2010 Sulfur Challenge

^^^^^ oh that SO made my morning! I was getting a little discouraged. A fellow member told me that it wasn't that great for 8 weeks worth of growth. :nono:
Whaaat? Yeah right! She was obviously trippin. Looks like way more growth than I've ever had at 8 weeks.

Yeah not exactly what a new transitioner likes to hear, but I've just chugged along and found my way to the awesomeness that is "2010 Sulfur Challenge" :lachen:. I'll be ordering Bee Mine Sulfur Growth Serum today. I can't wait to see the progress by Sept. for our check in day! :grin:
what kind of results have you guys gotten with the sulfur mixes and serums you've used?

I've gotten good results. I'm trying to be consistent with the Bee Mine alone so I can track my growth from it. The MTG has grew my hair the fastest so far... I feel like my homemade mix is helping with thickness.
I've gotten good results. I'm trying to be consistent with the Bee Mine alone so I can track my growth from it. The MTG has grew my hair the fastest so far... I feel like my homemade mix is helping with thickness.

I'm too chicken to make my own mix so I'll stick with BM for now. I have faith that I'll get some really good results. I may start braiding my hair to wear under my wigs and with my buns and apply the serum to my scalp 3 days a week. I heard a little goes a long way so I'll be using my fingers to apply lol
I was up late last night using MTG and after awhile it started to smell good:ohwell:. How often are you ladies applying your mixtures per week?
I have quitely stalking this thread for a couple of weeks now. I have been using a sulfur mix everyday. Is that too much?
hey ladies!

i did it! i'm back on my M-T-G!!!

y'all know i could not wait, plus it has been 7 days post perm already, so i got out my dropper, dipped and applied it in sections.

then i massaged it in for about 16 minutes! THE TINGLE WAS AMAZING!
whew, i really missed that lovely tingle feeling!!!

oh, and Ms. blue, i use the sulfur (M-T-G) everyday too, so i don't think it's bad at all.
I used the Sulphur Mix every other day right now. I am not going to wash my hair this weekend as of now, not truly in the mood. SOooooo, I guess that is it :look:
Applied BT to my scalp tonight. I just got my braids done 2.5 weeks ago and now they are already starting to look a little frizzy. I wonder what they'll look like by the end of the month, hopefully like wilderbeasts :)
Ladies if you haven't already done so, please post your starting pics. and reggie. Next update is Sept. 30th

I took this about a week or so ago.


Sundays is wash day. Although I don't always wash. Sometimes I use diluted poo to cleanse my scalp only. Sometimes I poo all of my hair. Sometimes I simply co-wash with my Nutrine Garlic cond. Then I DC for at least an hour under my steamer. I rotate with Alter Ego Garlic DC, a protein DC my stylist mixed up for me and Skala G3. Afterwards I use either my Alter Ego leave-in or the Skala G3 or AV leave-in.

On Wednesdays, I co-wash with the Nutrine or one of my Skala Conds & then I DC under the steamer again. Wednesdays is usally my Skala DC day - either AV or G3. Same thing as above. After I rinse the DC, I use a leave-in.

During the week I'm bunning or my hair is in Celie plaits like it is now. I moisturize daily w/S-Curl no drip. Either I'm going to forego transitioning & touch my curl up in September or I'm going to stay strong & continue transitioning & get a BKT.
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I mentioned earlier that I stopped using my sulfur mix because of the oily mess and the smell (for the summer at least). I tried to add the sulfur back but I realized I'm actually kinda repulsed by that smell even though it's a very faint smell. I can't explain it. :nono:

But I'm continuing with my oral sulfur (MSM). I started taking the powder instead this week and went from 1000mgs to 1800mgs. So I hope for no adverse reactions.

As far as my mix, the first few weeks I used plain MN off and on. One tube lasted longer than I thought it would and I think I was getting good growth but the NG was definitely drier without the oils. But this week I mixed MN with just a little bit of castor oil and a few drops of peppermint oil. I love the tingle and it's a good creamy consistency so I feel better with that.

Happy hair growing ladies!!
i'm actually going to try to keep the M-T-G on all month, (even though i cowash daily), in order to get the full results.

so at night, i will do my whole head, then co wash in the morning and only apply it in the difficult areas (nape, edges), to then do the whole head again at night.

my summer reggie is going to be constant co washing and wet baggy bunning!
(i might wrap and/or rollerset once or twice though...)
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I took this about a week or so ago.

View attachment 72560

Sundays is wash day. Although I don't always wash. Sometimes I use diluted poo to cleanse my scalp only. Sometimes I poo all of my hair. Sometimes I simply co-wash with my Nutrine Garlic cond. Then I DC for at least an hour under my steamer. I rotate with Alter Ego Garlic DC, a protein DC my stylist mixed up for me and Skala G3. Afterwards I use either my Alter Ego leave-in or the Skala G3 or AV leave-in.

On Wednesdays, I co-wash with the Nutrine or one of my Skala Conds & then I DC under the steamer again. Wednesdays is usally my Skala DC day - either AV or G3. Same thing as above. After I rinse the DC, I use a leave-in.

During the week I'm bunning or my hair is in Celie plaits like it is now. I moisturize daily w/S-Curl no drip. Either I'm going to forego transitioning & touch my curl up in September or I'm going to stay strong & continue transitioning & get a BKT.

Awesome progress so far.:yep: I can't wait till I reach BSL.