2010 Sulfur Challenge

Yes you can Hairsnob, as long as you don't scratch/scritch your scalp or add any stimulating essential oils to the mix before the relaxer, you should be fine.

Yippeee!! I'm so glad I can still use some of them because I want some extra sooper dooper growth this time!!! :spinning:

Yay! I picked up a few thick terry spa-type headbands from Sally's. This will definitely keep any drips off my face and neck. It takes so little to make me happy. :grin:

I'm glad you found them. I guess now I should go and get a "REAL" headband instead of my make-shift ones. I even cut a terrycloth towel to make one. Yeah, it's a little ghetto but I only wear them in in the privacy of my own home. :blush:
I'm glad you found them. I guess now I should go and get a "REAL" headband instead of my make-shift ones. I even cut a terrycloth towel to make one. Yeah, it's a little ghetto but I only wear them in in the privacy of my own home. :blush:

I had make-shift ones too, running around here looking REAL crazy. :lachen: These are so nice and spa quality, not just terry. I felt like it was a worthwhile splurge to get four at about five bucks each. I highly recommend you back aWAY from the ghetto version and feel great in real ones. :lachen: I do.
I had make-shift ones too, running around here looking REAL crazy. :lachen: These are so nice and spa quality, not just terry. I felt like it was a worthwhile splurge to get four at about five bucks each. I highly recommend you back aWAY from the ghetto version and feel great in real ones. :lachen: I do.

LOL.... writing Sally's down on the to-do list for today so that I can trash the ghetto ones!! :lachen:
OK, I officially :love: this Claudie's stuff, I got the tropical scent and it smells divine!! It will be so great applying a growth aid that doesn't 'smell like Vicks' (friends in reference to rosemary oil mix) or and I quote 'infect my [nephew's] eyes' (peppermint oil mix) :lol:

I have the creme brulee and I swear it smells good enough to eat. The first time I went to the salon to have my hair washed (after I started using it) everyone kept telling me how good my hair smelled. I will never use another sulfur product because compared to hers, they smell like horse poop.
About to mix my MN concoction in a few minutes. I miss it so much. I am bunning my hair for another few days, then I'll be back on MN regimen with a vengance:grin:.
I forgot that my 1000mg MSM vitamin capsule is sulfur too. I have been taking them every other day or so.
I have been alternating between my to sulfur mixes. I'm a few days shy of 3 weeks post and I feel ng already in some areas! :yay:
Still in this chall.! I'm still using my S8 and homemade MTG mix. It's working wonders on my scalp (keeps it healthy & flake-free) and increasing growth.
Look at the growth in my siggy, ladies. I have no words. :spinning:

Congrats. again on making BSL!!! I'm still in shock over how much your hair has grown in such a short amout of time. Keep up exactly what you're doing at this very moment.

I think I would pass out if I got 2inches in one month.:lachen:
Look at the growth in my siggy, ladies. I have no words. :spinning:

Oooooooooh Myyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooooooodness!!! :drunk:

Look at your hair!!! Girl, I am so happy for you!! That is amazing growth!!

I looked at your album and looked at your beginning length from January and that gives me great hope. I know your growth is not normal in any way but girl, I'm gonna be trying to do what you're doing!!!

Congrats on BSL!!!
Oooooooooh Myyyyyyyyyy Gooooooooooooodness!!! :drunk:

Look at your hair!!! Girl, I am so happy for you!! That is amazing growth!!

I looked at your album and looked at your beginning length from January and that gives me great hope. I know your growth is not normal in any way but girl, I'm gonna be trying to do what you're doing!!!

Congrats on BSL!!!

Girl, me too!!! I'm not deviating. No new bandwagons. No miracle serums to try. Nothing. I'm staying the course and praying for this sort of continued growth. And now that we're headed for the warm, growth months, I'm greatly encouraged that I'll reach greater lengths.

I can't wait to see what my hair looks like when I get a touch up next month. :thud:

I hope I'm not jinxing myself by being so happy but, :drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk::drunk:!!! My hair is finally starting to look long to me. I suppose that's because I'm not used to seeing it this long yet.
Checking in, I cowashed today with HE LTR and Skala cond. Then I applied my sulfur mix to my scalp. On the length of my hair I applied HE LTR leave in, wheat germ oil, hemp oil and Neutrogena split end mender to the ends.
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Is it still too late to join? I use Qhemet products on hair an d scalp and I also use La India on my scalp. I take MSM and eggs daily orally. Thanks.
well.....dare i say......for the first time in a long while, i actually re-tried my M-T-G last night.
i still haven't taken my baggy bonnet off yet, so i have no idea if i've got yellowish/greenish splotches on my scalp or not, BUT i DID massage it in a bit more.

i gotta be carefull with the massaging thing...i'm almost 14 weeks post and don't want my ng to knot up....