflowing but it DOES mean that every day our needs will be met...All we need is plenty of Jesus...

sorry, do we have a testimony thread
I know that this is a very strange thing to be anxious about, but I think the Lord could be teaching me now how to abound. Paul said "I have learned how to be abased and to abound." Usually it's the tight spaces that cause worry, but now things are going so well and I keep pulling up the reigns. I'm afraid of being caught up in the wisdom of the world. It'd be better for me to not be known, to have no career and to make no money than to operate according to this world's mentality and to embrace its values.

The devil wants us to glory in the pride of life, but we have to abase our hearts no matter how much we may abound externally.

Wherever I end up, I can only pray that my heart would be single before the Lord.
Hi :wave: @LoveisYou...

Remember when God removed Adam and Eve from the 'Garden' and assigned two angels to stand guard so that never again they could return to the place of their sin? It was for their own protection.

For you, it is likewise

The door to the old lifestyle is closed .......... forever. :yep:

You will always be free. It is a gift from God to you His beloved. God never takes away His gifts to us.


Thanks so much Shimmie, I think it's one of my hardest struggle, I am afraid of "losing my salvation" though I KNOW I did nothing and can do nothing to earn it. I know this yet I struggle with it. Then I get down on myself. I really have to pray about this....
I was at lunch today with a coworkers one who is very social popular type of guy.I wanted to feel bad for myself not being like him having a fh big group of friends and traveled but I will be happy in the season I'm in and now worry about it.If it was meant for me to be out there like that I would be.So I will be take joy in going home to a empty home not worrying about being knocked or worrying about attitudes from ppl..I would love to have a nice mix of friends to do things with but I figure if it was meant to be God would make it happen as I know God puts it together it's unmistakenly so..
no not strange at all, perhaps you've proven that you can be trusted with little now he's blessing you with much...

I know that this is a very strange thing to be anxious about, but I think the Lord could be teaching me now how to abound. Paul said "I have learned how to be abased and to abound." Usually it's the tight spaces that cause worry, but now things are going so well and I keep pulling up the reigns. I'm afraid of being caught up in the wisdom of the world. It'd be better for me to not be known, to have no career and to make no money than to operate according to this world's mentality and to embrace its values.

The devil wants us to glory in the pride of life, but we have to abase our hearts no matter how much we may abound externally.

Wherever I end up, I can only pray that my heart would be single before the Lord.
Ephesians 3:20

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

Glory to God!
I hope I will be able to one day look back and laugh smile about my younger years..I want that time now but I know I'm not there yet.I still get to hurt by things but I guess Im alive now.Before I felt dead seriously...I would walk around and felt nothing now I'm feeling many emotions and that scares me because I can't process it.I feel joy but I feel bad for feeling this way bc I don't do everything right.I feel sadness but that is what is normal for me along with anger more so frustration.I often times feel stuck like peanut butter at the roof of your mouth..I want to look back and say wow GM you have grown so much from the sad,anger,talented yet too scared to go all the way in girl to this beauitful,smart,savvy,social butterfly with the most magnicient colored wings..my one day will come..
'Time is filled with swift transitions, naught on earth unmoved can stand
Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God's unchanging hand'
I pray this week is the start of my healing and process of becoming what God wants me to be.I'm tired of not walking in his grace full.I'm tired of advancing then backtracking.I'm tired of not living up to I know God made me into even with all the odds and past damage.I will share that in the deepest part of my heart and soul I feel no I know God made me for something great.That the sexual assault,physical,mental and emotional abuse,being poor was all part of the script for the great Broadway play that will glorify God like no words can articulate.I know no one else may believe me in real life or here but I know I'm not meant to live the way I am.Depressed when I should be happy.Not taking care of myself because no one notices..its wrong because God only gives one body,one mind and I need to act like I'm CFO of God's company managing his things with the utmost level in stewardship.
GM you can NOT waiver once you've make up your mind you must stand on firm on the word of God, he wants you to be healthy and whole begin declaring his word he has given you power and authority, remember he has given you everything you need pertaining to life and Godliness
girl, I am in your corner praying and cheering you on, YOU CAN DO THIS he has given you all that you need, fight! We are more than conquerors don't stop fighting...
church today was so awesome, the presence of the Lord was so strong today I am glad that we pressed into his presence...I'm glad that Father came and supped with us today...Oh if we would take the limits off almighty God, don't tell if when to show up and don't tell him how long to stay if we would just go with God in worship
I’m encouraging you not to look back! The harm in looking back is having a heart that doesn’t recognize from where the Lord has brought you! Lot’s wife was cursed for looking back, and I’m here to tell you there’s nothing important back there!

Bishop TD Jakes
I'm thankful God gave me another chance=another day to live out his purpose. I was thinking on the way home yesterday which I always do since there no talking just free to think and I thought there is purpose in my pain and greatness and in tribulations. In all the pain while giving birth the purpose is bring forth a child. It is greatness to go through a trial bc your being tested and if you pass you will be in a better place.

I wonder why do I have to be so oppositional with others? I always feel uncomfortable around people when I so desperately want to be seen as a friendly person.For instance at work one I see as a mentor to a degree I always feel like the third wheel when we go out with my male coworker..there not doing anything I believe abnormal ie sexual but their little banter does make me feel sad like why can't I be seen like that.Maybe it's jealously on my part.It makes me not want to eat with them or go out as a group as I know she will def be the center of attention and I won't be.Ah I hope this will pass soon I really would like to have a social life.
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:yep::yep: that's deep...

and I thought there is purpose in my pain and greatness and in tribulations. In all the pain while giving birth the purpose is bring forth a child. It is greatness to go through a trial bc your being tested and if you pass you will be in a better place.
^^^That's a very nice song by the gospel artist..never heard of him before...it's very nice!!!
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