2010 Sulfur Challenge

:blush: Your hair is gorgeous as usual. Congratulations on your progress!! Sorry to hear about your breakage. Was it really bad or were you just freaking out?

Well, let's just say, I swept up a lot of hair. I didn't freak out. I was just glad to have it over with. Before LHCF, that was a regular for me. But, I think I am going to go head and texlax next week for sure. 6 month stretches are nothing to sneeze at. But, uh...can I get back to my daily cowashing please? :rolleyes:
@ NJoy, I tell you, you were definitely my inspiration for joining this challenge. Had it not been for you, I don't think I would've poked my head in here. Your progress is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!!
Well, let's just say, I swept up a lot of hair. I didn't freak out. I was just glad to have it over with. Before LHCF, that was a regular for me. But, I think I am going to go head and texlax next week for sure. 6 month stretches are nothing to sneeze at. But, uh...can I get back to my daily cowashing please? :rolleyes:

Lol I hear you, I always feel like I have a quite a few shed/broken hairs when I first straighten. However that seems to be because it's dry. After a few days oiling everyday and apply HH LTR. I absolutely love the moisture and the weight my hair has.

I miss my daily cowashes as well, I don't do it after I so many weeks post because I just don't want to tackle the detangling.:nono:

Anyhoo here's to a new year of growing strong, long healthy hair! :cheers:
I was just noticing your siggy in another thread....OUTSTANDING progress! Do you mind sharing your reggie?

Thanx bride! I don’t do anything special that u haven’t already heard i.e. moisturize & seal, low manipulation, protecting ends. When I first started the challenge I was applying mtg and taking msm & vitamin daily, but I really slacked off in Dec. Judging by your results, you’re doing an excellent job, so keep it up!:yep:
Congratulations on your progress! And congratulations on making SL!! Will you continue to use the sulfur? Do you feel like it worked? Or is that your normal growth rate?

Thank you. Yes sulfur will be part of my regimen 'cause I think that it worked well for me. I will take it everyday internaly and 2 or 3 time a week on my scalp.
Don't know if I will continue using this. I'm shedding so much. I already have fine hair and I don't want a stringy mess. Has anyone been able to combat shedding?
Don't know if I will continue using this. I'm shedding so much. I already have fine hair and I don't want a stringy mess. Has anyone been able to combat shedding?

That's actually what I didn't have using the sulfur was shedding. It was the total opposite with the MT. Are you moisturizing enough? Sulfur dries the hair something terribly.
I have been moisturizing but I gues it might not be enough. I spray my hair with my homemade mix (Water, aloe juic, acv, SAA, and glycerin) and cover it with plastic cap for over 3hrs. This helps me with breakage overall, since my hair is less dry as a result. I did it twice this week, I will try to do it 3-4 times starting from next week. I will keep doing the weekly black tea rinse and might add Ayurveda rinses too. When I take my cornrows down in 2 weeks, I will see if this helps.

That's actually what I didn't have using the sulfur was shedding. It was the total opposite with the MT. Are you moisturizing enough? Sulfur dries the hair something terribly.
NYDee many ladies (including self) have found that Garlic combats shedding too. I recently started using sulphur so can't answer specifically relating to it but by taking 5000mg garlic and applying the oil with conditoners I have had less shedding.
I am very interested in that thread, I tried yesterday to put sulfur powder on my scalp, mixed with plants and co. --> wonderful result, a bit smelly though...:perplexed
I will read all the posts about it, and cetainly try again :yep: