Masking smell of sulfur?


Well-Known Member
What is everyone doing to mask the sulfur mix smell?

I have Claudie's Elixir (for about 2 months now) and the sulfur smell is lingering, in a bad way. I have 2 bottles and have the Rose Petals scent in my hair now - second patch test. I also have Vanilla Lace scent, but I have not tried that one on my scalp. DH has been using the oil as well (about 3 times) to alleviate itchy scalp. It works for him but the smell also lingers.

Did I just get the wrong fragrance? or should I be doing something different?

I do not intend to cowash daily, as my hair shrinks too much to make my bun on wet hair. Also, given that it's winter, I do not want to cowash every morning to remove the smell for work.


For those who are curious, and do not want to read the long sulfur threads:

Originally Posted by NappyNelle
Sulfur speeds up the length of your hair growth cycle, by extending the anagen phase. When the anagen phase is sped up, so are the other phases, which makes your hair seem to shed faster than it would normally. The sulfur is allowing that follicle to return to the active growth stage. About 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen or shedding phase at an given time. Your hair won't thin because of sulfur use unless you are allergic, already thinning at a high rate, or neglecting your hair in other ways.

Sulfur will extend the length of your anagen phase (by months, years, etc), by speeding up (shorten the length of time of) the other stages (inactive follicles, shedding/release) to get you back to the anagen (active growth) phase. It is like the sulfur is directly feeding your dermal papilla to increase your growth potential.

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I purchased the Creme Brulee scent from Claudie. Best smelling sulfur concoction I'd ever come across. I actually got compliments on the scent. I have Tiivia now as well. I asked for an unscented batch and its quite mild.
I purchased one of the Beemine ones, they don't smell like they have sulfur at all. I add a little more of my sublimed sulfer to it and I still don't smell it. I want to try the Claudie's though, is it really awful?
I have mixed my Sulfur oil with shea butter for a better consistency but it also hold the essential oil scent a lot better. There is still a bit of lingering smell, but thats Sulfur.

The Vanilla Lace scent is much better than the Rose Petals scent, to me at least. I plan to cowash tonight and try the Vanilla Lace instead of the Rose Petals scent.

The Rose Petals scent is not awful. It's not the rotten egg smell of sulfur by any means, but it's a chemical smell that I do not want in my hair, my bedding or my furniture.
Lately, I have been using Oyin's Afterbath Oil in Coco Mango, which smells DELICIOUS (4oz), with castor or grape seed oil (or a mix 2oz each), and then the sulfur. I may be weird, but sulfur doesn't normally smell too badly to me. I think it's because I also use Oyin's Juices & Berries or Frank Juice (or sometimes CD Tui Spray) to refresh my hair before massaging my scalp. My other products are covering up the sent of the sulfur, and I still only wash every other week or so. I hope that helps!
I am using the Vanilla Lace scent now, which is much better than the Rose Petals scent, to me at least. If Claudie cannot exchange it, I will let DH use up the Rose Petals scent since it does seem to stop his itchy, dry scalp.
Coconut oil masks it perfectly. The coconut oil I use is food grade and actually smells like coconut oil--best stuff ever! The brand I use is Nature's Way Organic Coconut Oil. To add an extra umph, add some Lime EO. Coco-Lime smells awesome!

My sulfur mix: It consists of JBCO, coconut oil, apricot oil, rosehip seed oil, lime eo, sulfur, rosemary eo and cinnamon eo, respectively. I may a tad bit of Neem Oil to it in the near future...but why mess with perfection?
i mix peppermint oil and that does the trick!

It's funny because i was just about to post "The Benefits of Sulfur and Your Hair" on my blog. Thanks for that info!
I have Creme Brulee now, and it smells like candy! Love it.
Claudie also sent me more fragrance to mask the sulfur smell in the rose petal bottle.

She was also kind enough to include a pomade (DH already used it) as a gift. Great customer service and great communication! I will order again.
They say you can use MSM in your mix and it functions like sulfur since that's one of the elements in it. Anyone have a link for the products you use?
When I'm done with my Jamaican Paradise scent of the Elixir, I'll have to try Creme Brulee! When I placed the order for my elixir, I had specifically asked if she could make the sulfur smell as undetectable as possible and I pretty much dont smell it at all, just fruity, tropical goodness :)
I'm late. LoL
I've been using sulfur mixes since September 2009.
EO's seem to help mask the smell the most.
My favorites are:

Peppermint oil
Grapefruit oil
Sweet Orange oil
Lavender oil

I absolutely love to mix MT with it b/c MT masks it very well when used with an EO. I just can't see spending $26 dollars again just to mask the smell :S

I've also just bought Lemon oil and it's pretty strong. Can't wait to try it.
It's the scalp elixir -

Funny this thread was bumped. I was in the office last week and a coworker suddenly asked if I smelled something burning. I knew it was my sulfur oil mix. I said "no" and got out of that tiny conference room pretty fast. I guess the Creme Brulee smell has worn off a bit or maybe I did not shake it up well enough before applying. I will now start washing my hair the night before I have to go into the office. Luckily I work from home most of the time.
naturalmanenyc You were reading my mind! I bought Claudies Scalp Elixir to wear underneath my wigs and even though she does a pretty good job of masking the sulphur scent, I can still smell the slight hint of sulphur which annoys me and even gives me a headache. My wigs have also started to take on the smell. So thank you for this thread, it was very helpful.
I suggest lemon scent. I used it way back in the day when I was on smelled like strong bacon with a strong sulfur scent:lachen:. The lemon scent killed it all. THe downside, you will smell like a lemon drop. which is probably better than wathever is smelling now.:yep:

What you should do is get some samples...for like 15$ you can get 15 samples of any scent you chose...from there you can test what you like and what would cover the scent best..

What is everyone doing to mask the sulfur mix smell?

I have Claudie's Elixir (for about 2 months now) and the sulfur smell is lingering, in a bad way. I have 2 bottles and have the Rose Petals scent in my hair now - second patch test. I also have Vanilla Lace scent, but I have not tried that one on my scalp. DH has been using the oil as well (about 3 times) to alleviate itchy scalp. It works for him but the smell also lingers.

Did I just get the wrong fragrance? or should I be doing something different?

I do not intend to cowash daily, as my hair shrinks too much to make my bun on wet hair. Also, given that it's winter, I do not want to cowash every morning to remove the smell for work.


For those who are curious, and do not want to read the long sulfur threads:

Originally Posted by NappyNelle
Sulfur speeds up the length of your hair growth cycle, by extending the anagen phase. When the anagen phase is sped up, so are the other phases, which makes your hair seem to shed faster than it would normally. The sulfur is allowing that follicle to return to the active growth stage. About 10-15% of your hair is in the telogen or shedding phase at an given time. Your hair won't thin because of sulfur use unless you are allergic, already thinning at a high rate, or neglecting your hair in other ways.

Sulfur will extend the length of your anagen phase (by months, years, etc), by speeding up (shorten the length of time of) the other stages (inactive follicles, shedding/release) to get you back to the anagen (active growth) phase. It is like the sulfur is directly feeding your dermal papilla to increase your growth potential.

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Does anyone know of anything else that masks the scent of sulfur. I have a mix that I use for my dermatitis and hoping that it helps my growth also..However, my boo HATES it. To the point he asks me if I used it before he asks me out with him. If I come to his house, he literally smells my hair, he is very sensitive to it. The scent does not bother me to much and is faint to most around me except for him. I have stopped using it until further notice.
Bumping.... :bump: Anyone use any pre-made sulphur mixes that smell good/is masked well? I already have enough of Claudie's elixir's but I'm curious about that Creme Brulee scent...