2010 Sulfur Challenge

hi Manda! yes, our hair starts playing tricks on our eyes 8or maybe it's vice versa), but all i know is when i've been 16 wks post, my hair actually looked "shorter" than it had been before i started stretching!
you're gonna be in for a nice surprise when you perm and see how far your hair has shot down your back!:yep:

Hey grow! thanks for those words i sure hope when i get my perm its touching my back, i'm not sure if its my eyes or my hair or both playin' tricks but either way they need to stop playin' with me! :lachen:
But I got a good month to do some serious growth with my MSM and MTG Reggie and im looking forward to it.
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I'm back on the MSM and my oil mix. The dizziness has gone away for the most part. After I saw the doctor, I went to a neurologist for new migraine prescription and decided to tell her about my dizziness and lightheadedness just in case the primary care physician.....was wrong...so anywho, she said it was very likely that the dizziness is a new symptom of my migraines combined with the heat. She gave me a new prescription that I've been taking everyday and everything seems fine. Or it could be that my ear imbalance has gone away as the doc said it would...but the neurologist said migraines can cause ear imbalances as well...so guess what? No migraines either since being on the new meds!

Neither one of them knew much about MSM, as I didn't expect them to. I would probably have to see a Naturopathic doctor for that. But anywho, just wanted to say I'm back and everything's good.....although I swear my hair is growing slower than ever right now!:wallbash:

Oh well:rolleyes:

I also took one of you ladies advice (sorry I forgot your name) about my body having enough sulfur. I looked up sulfur rich foods and I noticed I do eat alot of them (especially eggs which I eat almost everyday). So I'm only gonna take the MSM on days that I don't eat much or any of those foods.

How's everyone's growth coming along?

ETA: Flowinlocks, you never added me:sad::sad::sad:
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I'm back on the MSM and my oil mix. The dizziness has gone away for the most part. After I saw the doctor, I went to a neurologist for new migraine prescription and decided to tell her about my dizziness and lightheadedness just in case the primary care physician.....was wrong...so anywho, she said it was very likely that the dizziness is a new symptom of my migraines combined with the heat. She gave me a new prescription that I've been taking everyday and everything seems fine. Or it could be that my ear imbalance has gone away as the doc said it would...but the neurologist said migraines can cause ear imbalances as well...so guess what? No migraines either since being on the new meds!

Neither one of them knew much about MSM, as I didn't expect them to. I would probably have to see a Naturopathic doctor for that. But anywho, just wanted to say I'm back and everything's good.....although I swear my hair is growing slower than ever right now!:wallbash:

Oh well:rolleyes:

I'm glad to hear everything worked out.:yep: Try not to think too much about about how fast your hair is growing, as long as it's growing. :lol: I find when i sorta forget about it and just let it do it's thing. I'm always surprised at how far it's come along. Progress pic. help A LOT with this, otherwise I would think my hair was standing still as well sometimes.
I think I'm slow because....I KNOW my hair is growing from looking at progress pics. Like I can tell I have gained inches because I'm back at mbl from my cut BUT I'm so worried about my new growth. It just looks like so much less than the average transitioner and I feel like I'm gonna have to transition forEVER just to get a decent length! Maybe I'm just trippin and feeling emotional because it's that time lol Let me go wash my hair!
Hello all,

I would love to join this challenge! I have recently added sulfur8 to my mn/oil mix. Is this going to work? Anyone else do this? My starting pic is my siggy.
Hi ladies...checking in...just took my MSM pills for the day. Will be apply sulfur mix as soon as my flexirod style dries :) Hope everyone is having a great day!
I'm back using my Sulfur after taking a break from the smell and oiliness. I applied it after I washed and didn't smell a thing.:grin: Yay!! Then I went to flat-iron my bang and WHOA BABY!! there was that horrible smell.:nono: So I know now that the smell that turns my stomach comes after you apply heat. So no more heat and sulfur. :wallbash:

Oh yeah, I don't use as many oils with it so it's not so messy either. It's mainly MN and a teeny bit of castor oil and peppermint oil.

I have to be honest i haven't used it since coming from the Beauty Salon, :look: I don't want to mess up my hair. I don't even know if they charged me extra for the oily residue and extra shampooing. I inquired with you ladies with no response on how much extra steaming cost because my bill seemed a little inflated, anywho. I've never used the steamer in the salon, until last week :look: go figure they probably added mad scrub tax to it.

I haven't wanted to oil up until next week that way I can pre shampoo before leaving my house. That way when they shampoo it won't be so oily.

I asked one time at a white salon how much they charged for steaming and was told $35. I was like WHAT!!! The only reason I asked was because in a steam thread someone mentioned it was expensive at salons:nono:. I'm glad I already own one b/c that is just too high.

Oh I'm using a surphur mixture 2 to 3 times a week and wearing a wet bun b/c it's so HOT out.
i'm counting the days until i finish my M-T-G streak, even though that messy, stinky stuff works like a charm!

i promised myself i would do 1 solid month of keeping it on my head every single day and i've done it for the last 13 days straight, so i've only got 17 more days to go....it takes heavy motivation at night when i'm tired, though. (i wash it out every morning/afternoon before i go out.)

then my second month, i'm going to add Mustard Oil (which is rich in sulfur) to my MT mix and take MSM.

then, i'll take a break from it all for a couple of weeks before perming mid september and hopefully have some good news for our update time!

that's the game plan ladies....btw, is this heat getting to anybody else, or is it just me feeling lazier than usual?
I should be receiving my order of henna and indigo any day now. Just wondering, is it necessary to be sulfur-free for a period before henna? :perplexed
i'm counting the days until i finish my M-T-G streak, even though that messy, stinky stuff works like a charm!

i promised myself i would do 1 solid month of keeping it on my head every single day and i've done it for the last 13 days straight, so i've only got 17 more days to go....it takes heavy motivation at night when i'm tired, though. (i wash it out every morning/afternoon before i go out.)

then my second month, i'm going to add Mustard Oil (which is rich in sulfur) to my MT mix and take MSM.

then, i'll take a break from it all for a couple of weeks before perming mid september and hopefully have some good news for our update time!

that's the game plan ladies....btw, is this heat getting to anybody else, or is it just me feeling lazier than usual?

Yep, but I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to be lazy.. Lol, I want to be!!
Hello all,

I would love to join this challenge! I have recently added sulfur8 to my mn/oil mix. Is this going to work? Anyone else do this? My starting pic is my siggy.

I'm adding you to the list, welcome to the challenge!!!:grin:

i think my hair is breaking.........

I'm so sorry to hear that, are u upping your moisture while on the sulfur? Have you tried a protein treatment, followed up with moisture to stop the breakage?
Me and the boo had movie night yesterday.. so i skipped out on the mtg because I like cuddle time and he despises the burned tire bacon smell of mtg; but i did rub some MT on the scalp moisturized and seal and still took my msm.

Today I co-washed and applied my MTG and took my msm and of course moisturized and sealed
I applied my mix last night and oh boy, my scalp still feels like something special is going on up in there this morning. It still feels kinda warm and tingly like I can actually feel the blood flowing and me likey. :yep:

This time I added a little of my forgotten about Nioxin scalp treatment to my Sulfur/MN mix so that might be it.

Hey Ladies! I def want to get in on this challenge. I have been using MTG mixed with peppermint EO for about a week now, and I am hoping that I get great results from it. I am currently APL and hope to be BSL by the end of this year. I am also in the Best BAGGY CHALLENGE Ever 2010! Cycle two (July-Dec). So between walkin around with my head all bagged up and smelling like mentholated motor oil Imma really need all my efforts to be manifested with gorgeous hair!!! LOL:grin: I wish everybody the best of luck!!!
sorry to hijack the thread, but m a silent challenge partecipant and i bought some medicated sulfur 8 (light version, small jar) yesterday and mixed it with like 30 to 40 drops of peppermint oil, put it on my scalp and ... O_O ... It felt amaziiiiiiiiiiingggg, all minty feely (if thats possible lol) and tingly! M addicted lol
sorry to hijack the thread, but m a silent challenge partecipant and i bought some medicated sulfur 8 (light version, small jar) yesterday and mixed it with like 30 to 40 drops of peppermint oil, put it on my scalp and ... O_O ... It felt amaziiiiiiiiiiingggg, all minty feely (if thats possible lol) and tingly! M addicted lol

YEESSS! Doesn't the peppermint oil feel great. Remember those baby dolls where u would turn the arm and her ponytail would instantly grow out of her scalp? I swear that be me when I mix sulfur & peppermint oil, and massage it in LOL its tingle-licious :pulpdance:
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lol yep! Tingle-icious it is!

Offfffffff to do it now! (n yeah m gonna up my co wash/wash so my scalp won't clog =) )
SO I think this msm has changed my period. I remember there was a thread about it a couple of years ago where it changed alot of other ladies. I was over a week late. Had me worried for a bit.....but not worried enough to stop taking it. Just as long as it comes lol
HI Ladies, Im not officially in this challenge but I have been using MTG on my scalp to 4 times a week since March.

I mixed it with MT and peppermint oil. It wasnt until I went to my MTG only mix that I realized the bacon smell was gone. It does have a distinct smell, still but I actually like it aaannnndd it's not too strong:)