2010 Sulfur Challenge

I am so excited about good smelling growth aid that I feel the need to post about it constantly :lol:

No more being self conscious of my scalp concoction smells when I'm commuting on the crammed tube in the mornings!! :pepper: If my growth is boosted, Claudie has a longterm customer :yep:

yep, and it is contagious, too!

i sent them an email yesterday...waiting for news....
I am so excited about good smelling growth aid that I feel the need to post about it constantly :lol:
No more being self conscious of my scalp concoction smells when I'm commuting on the crammed tube in the mornings!! :pepper: If my growth is boosted, Claudie has a longterm customer :yep:

I know EXACTLY how you feel. No more smelling sulfur every time I turn my head. This stuff smells GOOD!
I know EXACTLY how you feel. No more smelling sulfur every time I turn my head. This stuff smells GOOD!

I am so excited about good smelling growth aid that I feel the need to post about it constantly :lol:

No more being self conscious of my scalp concoction smells when I'm commuting on the crammed tube in the mornings!! :pepper: If my growth is boosted, Claudie has a longterm customer :yep:

"Covering my eyes" repeats to self, you don't need another hair product.
Hello ladies I am still using my sulfur mixed with MTG , MN , MT and now ovation.add to my oils I not using it all at one time , I alternated everyweek. I getting good progress from my mixed. I wash my hair evey three days, and still wearing my curly wig , where I progress with wearing my hair out in the front, great match with my henna color. I cant wait to show my progress. I have learned so much of what to used and not to used on my hair. I cut out using any other protein but the ones I listed,I still used a lot of oil and moturized everyday, my hair is softer then it ever been , I am 2 monts post with my Tex. Good luck ladies.
I think I'm going to take a break. No rhyme or reason. I think I'll just let my scalp breathe a bit. BBL.
Just massaged in my Afroveda sulfur mix. I have a few days that I'm not going anywhere so I might revisit MTG.

thanks, Flowinlocks! i'm so glad you are using the good ol' M-T-G, too! that's gonna have to do, for me, for now.

although, guess what VeePickni? i DID inquire about the Claudie's at that email address and it is AMAZING how many scents they have!

ya know the pj in me wants to try them all, but i'm leaning toward the Mango Kiwi or the Cucumber Melon. we'll see which....

btw, THE BOUNDLESS TRESSES I ORDERED WHEN THIS CHALLENGE BEGAN STILL HAS NOT ARRIVED!:wallbash: you ladies warned that she was slow, but i didn't think she was THIS slow!

thank goodness i still have my good ol' M-T-G, so this week, i'm just gonna use that.

hhj ladies!
thanks, Flowinlocks! i'm so glad you are using the good ol' M-T-G, too! that's gonna have to do, for me, for now.

although, guess what VeePickni? i DID inquire about the Claudie's at that email address and it is AMAZING how many scents they have!

ya know the pj in me wants to try them all, but i'm leaning toward the Mango Kiwi or the Cucumber Melon. we'll see which....

btw, THE BOUNDLESS TRESSES I ORDERED WHEN THIS CHALLENGE BEGAN STILL HAS NOT ARRIVED!:wallbash: you ladies warned that she was slow, but i didn't think she was THIS slow!

thank goodness i still have my good ol' M-T-G, so this week, i'm just gonna use that.

hhj ladies!

What the?!! Wow!!! :nono:
What the?!! Wow!!! :nono:

thanks NJoy, that Boundless Tressess is SLOW.

but it's ok for now because i'm not using that nor M-T-G (:sad:) nor anything for the next 2 weeks.

got a perm coming up ladies (texlax) :blush:!

can't use anything until after i perm, although i'm gonna miss my M-T-G.

(even Chi Keratin Mist jacked up my hair, so i can only imagine what sulfur plus perm could do, and if i remember, many pages back, it was even said that we shouldn't use these things right before perming)

can anyone remember when it is ok AFTER the perm to re-start?
Please do a small patch test when using sulfur based products for the first time. This will avoid potential
setbacks from an allergic reaction.

Editing again to add precaution of potential adverse reaction with lye. Be sure to stop using sulfur based products on the scalp at least a week before a relaxer. Also wait at least a week after relaxing to restart.

Quoted from post 1
thank you, VeePickni! wow are you ever on the ball!

(i don't know why i was stuck thinking it was somewhere in the middle.....uh, hello!)
I just applied my sulfur mix. I'm having a battle with my ends. I did a major trim last night. It was split and broken hair everywhere.:nono: I have to find another way to protect my ends. I have been bunning and wrapping the length around or either looping the ponytail holder around after folding them under. Sometimes the ends are actually being "cut" into by the holder. I use claw combs and clips throughout the day. It's the night thing I need to switch up. It's too straight to braid right now plus I don't want to manipulate it that much every night. You can see the hot mess I took off in my album.
I just applied my sulfur mix. I'm having a battle with my ends. I did a major trim last night. It was split and broken hair everywhere.:nono: I have to find another way to protect my ends. I have been bunning and wrapping the length around or either looping the ponytail holder around after folding them under. Sometimes the ends are actually being "cut" into by the holder. I use claw combs and clips throughout the day. It's the night thing I need to switch up. It's too straight to braid right now plus I don't want to manipulate it that much every night. You can see the hot mess I took off in my album.

You didn't actually cut off as much as you think you did. And it still looks good. Good riddance to split ends, says I. Before they do some real damage.

So I'm wondering what kind of ponytail holder you're using. The wrong ones will make your ends raggedy cutting into them.

And at night, are you still in a bun? It's too straight to braid in a braid that will hold but maybe you can loosely braid, fold it onto your head and tie it down with your scarf (or baggy and scarf)?

Or, you can get those thin hair nets (I use ones that come with my phonytails and wig) and put it over your hair (doubling the wig-sized one), so that the hair stays up to wrap it. I do that to keep my hair under my steamer too when I'm conditioning. That way, your hair stays put with no stress. Just wrap and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh, and are your buns baggied? If so, make sure the the ponytail holder is on the outside of the plastic and not coming in contact with your hair. And make sure it's not too tight. Lastly, did you know they have satin ponyholders? Stay aWAY from the ones with metal on 'em.

One more thing, when you wrap the ends around the bun, tuck the ends under and into the center of the bun to protect 'em. Your hair is long enough.

I think you can make some slight adjustments and still be ok with bunning...if you still want to bun. (and don't make them too tight.)

Njoy. Out!
I understand, we aren't going anywhere. We'll be right here when you restart.:yep:

Woops! I almost forgot what I dropped by to say. Ok so, my NG is unruly. I've whipped it, tied it up and threatened to send it to bed without dinner but, to no avail. :nono: I'm gonna have to...relax it. So, I'm planning my touch up for Wednesday, which means I won't be back on the sulfur til a week or so after.

I'll still be checking in tho but, just in case I seem MIA, you'll know what's up. Save my place. BRB.:grin:
You didn't actually cut off as much as you think you did. And it still looks good. Good riddance to split ends, says I. Before they do some real damage.

So I'm wondering what kind of ponytail holder you're using. The wrong ones will make your ends raggedy cutting into them.

I'm using Goodie ouchlesss.

And at night, are you still in a bun? It's too straight to braid in a braid that will hold but maybe you can loosely braid, fold it onto your head and tie it down with your scarf (or baggy and scarf)?

Only at night.

Or, you can get those thin hair nets (I use ones that come with my phonytails and wig) and put it over your hair (doubling the wig-sized one), so that the hair stays up to wrap it. I do that to keep my hair under my steamer too when I'm conditioning. That way, your hair stays put with no stress. Just wrap and zzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Good Idea!!!

Oh, and are your buns baggied? If so, make sure the the ponytail holder is on the outside of the plastic and not coming in contact with your hair. And make sure it's not too tight. Lastly, did you know they have satin ponyholders? Stay aWAY from the ones with metal on 'em.

I baggied twice last week for the first time.
Sigh, the ponytail holder was under the plastic. I baggied the ponytail. I guess I did it wrong.:ohwell:
:blush:No I didn't know they had satin ones. I'll have to look for these

One more thing, when you wrap the ends around the bun, tuck the ends under and into the center of the bun to protect 'em. Your hair is long enough.

I tried this but it doesn't seem to stay. I could use a bobby pin.

I think you can make some slight adjustments and still be ok with bunning...if you still want to bun. (and don't make them too tight.)

Njoy. Out!

Thanks so much!:kiss:
One more thing, when you wrap the ends around the bun, tuck the ends under and into the center of the bun to protect 'em. Your hair is long enough.

I tried this but it doesn't seem to stay. I could use a bobby pin.
Thanks so much!:kiss:

You could....

Or, if you're baggying, you only need it to stay long enough to get that baggy secured. Or, again, you could use a thin hair net and cover the bun, flip it, cover, flip it and cover (til it fits). The net is so thin, you don't really see it and it'll hold it secure without being too harsh.

Those Good Day pins are supposed to be good too. I have some but, fight to get 'em out (although now I realize that I have to stretch it to get it to release. I still am not crazy about them). Those are the clear plastic hairpins. They sell 'em at Sally's too,

Just some thoughts. Main thing is keep the ends tucked safely beneath the bun. As your hair grows, it'll be easier to get it to stay tucked. Again, a satin scrunchie would work nicely too.

As you know, I wrap my bun in a baggy and then a scarf. Like so...


Of course, with the NG rebellion going on, I'm not looking anywhere near as calm as in the pic. I'm looking more like this
You could....

Or, if you're baggying, you only need it to stay long enough to get that baggy secured. Or, again, you could use a thin hair net and cover the bun, flip it, cover, flip it and cover (til it fits). The net is so thin, you don't really see it and it'll hold it secure without being too harsh.

Those Good Day pins are supposed to be good too. I have some but, fight to get 'em out (although now I realize that I have to stretch it to get it to release. I still am not crazy about them). Those are the clear plastic hairpins. They sell 'em at Sally's too,

Just some thoughts. Main thing is keep the ends tucked safely beneath the bun. As your hair grows, it'll be easier to get it to stay tucked. Again, a satin scrunchie would work nicely too.

As you know, I wrap my bun in a baggy and then a scarf. Like so...


Of course, with the NG rebellion going on, I'm not looking anywhere near as calm as in the pic. I'm looking more like this

:lachen:He looks kinda rough, I hope it's not that bad.

I'll def. pick up some satin scrunchies and hair nets tomorrow.:yep:

How often do you baggy? What are you using?
:lachen:He looks kinda rough, I hope it's not that bad.

I'll def. pick up some satin scrunchies and hair nets tomorrow.:yep:

How often do you baggy? What are you using?

I baggy bun daily, with the exception of the past few days. just lazy and did nothing with my hair. Kept my slept in 2 braids. That's why I'm saying I look like that rough pic.

I also whole head baggy every night. Not that I have a choice with all the oils. :rolleyes:

I use NTM silk touch leave in, then an oil (WGO/EVCO mix), then QP Elasta Olive Oil/Mango Butter and then Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1.

That's typical for me after cowashing. I either bun the coated strands immediately and baggy the bun or I clip the strands up to airdry a bit before bunning. Depends on whether I need to run out right away or not. Either way, it's more moisturized than wet. I put a bit of aloe gel on my edges and tie a scarf around to smooth my edges. By the time I'm dressed, I can take off the scarf and it's ready (um...not lately tho).

My hair isn't wet throughout the day but my strands stay well moisturized. My baggied ends are not soggy because they're sealed. I got the layered concept from Chicoro's fotki.

Works well for me. My ends are golden and I'm getting no breakage. hide the ends totally and don't put pressure on the point that the holder rests.
I baggy bun daily, with the exception of the past few days. just lazy and did nothing with my hair. Kept my slept in 2 braids. That's why I'm saying I look like that rough pic.

I also whole head baggy every night. Not that I have a choice with all the oils. :rolleyes:

I use NTM silk touch leave in, then an oil (WGO/EVCO mix), then QP Elasta Olive Oil/Mango Butter and then Hawaiian Silky 14 n 1.

That's typical for me after cowashing. I either bun the coated strands immediately and baggy the bun or I clip the strands up to airdry a bit before bunning. Depends on whether I need to run out right away or not. Either way, it's more moisturized than wet. I put a bit of aloe gel on my edges and tie a scarf around to smooth my edges. By the time I'm dressed, I can take off the scarf and it's ready (um...not lately tho).

My hair isn't wet throughout the day but my strands stay well moisturized. My baggied ends are not soggy because they're sealed. I got the layered concept from Chicoro's fotki.

Works well for me. My ends are golden and I'm getting no breakage. hide the ends totally and don't put pressure on the point that the holder rests.

Thanks, I think switching up a few things I'm doing with my bun, baggying ends and Ceramides might be the key to me retaining length this year.:yep:
Flow...you can cross wrap before bed and secure with a scarf or net. I have a velcro closure net that I use.
Thanks, I actually do cross wrap when I straighten. I wonder where can I one of these.

very interesting posts ladies! cross wrapping is a great idea and i don't have that velcro closure Laidbak is describing (yet) either, so i just cross them, secure them with the duck clips, making sure to leave the ends of the clip out past my hairline edges, put my scarf on over my hair and the clips, then i simply pull the clips out from under the closed, secured scarf.

it works, and can tide you over until we find out about those velcro ones.

as for the bunning, i totally agree with NJoy's wonderful advice,too!:yep:
PLEASE do not put those ponytail holders on YOUR hair any more....just thinking of that makes me wince! those satin holders are really good and i use them, but even they don't touch my hair.
when i bun, the only thing that touches my hair is the plastic bag i've got my hair in. i roll the bag under until it's near my scalp, THEN i put the bun covers, satin wraps, scarves&ornaments on OVER THE BAG. this protects my hair while it's being moisturized and keeps all day.

ladies, on a sad note, after much patience with the BOUNDLESS TRESSES, first the lady writes me that she doesn't recognize my address, so i look up in my records and send her my order number.
then she tells me she can't find my payment of $61.00!:blush::wallbash:

i was so through with her that i almost wrote her saying if i have to look up my Paypal account information records to find proof of a payment I KNOW they completed way back in January, not only could she forget my order, she could forget me as a return customer!:sad:

at the end, i just went to my Paypal records and asked them to refund the order, which is one of the great reasons i like paying with Paypal. Even when a merchant is trying to be sly, Paypal always backs up your money, thank goodness.

maybe it's because i'm an overseas customer, but friends in the states have said she's lacking, too.

SHE'S the reason (and merchants like her) why i get doubtful about people like Claudie's, though from what i can tell so far, Claudie's is alot more reliable....i hope.:rolleyes:

anyways, i still have the M-T-G!
even though i had picked out the scent from Claudie's....i'm still a bit undecided because these hassles when they take your money at once, but only MAYBE send you your goods, has me quite cautious.
Sorry to hear about your BT experience. There were similar complaints floating around back when I made my first order from her. But Miss Claudie has been great. She is quick to answer emails and I haven't had any problems. Now she does make the products as you order them, so expect to wait about 5 days before you get the shipping notice. But you will get them.
[OT: now get over to the oils thread and school me about this ostrich oil you have]

I've had that velcro net for so long I couldn't even tell you where I got it. But I'll be looking online and let you both know if I find one.
very interesting posts ladies! cross wrapping is a great idea and i don't have that velcro closure Laidbak is describing (yet) either, so i just cross them, secure them with the duck clips, making sure to leave the ends of the clip out past my hairline edges, put my scarf on over my hair and the clips, then i simply pull the clips out from under the closed, secured scarf.

it works, and can tide you over until we find out about those velcro ones.

as for the bunning, i totally agree with NJoy's wonderful advice,too!:yep:
PLEASE do not put those ponytail holders on YOUR hair any more....just thinking of that makes me wince! those satin holders are really good and i use them, but even they don't touch my hair.
when i bun, the only thing that touches my hair is the plastic bag i've got my hair in. i roll the bag under until it's near my scalp, THEN i put the bun covers, satin wraps, scarves&ornaments on OVER THE BAG. this protects my hair while it's being moisturized and keeps all day.

I won't I have one in there now, but thanks to NJoy it's over a baggy. Which by the way made my hair feel wonderful today. It's moist but not sopping wet.
Bun covers? I gotta check that out also.

ladies, on a sad note, after much patience with the BOUNDLESS TRESSES, first the lady writes me that she doesn't recognize my address, so i look up in my records and send her my order number.
then she tells me she can't find my payment of $61.00!:blush::wallbash:

i was so through with her that i almost wrote her saying if i have to look up my Paypal account information records to find proof of a payment I KNOW they completed way back in January, not only could she forget my order, she could forget me as a return customer!:sad:

at the end, i just went to my Paypal records and asked them to refund the order, which is one of the great reasons i like paying with Paypal. Even when a merchant is trying to be sly, Paypal always backs up your money, thank goodness.

maybe it's because i'm an overseas customer, but friends in the states have said she's lacking, too.

SHE'S the reason (and merchants like her) why i get doubtful about people like Claudie's, though from what i can tell so far, Claudie's is alot more reliable....i hope.:rolleyes:

anyways, i still have the M-T-G!
even though i had picked out the scent from Claudie's....i'm still a bit undecided because these hassles when they take your money at once, but only MAYBE send you your goods, has me quite cautious.

:nono: Im so sorry this happened. On a more positive note, at least you can get your money back.

Thanks! I've seen these before. I'll be adding it to my list.

I like this satin one also for holding down edges.
Checking in, applied my homemade mix last night. Today I used MTG, I in for the weekend so I don't mind the stinky head.