2010 Sulfur Challenge

I'm not getting any growth taking sulfur internally (although I stopped taking msm for a couple of days, I've been drinking aloe vera juice daily for the past two months) so I'm gonna continue my bottles of msm of course (I had two BOGO free) but after that I most likely won't repurchase. I have 4 inches of new growth which is my normal rate I guess.

I may step up my oil mix one day I'm now only using it like twice a week.
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still using my beemine. I am getting growth. Mostly in the back of my head. I had a little setback with breakage but its getting better.
GOOD LUCK!!!:drunk:
What are you using again, MTG?

Hi LAURENCE, i use MTG, MT, and ovation(think that's right) I add some VO5 strawberry&cream and oil with some water, put it in a 8oz bottle and shake. Now the VO5, oil, and water will help the smell of the mtg(I love the way it smells) and you have the best of both worlds right in that one bottle, just ask flowinlocks I told her about what I did and she likes it too. Like I said the smell is gone from the MTG and that's a big plus by itself. Not much of a poster but just had to share, plus getting 1inche of grow is always good. Oh, the 8oz. bottle should have the inch markings on it, it makes for easy mixing of equal parts, but you can just do your own thing with it and see what works for you and your hair.:yep:
Just checking in. Still using my Bee Mine and Liv(alternating) and seem to be getting some good results. Install put in yesterday so I'm really hoping to see some NG over the next 4 months using the products :grin:
here's wishing you good luck! you'll do it, i'm sure!:yep: like all the ladies, i too, would like to know what you attribute this success to....:yep:
whatever it is, it's definitely working, so keep it up!:grin:

thanks for the push Manda! (though i feel footprints on my backside...hmmmm:rolleyes:, lol!)
i wasn't gonna go off the sulfur, i was just going to switch from M-T-G to MT with mustard oil, shich is rich in sulfur, too.
that's because the closer i get to perm date, the tougher it is to massage the M-T-G in well because of all the ng.

do any of you ladies notice that M-T-G seems to penetrate easier on freshly permed hair?

of course, 2 weeks before my perm, no M-T-G no MT no nothing....don't want scalp burns, lol!

@ grow and all the ladies with the need to know, the key to my little mix is moisture, moisture, moisture that is the plus in the mix, it helps with the dryness and the smell of the M-T-G. Please let me know if you ladies like it, if its working for you. I would love to know and if not I would like to know that as well. All input is welcome.:yep:
woop woop! Keep on truckin! lol
what's ur reggy?

my reggie is soooo simple, cowash 2-3 time a week, wash once a month or more if its a build-up. apply my mix after each co-wash or ever other day or as needed its up to you, you know your hair and what it needs. HTH oops forgot, I also dc twice a week also its a must for me.
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Almost applied my mix out of habit last night. I'm perming on Wednesday so no mix for me. Just taking msm internally.
here's wishing you good luck! you'll do it, i'm sure!:yep: like all the ladies, i too, would like to know what you attribute this success to....:yep:
whatever it is, it's definitely working, so keep it up!:grin:

thanks for the push Manda! (though i feel footprints on my backside...hmmmm:rolleyes:, lol!)
i wasn't gonna go off the sulfur, i was just going to switch from M-T-G to MT with mustard oil, shich is rich in sulfur, too.
that's because the closer i get to perm date, the tougher it is to massage the M-T-G in well because of all the ng.

do any of you ladies notice that M-T-G seems to penetrate easier on freshly permed hair?

of course, 2 weeks before my perm, no M-T-G no MT no nothing....don't want scalp burns, lol!

Ok okaaay, so sometimes my lil pushes come with kicks, but i assure you they are kicks of love :love: :lachen:
Hmm, but im not sure ive noticed any differences in penetration with freshly permed hair.
Its just easier to massage into the scalp because im not fighting NG and being overly careful not to tangle up my hair while massaging it into the scalp if that makes any sense.
applied this morning

excuse me if i've asked this before, but is it M-T-G you're applying?

Ok okaaay, so sometimes my lil pushes come with kicks, but i assure you they are kicks of love :love: :lachen:
Hmm, but im not sure ive noticed any differences in penetration with freshly permed hair.
Its just easier to massage into the scalp because im not fighting NG and being overly careful not to tangle up my hair while massaging it into the scalp if that makes any sense.

thanks Manda! you put into words what i meant to say very well.
it's the ng that makes it tougher for the M-T-G applications/massaging which is why i had considered doing it only for a month, then switching to MT with mustard oil.

but my buttermilk, yogurt, honey treatments (i think they're also called caramel treatments...NJoy will hopefully correct me if i'm wrong about that) have really been smoothing down my ng, so with it being alot less nappy, i think i can go a little longer with the M-T-G massages this time!:yep:
excuse me if i've asked this before, but is it M-T-G you're applying?

thanks Manda! you put into words what i meant to say very well.
it's the ng that makes it tougher for the M-T-G applications/massaging which is why i had considered doing it only for a month, then switching to MT with mustard oil.

but my buttermilk, yogurt, honey treatments (i think they're also called caramel treatments...NJoy will hopefully correct me if i'm wrong about that) have really been smoothing down my ng, so with it being alot less nappy, i think i can go a little longer with the M-T-G massages this time!:yep:

That's not the Carmel Treatment. CT doesn't include milk or yogurt. In the treatment that you're using, it's the lactic acid in the dairy products that loosen the curl pattern over time. There's a thread on that somewhere. And, you can do a search on the site for versions of the carmel treatment which is basically contains honey, molasses, wheatgerm oil, EVOO, EVCO, ACV, banana puree (baby food) *I tried using ripe banana like some of the recipes call for but was picking banana pieces out of my hair for at least a week. :rolleyes: Not a good look. (And the carmel treatment is messy but supposedly makes your hair stronger). There's also a coconut/yogurt treatment that is being touted as a temporary natural relaxer. I use this while stretching.
Applied my sulfur/MN/castor oil/peppermint oil mix every day since washing on Saturday. Loving that tingle!!

The tingle feels even better when I tie my scarf around my head afterwards.:yep:
i feel like kicking myself for not having applied my M-T-G last night!

i was just too tired and fell asleep. gotta work on my discipline....!
Hey Ladies, I am doing well with MTG applications everynight. It has been about 2 weeks and I see some growth! I'm not sure exactly how much cuz my hair is in twist, but this is so motivational. I will be blowing my hair out soon and posting length pics :grin:. Oh yeah I might be using too much MTG. I'm half way thru the bottle already. But I'm applying to my scalp only so is that normal.... or... IDK let me know.
i'm so glad to hear of your progress, Make Me Over!!!

we both might be a little heavy handed.....i hear a little goes a long way.

checking in, i'm back on schedule...did my application massage last night! yah!
Just finished my texlax touch up and am going to henna/indigo next week. I got some good growth. I have 5 months left to try to hit wl so, as soon as I can, I'm going hard with my growth mix. I've been off and on most of the summer, just feeling hot and oily. I was afraid I'd go out one day and come back smelling like a piece of fried chicken. :lachen: But, my longest layer is scraping mbl and am remotivated to up my game.


now are you going on the M-T-G or doing your homemade thingy?

whatever you decide, we can all say for sure that IT'S WORKING!!!!!

So is everyone applying their topical sulfur treatments everyday? I guess I'll have to start doing that and see what type of growth I get. I'll admit I haven't applied my oil more than 10 times since I made it in June lol but I really thought I would get growth from the MSM. But I guess not. So, since our next update is in September, I will apply everyday, starting August first and see if I get more than my half inch.


now are you going on the M-T-G or doing your homemade thingy?

whatever you decide, we can all say for sure that IT'S WORKING!!!!!


Grow, you are the best and my biggest cheerleader by far. Thanks for your continued support. :bighug:

I've been using my homemade mix (not really consistently over this last month or so) and will get back to that soon. I'm on a mission to at least scrape wl by the end of this year so I have to step up my game for sure. :yep:
Hey Ladies, I am doing well with MTG applications everynight. It has been about 2 weeks and I see some growth! I'm not sure exactly how much cuz my hair is in twist, but this is so motivational. I will be blowing my hair out soon and posting length pics :grin:. Oh yeah I might be using too much MTG. I'm half way thru the bottle already. But I'm applying to my scalp only so is that normal.... or... IDK let me know.

Congratulations! I'm glad it's working for you.:yep: MTG is the truuf!:lachen:When you say halfway through, are you talking about a small bottle or a big 32oz bottle? I hope not cause that would be crazy.:spinning::spinning: Either way I would say, yeah it's going fast, my small bottle lasts me forever.

Just finished my texlax touch up and am going to henna/indigo next week. I got some good growth. I have 5 months left to try to hit wl so, as soon as I can, I'm going hard with my growth mix. I've been off and on most of the summer, just feeling hot and oily. I was afraid I'd go out one day and come back smelling like a piece of fried chicken. :lachen: But, my longest layer is scraping mbl and am remotivated to up my game.

Njoy your progress has been nothing short of fabulous! I have no doubt you will make WL this year. Congratulations sis!

So is everyone applying their topical sulfur treatments everyday? I guess I'll have to start doing that and see what type of growth I get. I'll admit I haven't applied my oil more than 10 times since I made it in June lol but I really thought I would get growth from the MSM. But I guess not. So, since our next update is in September, I will apply everyday, starting August first and see if I get more than my half inch.

Good for you stepping it up, I use mine everyday or at least every other day. Be sure to keep us posted.
NJoy, you know you need to blog your homemade recipie for the sulfur mix, don't you?

i've asked you too many times about it to have the courage to ask you yet again, lol!

and why am i (as indirectly as possible) asking?

because i just noticed that M-T-G has changed their formula.

it's still got the stanky smell and sulfur and all, but the bottle that i just got in the mail last week now has Mineral Oil as the very first ingredient.

that's not the case with the bottle i ordered way back in feb.-march.

i'm sure it still works just as well, though, and will certainly not let it go to waste, i just might like to have some other alternatives since i DID get the sulfur from americarx that Flow listed on the first pages of this challenge when we began way back when and that bottle has just been sitting there collecting dust.

NikkiQ: i'm so glad you got your order in! you'll surely be happy with the results!
oh and btw, do you see sweetie? you're not the only challenge junkie on this board, so go sign up for those challenges! i'll be lookin' for ya!
I applied some of my Concoction to my hair today not the edges as I don't want them to be oily. I will do this twice a week :) maybe three times. Soon I will have to mix another bottle. I am only using a dab :)
NJoy, you know you need to blog your homemade recipie for the sulfur mix, don't you?

i've asked you too many times about it to have the courage to ask you yet again, lol!

and why am i (as indirectly as possible) asking?

because i just noticed that M-T-G has changed their formula.

it's still got the stanky smell and sulfur and all, but the bottle that i just got in the mail last week now has Mineral Oil as the very first ingredient.

that's not the case with the bottle i ordered way back in feb.-march.

i'm sure it still works just as well, though, and will certainly not let it go to waste, i just might like to have some other alternatives since i DID get the sulfur from americarx that Flow listed on the first pages of this challenge when we began way back when and that bottle has just been sitting there collecting dust.

NikkiQ: i'm so glad you got your order in! you'll surely be happy with the results!
oh and btw, do you see sweetie? you're not the only challenge junkie on this board, so go sign up for those challenges! i'll be lookin' for ya!

I'm taking your words to heart- "you never know what can happen in those 17 months" :yep: