20-21 Growth Aides Challenge

So, last night I got the first indication that weekly amla, fenugreek and aloe vera mask are working for me. Also, I suspect the itchies I had were actually from New growth and not from using the Belle Bar Onion & Garlic oil.

I have a number of short hairs (about an inch or so) in each quadrant of hair. I know it's not from breakage (I check with each treatment) and it is not shedding (my shedding has dramatically decreased since I started using henna again). So now I'm excited as my crown APPEARS to be filling in with hair and I can see less scalp.

As always, this reinforces my belief that is not necessarily a specific product but consistent application or use and tracking results.
For those that know my struggles, I've been fighting with hair loss for a good little while. Pre COVID I regularly received acupuncture on my scalp to combat my issues which helped me get to roughly about 85-90% better than my starting point. But my crown was the toughest area to get resolved. Here is where I stalled last year:

Here is what I noticed last night :
For those that know my struggles, I've been fighting with hair loss for a good little while. Pre COVID I regularly received acupuncture on my scalp to combat my issues which helped me get to roughly about 85-90% better than my starting point. But my crown was the toughest area to get resolved. Here is where I stalled last year:

Here is what I noticed last night :
What did you notice Sis?
So, last night I got the first indication that weekly amla, fenugreek and aloe vera mask are working for me. Also, I suspect the itchies I had were actually from New growth and not from using the Belle Bar Onion & Garlic oil.
I have a number of short hairs (about an inch or so) in each quadrant of hair. I know it's not from breakage (I check with each treatment) and it is not shedding (my shedding has dramatically decreased since I started using henna again). So now I'm excited as my crown APPEARS to be filling in with hair and I can see less scalp.

As always, this reinforces my belief that is not necessarily a specific product but consistent application or use and tracking results.
Could you please share the recipe for your amla, fenugreek and aloe mask and how long do you leave it on? And what vendor do you get your powders from?

I’m thinking of dabbling in Ayurvedic treatments.