2010 Sulfur Challenge

Hello ladies,

it's been a few weeks since my last post. I am still in this challend and I am definitely seeing some growth. I was using sulfur8 but it cause a lots of build up (too much shampoo to get ride of it :ohwell: ) and it's not easy to use while in braids (with extentions).

Today I bought sulfur in powder (capsules) and I will try to make my own sulfur mix. I will search in this thread to see how you ladies are making your own mix and I will probably do the same.

Hello ladies,

it's been a few weeks since my last post. I am still in this challend and I am definitely seeing some growth. I was using sulfur8 but it cause a lots of build up (too much shampoo to get ride of it :ohwell: ) and it's not easy to use while in braids (with extentions).

Today I bought sulfur in powder (capsules) and I will try to make my own sulfur mix. I will search in this thread to see how you ladies are making your own mix and I will probably do the same.


What kind of sulfur do you have in capsules? Sublimed? Or MSM?
What kind of sulfur do you have in capsules? Sublimed? Or MSM?

MSM I can't tell you more about it this is the first time I buy this MSM brand. I was about to buy the brand that I usually buy (Solgar) and I found this one it was in capsules and less expensive.

Here is a link http://www.smithsvitamins.com/modules/shop/view.asp?catid=4&Prodcode=MSM-500mg

I also have the B-Complex from this brand. Have you ever heard about it? I think that I can just open the capsules and use them in my mix. Maybe I am wrong (tell me if so).
I will use up my Beemine sample today. I won't repurchase. I will stick with Claudie's. This way I can definitely see if I am gaining inches because I am using 1 product. I am taking silica daily also.
MSM I can't tell you more about it this is the first time I buy this MSM brand. I was about to buy the brand that I usually buy (Solgar) and I found this one it was in capsules and less expensive.

Here is a link http://www.smithsvitamins.com/modules/shop/view.asp?catid=4&Prodcode=MSM-500mg

I also have the B-Complex from this brand. Have you ever heard about it? I think that I can just open the capsules and use them in my mix. Maybe I am wrong (tell me if so).

I think there's some extra step with dissolving msm so that it doesn't leave a white residue. But don't quote me. I think FlowingLocks uses it in her mix and may be able to add some comments. I'd ping her to see if she can chime in before mixing it.

Or maybe someone else can chime in. There was definitely some talk about white residue and how to deal with that.
I will try to read what was posted earlier in this thread so maybe I will have some answers concerning the white residues.
MSM I can't tell you more about it this is the first time I buy this MSM brand. I was about to buy the brand that I usually buy (Solgar) and I found this one it was in capsules and less expensive.

Here is a link http://www.smithsvitamins.com/modules/shop/view.asp?catid=4&Prodcode=MSM-500mg

I also have the B-Complex from this brand. Have you ever heard about it? I think that I can just open the capsules and use them in my mix. Maybe I am wrong (tell me if so).

I'm using Sublimed sulfur. I add a teaspoon to 8oz. of oil. I was inquiring about using the MSM in mixes because I had 2 bottles I wasn't using. However I felt like it stayed gritty in the hair, plus it doesn't dissolve. The Sublime doesn't dissolve either but at least I don't have the white residue.

Someone suggested dissolving the MSM in boiling water first then add it to oil. This seemed like too much hassle for me.
what is the significance of putting a plastic cap on after mtg? tia

Totally unofficial answer:

Maybe to open the pores for better absorption? *shrugs*

I know I use a plastic cap with my sulfur mix and also when I used mtg mainly because I used it at night and didn't want to get any of it on my pillows. But, I have used it without a cap during the day and still saw results so, I doubt if it's critical to the process.
what is the significance of putting a plastic cap on after mtg? tia

I usually put M-T-G on at night, so I keep the plastic cap on because I bag at night.....ALWAYS.

the increase i've felt in moisture retention is clearly noticable, so for my experience, M-T-G is just part of that process.
hi you guys

i've actually been following this thread for a bit now

where are you guys getting your claudies products? i found a site but there is no where to see what products they offer, ingredients, ordering, etc :/

I wash my hair with Skala, and use my jbco/sulfur. I'm which to regular castor oil JBCO to thick for me.
Ok I'm back to say the headband worked like a charm.:yep: It was soaked and my face barely had a few drips. Now I regret only buying one.:ohwell:

:yep: Yep! I'm wearing one right now. The sides of my face and my back are thanking me for sure!


You send an e-mail and she will bill you through paypal. I can't remember the e-mail but it is in the fotki somewhere.

Flowinglocks, NJoy, you ladies are really making me wish Sally's sent overseas!:lachen:

VeePickni, Shay72, i thought i was gonna calm my PJ'ism but now that i know that Claudie's smells good AND they accept Paypal (which is a sure sign they just might ship overseas..), uh oh...:blush:
that is SOME GOOD INFORMATION to have, thanks!
(ok, gotta go hide my credit cards real quick!:lachen:)
They definitely ship overseas, and there are so many scents to choose from. I have the Tropical, laidbak has said wonderful things about the Creme Brulee. I guess this makes me an enabler right? :lachen:

Seriously I really love the Claudie's. It doesn't make my scalp tingle or itch though... I need to get my hair redone, and continue applying this exclusively to check if my growth seems more than usual.
They definitely ship overseas, and there are so many scents to choose from. I have the Tropical, laidbak has said wonderful things about the Creme Brulee. I guess this makes me an enabler right? :lachen:

Seriously I really love the Claudie's. It doesn't make my scalp tingle or itch though... I need to get my hair redone, and continue applying this exclusively to check if my growth seems more than usual.

girrrrrrl, you know you shouldn't have told me THAT!:lachen:

i know laidbak is not too far from me over here in italy, so yep, now i KNOW it can get here if it made it there!:spinning:

PLUS, they've got all these lovely scents to choose from TOO???!!!:blush:
(gone and just rub it in! LOL!)
makes me wonder why i even bothered with that M-T-G in the FIRST PLACE!:lachen: ya live and learn....

think i'm gonna just HAVE to try some! (you naughty girl!:lachen:):grin:
Just checkin in. I've been applying my Sulfur/MN/Castor oil mix daily most of the week. I do get an occasional light headache but nothing serious. I finally started using a larger 8oz bottle for my mix and I noticed that letting the mixture sit a day or so after mixing is really best. This time I used about 1 and 1/2 tubes of MN and I'm like darn, I'll probably be out of this mix by the end of the week. I didn't mind buying the MN because it's only about $4.50 at Target but darn, I didn't realize how much I'd be using. That can really add up. The things we do for our hair :ohwell:

And why is it that I never smell the sulfur in my hair until the next day or two??? It seems like your body heat reactivates it somehow. I get so embarrassed when people come right up on me at my desk and I just know they can smell it and I want to explain before they think I'm one of those stank haired women:blush:. Lord knows I cannot stand to smell another woman's hair so I'd hate for anybody to smell this horrible sulfur. I have a super sensitive nose like a bloodhound sometimes when my hormones shift and I can smell certain women's hair when they walk by and I cannot stand that dirty greasy smell. Okay, sorry for ranting, I guess the hormones are in affect today because I'm being mean. I hope this chamomile tea I'm sipping works real soon to calm me down :spinning:

Hope you're all havin a great day!!:grin:
Co-signing on the Claudie's stuff. I am also ordering the temple balm in Creme Brulee. Its got a strong sulfur smell so I asked her if she'd make it for me in a matching scent and she said yes. Yay!
flowinlocks, maybe you could add this email for Claudie's products to your OP

That's a great idea! Will do.:yep:

ETA: For eaiser access I updated the op with all the links for the sulfur products. I also added Madam CJ Walker, thanks illuminatiamerica!
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Co-signing on the Claudie's stuff. I am also ordering the temple balm in Creme Brulee. Its got a strong sulfur smell so I asked her if she'd make it for me in a matching scent and she said yes. Yay!
LaidBak could you let me know how you like this once you have gotten a chance to try it?

Checking in ladies....I started back applying my Claudie growth elixir and mn mixture to my scalp last night and will continue to do so nightly and cw every other day.
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Applying my Claudie's pretty much everyday and taking my MSM either with my evening meal or just before bed every night.
Well, I clarified, DC'd and trimmed my hair a bit today so, I dried my hair on cool setting. My hair feel soooooooo sooooooooft! But, now it's time to get back to the sulfur mix, which means soft and dry is over. Time to oil up the scalp. (where's my spa headband?)
I am so excited about good smelling growth aid that I feel the need to post about it constantly :lol:

No more being self conscious of my scalp concoction smells when I'm commuting on the crammed tube in the mornings!! :pepper: If my growth is boosted, Claudie has a longterm customer :yep: