2010 Sulfur Challenge

I'm so glad it's officially on its way to you, NikkiQ!:yep:

for my check in, guess what ladies?!

Flow, please don't be mad at me (not trying to hijack hun, just stating what i did...).....

last night i got ready for my M-T-G then this lil' voice started telling me "remember what a spurt you got using cayenne pepper oil"?

well, i mixed some in with my M-T-G and ladies, not only did my scalp tingle...it was on FIYA! :yep:
(a good fiya, not a burning sensation.:rolleyes:)

that stuff got to tingling so much that it almost felt like i had started my massage before i actually did!:grin:

then, when i went to baggy bonnet for the night, as soon as that thermal cap got on my head, i felt the heat as if i had put on a heating cap!:yep:

ladies, i have found my new nightly M-T-G routine!

it's almost a pity to cowash all that out this morning...but tonight....i get to do it all over again!:grin:

p.s. Flow, i know we love our emu and Ayurvedic oils:drunk:...have you ever tried mixing those with the M-T-G, or has anyone out there done that?
:rolleyes: yep, i'm thinking, that might be next on my list.....!

Why would I be mad?? That's what this challenge if for. Sharing ideas and success stories. :yep:

And no I don't mix anything with my MTG, but I still use my Ayurvedic oils on a daily. They are both on my scalp at the same time, so I guess it's the same thing.:drunk:

I do have sublimed sulfur mixed with some os my Ayurvedics oils also.
hi everyone, so have you guys noticed faster hair growth from using all this sulfur/msm? If not, then, what have you noticed?

I have noticed an increase in thickness and length with the topical sulfur. I gained back the inches that I cut off pretty fast. Not to mention my nails are growing crazy from massaging it in my scalp on a daily.

From the MSM I noticed increased thickness, lol in my hair and my waist..
Longer stronger nails, BEAUTIFUL SKIN, and my arthritic hip pain disappeared.
Ran out of my sulfur mix and was too tired to mix some up so, I reached under my counter and pulled out my old bottle of mtg, thinking I could use that last night and I can make up a batch of sulfur mix this morning. Boy did my husband complain! Wow! I stopped using mtg early on because of the smell so, he hasn't had to put up with that since January. But when I woke up this morning to his complaining, he said, "if you put that stuff in your hair again, warn me and I'll gladly sleep on the sofa". :perplexed Is it that serious? Told him if he didn't back up off me first thing in the morning, I'll surely start back on mtg just to have his buns on the sofa. I wouldn't mind the extra space. :look: Anyhoo, I made a fresh batch of my mix to use tonight.

Lol, girl you know family can't handle all the stuff we go through for our hair.:lachen:

Everytime I use MTG my dd says "did you use that burnt tire stuff again?" :lol:
I am currently starting to take MSM internally, but had a question about applying sulfur products to hair - so if your hair is relaxed, you should STOP applying sulfur a week before you touch up? Why is that?
Lol, girl you know family can't handle all the stuff we go through for our hair.:lachen:

Everytime I use MTG my dd says "did you use that burnt tire stuff again?" :lol:

That's funny because my DH will say, "did you use that mechanic shop stuff again?" Then he laughs, of course. I just look at him crazy and keep moving.:yep:
I am currently starting to take MSM internally, but had a question about applying sulfur products to hair - so if your hair is relaxed, you should STOP applying sulfur a week before you touch up? Why is that?

It really burns! I usually never burn, but I didn't know to stop this before a relaxer about a year ago and my had a major scalp burn in the back. I was using MTG then. I mainly use my MTG mix now.
I am currently starting to take MSM internally, but had a question about applying sulfur products to hair - so if your hair is relaxed, you should STOP applying sulfur a week before you touch up? Why is that?

just like Sweetandlow said, it can burn if you use it before perming, so i stop using it 7-10 before perming.

but i also don't start using it again until 7-10 days after perming, but that's a suggestion i read that i found works for me.
Bonojur Ladies!

I would like to join this challenge...how I missed it...i dunno. I was officially recruited by NJoy!

I remember trying msm powder two years ago mixed in with some OJ to combat the bitterness. I don't know how much of my growth spurt that summer was attributed to MSM (wasn't consistent) but I did have one..making it to about 2 inches from APL from SL in the months of March to July 08.

I have also used MTG before and I still use it from time to time but I have to make sure to use a good moisturizer with it...again I am not consistent with it...are you guys sensing a theme here? LOL

So I will try the MSM or MTG again. I do like Sulfur 8 and have good response with that as I've used it in some concoctions. Do you guys think i should just get powdered sulphur and make a mix with carrier and EO oils instead of the MSM? I remember on another board some people experienced pimples.

Well I'm looking forward to joining the hair ranks of some of you ladies soon as I am in the APL 10 and WL 12 challenge.
Bonojur Ladies!

I would like to join this challenge...how I missed it...i dunno. I was officially recruited by NJoy!

I remember trying msm powder two years ago mixed in with some OJ to combat the bitterness. I don't know how much of my growth spurt that summer was attributed to MSM (wasn't consistent) but I did have one..making it to about 2 inches from APL from SL in the months of March to July 08.

I have also used MTG before and I still use it from time to time but I have to make sure to use a good moisturizer with it...again I am not consistent with it...are you guys sensing a theme here? LOL

So I will try the MSM or MTG again. I do like Sulfur 8 and have good response with that as I've used it in some concoctions. Do you guys think i should just get powdered sulphur and make a mix with carrier and EO oils instead of the MSM? I remember on another board some people experienced pimples.

Well I'm looking forward to joining the hair ranks of some of you ladies soon as I am in the APL 10 and WL 12 challenge.

Hey there, lady! Welcome to the challenge. Hopefully, being a part will keep you a bit more consistent (ahem). I started my hj in Jan using mtg but found it to be a bit too, um...stinky. So I started mixing up my own concoctions using sublimed sulfur. That's been working well for me. I also take msm internally as well. I think the trick to dealing with msm breakouts is drinking a ton of water. oh, and drinking more water helps with hair growth as well so, it's a two-fer. :yep:

So, whatever you decided to do, we're here to support you. I definitely think you'll get good growth...if you hang in there. :rolleyes: lol.

Again, welcome!
Excellent progress! Your hair looks good in both pics, btw. Go girl!

@NJoy, thanks girl that makes me feel good. I have never had hair this long in my life and I hope to get to APL by June of 2011. I have got some good help from flowinlocks and thank her as well. I will not post pics until 9-30-2010. Im 8 wks post and tryin not to texlax until Sept but if breakage start than I will texlax, come to far to see my hair go down the sink.
i guess I can use these as my starting pics. All were taken on June 16th of 2010 except for the bun pic was taken a few days later.


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^ thnx! It is actually...well i made my own round out of an old scrunchie wrapped in a strip of wave cap cloth around it in black to protect my hair. I then pull my hair through and wrap my hair around it like doin a regular bun. I can do this bun without it, but it helps make the base look thicker.

I originally had this donut
but it became to small so I made a larger one. I used to determine my growth by how much hair is left out after wrapping it around...hehe.

hmm...got my thinkin of soin a tutorial...lol.
Hey ladies, I would love to join this challenge if I can. I wish i knew about this sooner.

I have MTG and I am currently taking 4000mcg of MSM. Ive been doing this for about 1 weeks now maybe a week and a half. I am already 16 weeks post relaxer (woe is me!) taming this NG ain't no joke but its going better than I expected it to :yep:

Hopefully with support I can start using MTG and MSM consistently all the way until dec and make some real progress!

I've even concocted my very own moisturizer :lick: to combat the dryness of MTG and it works like a charm.
-Aloe Vera juice
-Hawaiian silky 14 in 1

I'm co-washing daily, to every other day.

Here are my starting pics

Sadly, I think Im stretching my hair very taut in these pics so when the perm comes around i'll prob still be short of APL. I hope its just shrinkage playing tricks on my eyes. Hopefully in aug when I get a perm I will be APL, maybe even full APL. I know, I know, wishful thinking but a girl can dream right? :grin:
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Here are my starting pics

Sadly, I think Im stretching my hair very taut in these pics so when the perm comes around i'll prob still be short of APL. I hope its just shrinkage playing tricks on my eyes. Hopefully in aug when I get a perm I will be APL, maybe even full APL. I know, I know, wishful thinking but a girl can dream right? :grin:

hi Manda! yes, our hair starts playing tricks on our eyes 8or maybe it's vice versa), but all i know is when i've been 16 wks post, my hair actually looked "shorter" than it had been before i started stretching!
you're gonna be in for a nice surprise when you perm and see how far your hair has shot down your back!:yep:
Hi ladies, I know it's late but want to join this challenge! I've been using a sulfur base mix since I've consciously decided to transition to natural hair ( May 2010) but want to really get into it by adding MSM taken orally as well as Biotin and a multi vitamin. I've started my oral MSM today and have been doing the Biotin since last Saturday( I think I may unofficially join the vitamin challenge as well lol). I've been in braids since mid June so I'd like to use my last picture taken of my hair prior to installing braids as my starting pic. I hope this is okay and look forward to updating with you all!


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Hey ladies, I would love to join this challenge if I can. I wish i knew about this sooner.

I have MTG and I am currently taking 4000mcg of MSM. Ive been doing this for about 1 weeks now maybe a week and a half. I am already 16 weeks post relaxer (woe is me!) taming this NG ain't no joke but its going better than I expected it to :yep:

Hopefully with support I can start using MTG and MSM consistently all the way until dec and make some real progress!

I've even concocted my very own moisturizer :lick: to combat the dryness of MTG and it works like a charm.
-Aloe Vera juice
-Hawaiian silky 14 in 1

I'm co-washing daily, to every other day.

Here are my starting pics

Sadly, I think Im stretching my hair very taut in these pics so when the perm comes around i'll prob still be short of APL. I hope its just shrinkage playing tricks on my eyes. Hopefully in aug when I get a perm I will be APL, maybe even full APL. I know, I know, wishful thinking but a girl can dream right? :grin:

Bonojur Ladies!

I would like to join this challenge...how I missed it...i dunno. I was officially recruited by NJoy!

I remember trying msm powder two years ago mixed in with some OJ to combat the bitterness. I don't know how much of my growth spurt that summer was attributed to MSM (wasn't consistent) but I did have one..making it to about 2 inches from APL from SL in the months of March to July 08.

I have also used MTG before and I still use it from time to time but I have to make sure to use a good moisturizer with it...again I am not consistent with it...are you guys sensing a theme here? LOL

So I will try the MSM or MTG again. I do like Sulfur 8 and have good response with that as I've used it in some concoctions. Do you guys think i should just get powdered sulphur and make a mix with carrier and EO oils instead of the MSM? I remember on another board some people experienced pimples.

Well I'm looking forward to joining the hair ranks of some of you ladies soon as I am in the APL 10 and WL 12 challenge.

Hi ladies, I know it's late but want to join this challenge! I've been using a sulfur base mix since I've consciously decided to transition to natural hair ( May 2010) but want to really get into it by adding MSM taken orally as well as Biotin and a multi vitamin. I've started my oral MSM today and have been doing the Biotin since last Saturday( I think I may unofficially join the vitamin challenge as well lol). I've been in braids since mid June so I'd like to use my last picture taken of my hair prior to installing braids as my starting pic. I hope this is okay and look forward to updating with you all!

So sorry ladies, I've been on a mini hiatus... I have a project that's working me overtime and then some.:wallbash: I'm adding you to the list now. Welcome to the challenge!!!!!
Ladies I have been meaning to share my experience with relaxing since using the sulfur on my scalp. I stopped using it a week before my relaxer and still had an adverse reaction. The problem was I cowashed it out instead of using shampoo.:wallbash: My relaxer burned much faster and I also had areas that were under processed. My relaxer never burns till it's almost time to rinse and sometimes not even then. I did my research, thought I took the necessary precautions, I even read where a member on BHM lost a patch of hair from not washing the sulfur out first.:nono: The others complained of burning and under processing. I knew all of this and still half stepped, trying to be lazy.:wallbash: I basically was underestimating how damaging the effects of sulfur and lye could be when mixed. Thank God I didn't have any breakage. Just burning and a little shedding that Motions CPR quickly got under control. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't at least cowashed.

For all the newbies to sulfur on the scalp that relax, make sure you wash it COMPLETELY out of your hair at least week before your touch up. And wait at least a week after before you start back using it.

Hopefully this information will help someone from having a setback or scalp burns. My hair is doing fine and I still have no breakage or shedding and I'm thankful. I will definitely follow this rule the next time :yep: and not take any unnecessary risks.
HHG ladies

ETA: I also placed a precaution in the op.

I am currently starting to take MSM internally, but had a question about applying sulfur products to hair - so if your hair is relaxed, you should STOP applying sulfur a week before you touch up? Why is that?

This is what happened to me..... Please be careful.