20-21 Growth Aides Challenge

Planning on taking GNC hair skin and nails vitamins through out the year! Been taking it since mid-december. Ive been taking multivitamin, probiotic, and my iron pill since october-ish.
working out since september and will continue throughout the year
Protein shakes
Planning on taking GNC hair skin and nails vitamins through out the year! Been taking it since mid-december. Ive been taking multivitamin, probiotic, and my iron pill since october-ish.
working out since september and will continue throughout the year
Protein shakes
Oh good, I'd overlooked smthing and you put it on my radar.
Am doing multi vitamins, iron, protein shakes
MSM (only a few times a week as it has a bad effect on my mind otherwise), flaxseed oil and fresh juices etc
but no probiotics as yet! Will add this on.

My foot healed in record time doing this stuff too.

I mean it still hurts a bit but at least I am mobile and not stuck,
IN BED ALL DAY AND NIGHT WITHOUT KIDS (their dad had to have them for ages because of the foot) as I had been since joining this website!!! that's the best way to lose your sanity I swear
I know I'm late but I'm in. I'm going to do scalp massages w/ oil 5-7x a week.

The 3 oils I will use are:
1. Curls' Blueberry & Mint Tea Hair treatment
2. Hairobics' Scalp Rejuvenator Oil
3. DIY Hair Oil w/ Ayuverdic herbs, Chebe powder, and essential oil

I'm also taking a hair vitamin. :supergrin:
Finally made my oils. I only had 3- 2oz bottles. Made two w/ chebe powder to use the night before I wash my hair, as I hate the smell of chebe powder. One without chebe powder, for the week. Letting them infuse for 48hrs before I use. :clap::covereyes:

Happy Black His-(Her)-story Month, Beautiful Queens! Our excellency exceeds beyond a month. I honor and celebrate you all this month and every month. ❤️ Let's make the ancestors proud!
Hazels”hibiscus growth butter on my edges”
Hazels”Blackseed growth oil applied to the rest of my scalp”

NC”Ayurvedic butter applied in my length.

*Hair back up in a loose bun

Happy Hair Growing!