20-21 Growth Aides Challenge

Hi @mzteaze! How are you liking the onion oil so far?

Mixed feelings - I don't think I'd recommend buying it. I think it's overpriced for those who are heavy handed with oils. I have the opposite issue, it takes forever to use oils so I risk it going rancid before I get to the end. Plus, early on this made my scalp itch a LOT to the point that I slowed down use to try to pinpoint whether it was the oil or something else. Now I'm cautiously using it every other day just to see if it's "growth" itches or allergies to the product.

It doesn't smell bad (I'm not overly sensitive) but it has a faint onion-y smell that dissipates easily and quickly. It is a medium weight oil blend that seems to absorb into the skin well.

Final word: I know I've said this plenty here because I really want to support Belle Bar since it's black owned BUT their products are fairly easy to dupe. If you are a DIY I'd recommend making your own.
Mixed feelings - I don't think I'd recommend buying it. I think it's overpriced for those who are heavy handed with oils. I have the opposite issue, it takes forever to use oils so I risk it going rancid before I get to the end. Plus, early on this made my scalp itch a LOT to the point that I slowed down use to try to pinpoint whether it was the oil or something else. Now I'm cautiously using it every other day just to see if it's "growth" itches or allergies to the product.

It doesn't smell bad (I'm not overly sensitive) but it has a faint onion-y smell that dissipates easily and quickly. It is a medium weight oil blend that seems to absorb into the skin well.

Final word: I know I've said this plenty here because I really want to support Belle Bar since it's black owned BUT their products are fairly easy to dupe. If you are a DIY I'd recommend making your own.
Thank you for your insight!
AcV scalp + rinse
Rosemary and lemongrass in oil
Coffee thingy

Noticed again, I still have the bald spots at the sides, parted my hair a certain way (normally when I braid I do not look in a mirror - hence the really bad results) and saw them. Imy sister has them in the same places, but less. also, unlike me she has straight + long hair to go over it. I think it's really the thing my grandmother says, about having non-organic meat, she thinks it built up over time in the family.
And that's why we all have issues, girls mainly, and not just in one country but around the world since we're so scattered, but most of us have that. It's actually really depressing doing ecology, because you come across info about lipid rich diets = contaminants adn stuff causing hormone and otehr issues for animals (even saw a pic of a brown bear that lost all its hair). I was trying to put it down to pipes, since the situation wasn't as noticeable when I was in another house, but I guess overall depleted or need of detox, maybe that is why MSM works
*sigh* im gonna have to go back to Maitha's (stinky but supposedly potent, although with her I suspect it's just really good genes and it was just her hormones blaancing back after giving birth, over time, rather than the mask)
onion + sedr + green tea + oil recipe that I had tried out years ago.
Like with her, UAE, and most others categorized as Arabs, excluding colonized or the industrialized earlier places like Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, etc had the whole farmed/fake hormone/pesticides thing WAY after most of the rest of the world, so I bet it hasn't had time to build up to that degree. I mean, it can't be genetic, since none of the older ladies in the family have ever had issues like this.
Anyway will do this tomorrow
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AcV scalp + rinse
Rosemary and lemongrass in oil
Coffee thingy

Noticed again, I still have the bald spots at the sides, parted my hair a certain way (normally when I braid I do not look in a mirror - hence the really bad results) and saw them. Imy sister has them in the same places, but less. also, unlike me she has straight + long hair to go over it. I think it's really the thing my grandmother says, about having non-organic meat, she thinks it built up over time in the family.
And that's why we all have issues, girls mainly, and not just in one country but around the world since we're so scattered, but most of us have that. It's actually really depressing doing ecology, because you come across info about lipid rich diets = contaminants adn stuff causing hormone and otehr issues for animals (even saw a pic of a brown bear that lost all its hair). I was trying to put it down to pipes, since the situation wasn't as noticeable when I was in another house, but I guess overall depleted or need of detox, maybe that is why MSM works
*sigh* im gonna have to go back to Maitha's (stinky but supposedly potent, although with her I suspect it's just really good genes and it was just her hormones blaancing back after giving birth, over time, rather than the mask)
onion + sedr + green tea + oil recipe that I had tried out years ago.
Like with her, UAE, and most others categorized as Arabs, excluding colonized or the industrialized earlier places like Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, etc had the whole farmed/fake hormone/pesticides thing WAY after most of the rest of the world, so I bet it hasn't had time to build up to that degree. I mean, it can't be genetic, since none of the older ladies in the family have ever had issues like this.
Anyway will do this tomorrow

I have Sidr in my hair plan for this year but couldn't find any info on whether you can use it while using henna. Onion and garlic (Sulphur) really didn't do much for my hair, so I suspect my issues aren't improved with increased use.
Belle Bar onion & garlic oil with massage

Note: I'm on week 2 of (mostly) daily scalp massages. I took a video of my crown to see how well the use of pumpkin seed oil & more massages is working out. It looks GREAT. I definitely see hair growing in so I think I'm firmly on the side of REGULAR scalp messages.
I "stumbled" on a G.A. that resembles Wild Hair Growth Oil called: "Wild JBCO Hair Growth Formula" with: Biotin, Niacin and Rosemary.

Will try this out for a while. Unfortunately, these ingredients are at the end of the list. :nono:

Got "good" reviews tho':look:
Pre: Curl Junkie conditioner + plain SB + Castor oil (for scalp)
Washed + conditioned ( Curl Junkie Argan/OO conditioner)
Humecto + Grapeseed oil as leave - in for ends

aloe / oils (5 ml A.vera liquid, 5 mL Castor oil, 2.5 mL prickly pear seed oil, 1 mL rosehip oil, 2 drops rose oil)
mix for scalp ... HOPE it will help with growth!
Had originally mixed it up for lash growth (just a drop needed) + eye makeup removal too (must wash off though, or can contribute to inflamed pores near eyes/nose. since it spreads.) Have to shake it well beforehand each time.
Reason for rose, because it is sheer indulgence:
i've used it for years for scalp and face because (from past experience with malassezia) , seems to me that (very diluted) rose oil helps cut back overall skin inflammation, possible fungal or bacterial issues, etc.
similar to the probable reason that monistat helps with hair growth.

I used to mix this with squalane (and a couple of other things at times: ylang ylang / frankincense/myrrh, and MCT oil << that is most effective for the face/body) and found it miraculous (that's when the issues faded away totally).
Gave this mix to nurses, etc and they all said the same thing, and asked for more.
It was DEFINITELY the rose, because making that WITHOUT rose, and substituting geranium rose, does not give that result. Since I had gifted that too, before to the same people, and they did not find it too helpful.
It has to be very diluted though, because otherwise it will not help, but worsen the issue by irritating the skin a LOT.
Like medicines that are effective in small quantities, and dangerous in large. Like me overdoing ACV = death to hair.

Feel this way about most EOs except for tea tree and lavender, which can be used straight for a rinse off treatment (if mixed together) and actually soothe inflammation. And helichrysum too, but that's hella expensive and I'm not using it for scalp! Plus the scent annoys me.

Rosewater might be a better way for scalp AND face actually,
since it has soooo little rose, yet effective for all kinds of things, including eye ailments (it used to help soothe my eyes when nothing else would,
and my mom's after her brain tumour surgery when she could no longer blink properly, and her eyes were suffering for it....and my uncle's who is blind in one eye from his lifelong eye issues)
... so with R.W you dont risk anything like you do with the pure rose (risk both money and safety)..
but the R.W. i got from Wmart turned out to have a formaldehyde releaser in it!

then SB mix+ SB scalp mix which has more growth aids, per se (rosemary, emu oil, monistat, etc) .
Then rice water.