100% black women with long hair and people think shes mixed video

Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, damn anything to get that "good" hair right :lachen: smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is nappy as shyt claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.

(red) I am also British born and bred, this does not only apply to AA trust, the trend is very strong here in the UK...How could you not notice :nono:

(purple) This could be send of all Blacks worldwide hun :yep:...

(blue) Please define this...

the video; (the first guest) ok she does not want to claim your black side...but hey keep it to yourself, this whole topic is tired and played out....:yep:
Tyra is just perpetuating all of the nasty things EVERYONE believes about race, skin color, phenotype, etc. She is accomplishing nothing with these shows. Maybe if she had some real experts, such as professors of race relations, sociology, anthropology, genetics, etc.. then I would give her the benefit of the doubt. But instead she choose show after show to have the MOST ignorant guests speak on these topics, which is clearly her projecting. She is manifesting her inferiority complex vicariously through her studip, a$$backwards guests.

eta: i watched maybe a minute or two of the video and shut it off. i have zero patience for that bafoonery and self-hatred.
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(red) I am also British born and bred, this does not only apply to AA trust, the trend is very strong here in the UK...How could you not notice :nono:

(purple) This could be send of all Blacks worldwide hun :yep:...

(blue) Please define this...

the video; (the first guest) ok she does not want to claim your black side...but hey keep it to yourself, this whole topic is tired and played out....:yep:

I mentioned AA because I was replying to a post written by a AA.
Yes I agree that I have come across the same attitude in the UK too, but no where near what I have come across in the US and am over there regular.
I think the statement about "secure" sisters is self-explanatory.
argh......:( tyra makes me sick and all these dumb negros talking about im 100% African American is pure retardidation....please get a life.... ppl think im puerto rican...implying its a whole different race....fooly fooly...

all self hating negro please kill yourself
argh......:( tyra makes me sick and all these dumb negros talking about im 100% African American is pure retardidation....please get a life.... ppl think im puerto rican...implying its a whole different race....fooly fooly...

all self hating negro please kill yourself

Behave yourself!

...but 2 -3 buss heads in her life would have taken care of that. I blame the mother...
Behave yourself!

...but 2 -3 buss heads in her life would have taken care of that. I blame the mother...

its just so disgusting how much self hate is in our communities...its so thick you can cut it with a knife....and as much as tyra wants to be a "strong black woman" she secretly doesnt lover herself enough....

makes me believe now that relaxers equate skin bleaching creams :look:
Tyra is just perpetuating all of the nasty things EVERYONE believes about race, skin color, phenotype, etc. She is accomplishing nothing with these shows. Maybe if she had some real experts, such as professors of race relations, sociology, anthropology, genetics, etc.. then I would give her the benefit of the doubt. But instead she choose show after show to have the MOST ignorant guests speak on these topics, which is clearly her projecting. She is manifesting her inferiority complex vicariously through her studip, a$$backwards guests.

This seems to be the general sentiment. I rarely watch her show but I've always admired her ambition. Maybe I need to caste a more critical eye on her. What, do you believe, is the source of her complex?
Tyra is just perpetuating all of the nasty things EVERYONE believes about race, skin color, phenotype, etc. She is accomplishing nothing with these shows. Maybe if she had some real experts, such as professors of race relations, sociology, anthropology, genetics, etc.. then I would give her the benefit of the doubt. But instead she choose show after show to have the MOST ignorant guests speak on these topics.... i watched maybe a minute or two of the video and shut it off. i have zero patience for that bafoonery and self-hatred.
i completely agree!...i hate these types of topics where there is no professional advice or input. Tyra tries to be that person but fails b.c. she's not equipped for that level of expertise. Instead she ends up being just another 'regular person' who is voicing their opinion. And i hate it. I need ignorant guests to be balanced with an educated professional on that topic of interest.
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Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, damn anything to get that "good" hair right ? smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is clearly african claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.


every black american?? that's a bit broad don't you think? I'm sure you've met some black americans who don't believe the hype.
Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, damn anything to get that "good" hair right ? smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is clearly african claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.
I agree to an extent. Trust, i know that there are Native americans in my family because i see some every holiday!!!! they haven't died out. Just because some blacks wanna say they got Indian in they family don't mean some actually don't. Now, do i say i'm N.A. of course not, nor do i say i'm mixed with it cause any person can look at me and see i'm black. The issues lies in people relying solely on other races and not truly excepting them all. Trust me, Blacks aren't the only ones who got those issues as we saw from that vid. ;)
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I think Tyra's show is turning more of a Ricky Lake show. There's really no substance to any of the topics, its more like she's searching for controversial things that will give her the ratings she wants. I would rather watch Oprah. Then again I'm sure Tyra is targeting a different audience and age range anyway.
its just so disgusting how much self hate is in our communities...its so thick you can cut it with a knife....and as much as tyra wants to be a "strong black woman" she secretly doesnt lover herself enough....

makes me believe now that relaxers equate skin bleaching creams :look:

I have to agree about Tyra, and the relaxer v. bleaching creams issue seems true with plenty people...
i haven't clicked on the linked, as i know i would feel to embarrassed to actually watch the whole thing, as far as i know i'm black, whether i'm a 100% i don't know nor do i care. my mother and father are black, to me a mixed race person is if you parents are 2 different races, not if your great grandma or grandpa was white or indian. if ur 90% african 10% white what is the point going out of your way to claim it more than the african side of you. which i've seen many times.
wow, this is all so sad :sad:. all i can say is thank God for BARACK OBAMA, my kids will grow up in a better world than this one, this is the past, the future will be different :yep:.

as for Tyra, i'm dissapointed, :nono:. dont think the show is worth it.Thank God for Oprah.
Just to be clear, there's no such thing as 100% anything in this country - unless you were born in Africa and just here, then maybe. Everyone is mixed, some more than others.
:lachen: That first chick is in str8 up denial. She looks black. Nothing about her screams "other race". . . esp not her shape :lachen: Ppl kill me with that "R u Dominican" BS. Like Dominicans aren't black :confused:

I can't speak on other cultures, but if you're African-American, your behind is obviously mixed. I don't get the point. Tyra sucks.

Can't clap to this.
quote=Restore111;6187053]Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, damn anything to get that "good" hair right ? smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is clearly african claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.[/quote]

Wow! I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but first we have some chick darker than me talking about she doesn't claim her Black side and she identifies as white. OK, whatever... Does your Black parent see you running around in a KKK hood made out of a pair of jeans? She is a disgrace to both sides of her heritage.

Then we have a more polite version of the jigaboos vs. wannabes argument from School Daze. Priceless!!!! By the way 100%, African American is an absolutely meaningless term when it comes to describing "racial" makeup or genetic background. Almost by definition we are a mixed race people.

I understand that having people make random assumptions about you is annoying and it is true that Africa has more genetic diversity than any other continent, but the likelihood that your straight hair, blue eyes, etc. come from Ghana or Nigeria are just about nil. If people think you are "mixed" it's 'cuz you probably are even if both of your parents self-identify as Black. It is not the end of the world. Correct them and go about your merry way!

AMEN!!!! An American in general is a mixture of other races and cultures. Like caucasians, they're American and have Irish, German and Italian blood(and other various combinations). So if you are a natural born American, you're already mixed up unless your parents both come from some country and give birth to you here, that's the only exception I see. But a 100% African American, they come in a lot of flavors. One drop of black blood mixed with any race is what in America....you do the math!

I know, I totally went on a different tangent that was intended in this thread so forgive me.
I'm mixed : My hair is European...Sometimes Italian or Indian if I got some money. My nails, feet, and eyebrows are Chinese or Korean. My hair used to 100% African back in the day but them micros were too tight:wallbash:.

As a black American I am offended by your statement. I am not 100% black because my grandfather was a mulatto. it is said that I have Piscataway Indian great-great-grandmother. I do not know if that is true without doing a DNA test and I don't know to much about the other Indian tribes. I DO know that the Piscataways once lived in Charles County, Prince George County, and Washington, DC and they were FORCED into slavery along with AND AT THE SAME TIME as blacks. I do know for a fact that my peoples were enslaved in Charles County Maryland. It is documented Piscataways and blacks slaves intermarried quite often. It was said that since Piscataways were dying from disease, they were no longer "slaves" and some made their way to Canada.

I please ask if you are going to make general comments about black americans please take time out and read up on African American History and Native American History.

Oh yeah by the way in order for my fellow black Americans to survive in this country we HAD to distance ourselfs from Africa.

If your grandfather is Mulatto then that makes you 1/16th White. And I don't even want to get started on your Piscataway side. Point blank, I think a lot of people do not consider someone "mixed" if something is that far down the line. And the Native American community typically doesn't allow people to clain NA heritage if you're more than 1/4th? I think. And you're way over that line...
AMEN!!!! An American in general is a mixture of other races and cultures. Like caucasians, they're American and have Irish, German and Italian blood(and other various combinations). So if you are a natural born American, you're already mixed up unless your parents both come from some country and give birth to you here, that's the only exception I see. But a 100% African American, they come in a lot of flavors. One drop of black blood mixed with any race is what in America....you do the math!

I know, I totally went on a different tangent that was intended in this thread so forgive me.

Preach, Naturalgurl! I believe in keeping it real. Americans are mutts, we might as well all get over it. If people ask if I'm mixed, I usually say "Yeah, my mom is black and my dad is even blacker." In reality, though, sure I am of mixed ancestry African, Scottish, Welsh, whatever. No Indian, that I know of though. :lachen:
ok..... that first girl has lost her mind!!!!!! i dont think she is mixed with white i dont see i just dont see it!!:nono:

wow WHY DO YOU THINK THAT? Not everyone that is mix with black and white is going to "look mix". My sister had a friend who was half haitian, and half white. If you see her she doesn't have that "mix look" and she is still mix. I know a lot of people that are like this, and come out looking completely white or some that come out looking completely black.
i agree with another poster who said to be mixed is to have 2 parents of clearly different racses that i clearly agree with why does some black people feel that way about being mixed I HAVE A LOT OF NATIVE AMERICAN IN ME!!! SO THAT MEANS NOW THAT YOU ARE MIXED THATS UPSERD!!! I NEVER UNDERSTOOD BLACK PEOPLE THAT DO THAT I THINK THEY HAVE ISSUES WITH THEMSELVES TO REALY WANT TO BE MIXED THAT THEY CLING ON THE CLOSES RACESE TO US AND SAY ALL OF A SUDDEN "IM MIXED " why cant people just be happy with themselves when you go to a job interview or register for school you dont mark other you mark black BEACAUSE THATS WHAT YOU ARE!!!!!!!
wow WHY DO YOU THINK THAT? Not everyone that is mix with black and white is going to "look mix". My sister had a friend who was half haitian, and half white. If you see her she doesn't have that "mix look" and she is still mix. I know a lot of people that are like this, and come out looking completely white or some that come out looking completely black.

This is very true. I never questioned the first girl's background. I just think she's crazy. I have met a lot of biracial kids who look just Black. Chanel Iman for example doesn't look Korean to me.


I have a friend that is Black and Vietnamese who looks very similar.

But then, sometimes she does. I think it depends on how you're looking at the person... Or something.


Rashia Jones is Black and White, but she looks 100% White


Looking the part has nothing to do with it. Some genes are stronger than others.