Yall I ain't even gonna lie.....I haven't been following ANYBODY's bootcamp. When I say I've been bad I've been bad. My dandruff has come back cuz I don't cowash anymore. I don't do protective styles. My hair had grown a bit...I think I got cocky and wore it out a lot in December....yeah it's back short again. *sigh* When will i ever learn. I think to punish myself and help my hair I'm going to cowash everyday for two weeks. For the other two weeks I'll get back on my regimen....I'll keep postin (Prolly everyday .....) to make sure that I get back on and stay on track....oh Lord please wish me luck
I haven't posted since I joined, but I'm still on track. I've been basically bunning it but have also worn a bantu out one week. I will most likely use my pass when it is time for my touch up next month. I'll post an updated pic too hopefully I'll be able to see some growth since Nov '08.

This year I will be doing 4 touch ups since I'm new to stretching. I am thinking about texlaxing...any suggestions? Maybe I'll search another thread for the info.

Keep it going ladies!!!!
Babez you don't have to drop out!!! You can use your pass to trim!!! Now get back in hea!!

:giggle: I was going to do about 3 trims this year (1/3 of an inch each time) and use direct heat a max. of 3 times per session. I had it all mapped out.

I'm not going to fall off, I was still following most of the rules, I just needed some more rewards, aka direct heat passes.

I want to enjoy my hair as it grows out, last year sucked.:imsorry:
hi everyone!! just checking in, I have been braided up for 4 weeks and a plan on going another four, I am DCing and cowashing once a week. Because of this my roots feel super soft. The only problem im having is perfecting my daily moisturiser. Im using glycerine & water but i feel that its missing something. any recommendations?
DCing right now. Sitting under heated bonnet with henna, alma, brahmi, shikakai powders mixed into Motions Moisture Max, will be plugged in for about 25 more minutes. I am DETERMINED to meet some form of hair goal this year...I am no length checking until June.
DCing right now. Sitting under heated bonnet with henna, alma, brahmi, shikakai powders mixed into Motions Moisture Max, will be plugged in for about 25 more minutes. I am DETERMINED to meet some form of hair goal this year...I am no length checking until June.

I soooo don't want to length check, but I don't think I can wait until June. You are so brave! When I take my twists down soon to give my edges a rest and to get my hair really clean and conditioned for a few weeks, I will probably use my pass. I have to relax it anyway; it's been 5 months now...

I like this challenge; it's hard, but it will be sooo worth it when I see my hair in December!
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Yall I ain't even gonna lie.....I haven't been following ANYBODY's bootcamp. When I say I've been bad I've been bad. My dandruff has come back cuz I don't cowash anymore. I don't do protective styles. My hair had grown a bit...I think I got cocky and wore it out a lot in December....yeah it's back short again. *sigh* When will i ever learn. I think to punish myself and help my hair I'm going to cowash everyday for two weeks. For the other two weeks I'll get back on my regimen....I'll keep postin (Prolly everyday .....) to make sure that I get back on and stay on track....oh Lord please wish me luck

SK, girl at least you're honest. Don't worry, you'll get committed to bootcamp when you see the benefits after the 1st quarter. We're pulling for you sweetie.


Okay, as for me, I'm still doing well. So far, I haven't broken any rules or been tempted to. My personal goal is to make it through the entire year without breaking any bootcamp rules, or using a pass. I pray that I can do it.:perplexed:yep:
Haven't broken any rules. Daily moisturizing, deep conditioning weekly, OCT daily, and wearing twists under a wig. :abducted:
I have been doing pretty good so far. Deep conditioning and twisting my hair at night. Moisturizing and daily co-washes. :yep: My hair seems to be doing so much better. Not as dry. :drunk: I'm loving bootcamp so far...
I have been doing pretty well so far. I have been wearing buns whenever I leave the house. I think I want to get a little more creative with my buns, so I'll be trying some new things. Hopefully, they will turn out okay.
I have been doing well. last week I did a dark brown rinse, and rollerset my hair then let it airdry. After I took the rollers out I kept it up with pin curls. I have been using my OCT/MTG mix and can already notice some new growth coming in that I would start to notice around 4 weeks post. Today I am going to do a partial sewin with some ep relaxed straight hair. I will not use direct heat, I will try to go a different route, maybe wrapping my hair at night.
I am going to commit to 4 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be _No hair products for 2 months. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!
Good Luck ladies.
Just checking in with you all, I have been sick, but better now. I have been doing well, I have had my protective style sew in extensions in since last month, I still wash and DC ounce a week every saturday as yall know is my hair day. NO DIRECT HEAT, the last DIRECT HEAT I have used was summer of 2008 :yep::yep::yep:. I'm doing well, and proud that you ladies are as well.
Just checking in with you all, I have been sick, but better now. I have been doing well, I have had my protective style sew in extensions in since last month, I still wash and DC ounce a week every saturday as yall know is my hair day. NO DIRECT HEAT, the last DIRECT HEAT I have used was summer of 2008 :yep::yep::yep:. I'm doing well, and proud that you ladies are as well.

Glad you're back and feeling better. Keep up the good work. :)
Hello Everyone,
I can't say I have been doing that well. I have been washing my hair every week like I am supposed to, but end up blowdrying and flat ironing. I then just put my hair in a ponytail all week until the next wash. I tried doing the rollerset, HATED IT.
Looks like most of you are doing well, those of you who fell off GET BACK ON!! LOL
No direct heat for me, since before the challenge started. I've been roller setting, wet bunning, braiding and air drying. I've also started my Ayurvedic reggie. Hopefully I can do my first Henna at the end of this week. I'm almost 7 months into my transition, and I'm getting better with my natural texture.
Things have been going great for me on the challenge. Currently, I am washing/deep conditioning my hair M,W, and F and moisturizing & sealing twice a day. Recently, I started taking multivitamins, silica, biotin, and b-complex 50 and drinking a ton of water(my average is 80-120 oz.+) a day and this is really helping both my skin and hair it seems. I am keeping my head covered at all times with wigs, scarfs, or hats and this is really helping me to keep to low manipulation. In the next couple of months, I plan on adding msm and efa oil to my vitamin regimen(haven't decided on the brands though but I have time).
Checking in:
Currently wearing my hair in twist. Used a pass and flat-ironed my hair. Wore my hair flat-ironed Thurs-Sunday. Decided that I prefer my fro much better.

Cowashing nightly. Applying my Banana-Coconut milk hair mask to hair for 1hr prior to co-washing. Still using my Rosemary-Sage spritz 2x/day. Applying whipped shea butter and aloe gel to scalp and sealing ends w/ castor oil.






Boot camp is going great. I've fine tuned and simplified my regimen and it's all just smooth sailing until June when I should meet my goal length of MBL.

I've started using the ayurvedic powders and I can't believe what a difference it's made in my hair. I've been plagued with little pieces of hair breaking off when I moisturize from the beginning of my journey. that has completely stopped! My hair is thicker and stronger than it's been since I started relaxing.

Here is my simplified regimen for your review.

I wash with ayurvedic powders once a week. I use 1/2 tsp of shakaikai, 1 teaspoon of maka, and 1 tsp of amla powder. I add one cup of hot water and 1 cup of warm water and mix. I then strain through a knee high twice. I then get in the shower and rinse my hair for about 5 minutes with warm water. Then I pour my mixture over my head making sure I get the front as well as the back. Next I add joico conditioner and put on my shower cap. After bathing, I rinse get out of the shower deep condition 20 minutes under my heat cap using ors and olive oil. I rinse and detangle under the shower. I moisturize with S curl (lightly) seal with evoo and vatika oil, wet bun it and I'm done. This is just once a week.

I can't leave out the henna factor either. I henna my hair once a month. I do it for strength, shine, and color. My hair color is a vibrant red I love it!!! The henna works wonders for the thickness and strength. Ladies do not sleep on ayurvedic powders. I wish I had started at the very beginning of my journey!
so i disappeared for 2 weeks because i used heat and had to be punished! lol. but now i am back with a vengeance and a new reggie!!

I am now using the Curly Girl Method!!!

I cowash every other day and rinse with water on the day in between; I clarify when necessary; moisturize and seal every night

staple products: Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut, Hollywood Beauty Olive Oil, honey, baking soda

I then put the hair in a puff/bun and its a wrap!
Im doing good, i've been wearing my hair in a bun everyday. Trying my best not the comb/brush it everyday. I just spray and moisterise my hair every morning, stick it in a bun and carefully brush the front with my denman to make it look smooth.

I don't want to wear buns for long so i'll have to make the effort to put it in twists this weekend.

Im keeping my regime really simple, just washing and d/c 1x a week and moisterising daily. I want to keep my hands out of my hair so I'll see how that goes.
Just checking in to give an update:

So far I have not broken the rules..I have worn my hair in low manipulation puff,
But now I have chosen to wear it in plaits and for a month or 2 at a time.

I've been washing using ayurveda and doing massages and the deep conditioning. So it's been working out thus far. :)
Sadly to say, I blow dried twice this month. Once for my trip to D.C. to see Obama get sworn in and once yesterday because I wanted to dust my ends and I find it easier to dust if my hair is blow dried. Because I blow dried i cannot be any new product for a while.
On a happier note, I have been dcing weekly, pre-pooing, baggying, and wearing protective styles daily.
I officially joined the forum a couple days after the cut off date for this bootcamp, but I have been participating anyway...

So here's my update: I've been pretty consistent with my reggie, I just ordered HairVeda and Ayurveda products to add to my reggie, so it will be tweaked in the coming weeks. I've been wearing my hair in a bun for most of this month and for the past week in flexi rods. I'm considering braiding my hair up in individuals to steer me from the heat and more "permenante" protective style (since I'll me paying $175.00 for it..it's going to stay quite a while)...which I'm thinking will last for 2 months. And while braided will make sure to still:babyb:my hair.

And that concludes my update:yep:
Checking in... haven't broke any rules, yet... just washing and DC weekly then putting my hair in one braid and pinning it up until my next wash, very low maintenance. Next week I relax after a 17 week stretch :clapping:
I'm still here, I lasted way longer than I did last year. My hair looks a hot mess but I have avoided heat (have already used my pass!). I'm going on holiday next month and I have NO PASSES! I'll have to just wear my hair in a flexirod set or braidout if I want to leave it down.