100% black women with long hair and people think shes mixed video

How many black people don't have other genes? That's what gets me so annoyed with this mixed/non mixed/you look like this so claim this type of a thing. Most of us are MIXED here in America, and that is how we came to be black Americans. Whereas most Latinos are mixtures of African, Spanish, Indian cultures, etc and they are Latino. Most places are MIXED anyways. So this whole thing just gives me a headache. Most people in my family don't look alike, so I thought all black families were that way. My mom is light skinned with naturally red hair and was called (little white girl) but never once said she was mixed (technically her mom is Native American and her dad is half white and black), my dad is a little darker (black/cuban mix). We have relatives that could pass for white, or look mixed, or look black, or look spanish (and the back ground is varied as my background from both sides is black, native american, white, and cuban) and I can tell you that I look black!BLACK BLACK! It cracks me up to see people ashamed of who they are. But still this whole "other" gene thing is kinda perplexing. We don't all look alike as black americans because we have a varied background starting with rape in slavery, mixing in with Native Americans (some of us), and then the current mixing of other races. Unless you came straight off the boat from Africa...and even there there is some mixing going on, chances are our features are going to be varied. I cracked up when someone called Obama mixed and said he didn't represent black people. I was like his Dad is African, he is more black then you. How many times were your ancestors raped over the past century and a half? How many generations were you "mixed" down. He only has his mom in the mix. You may have your great great great great grandmom and your great great, and your great, before the mixing thing stopped. So this whole mixed thing is just a huge headache because I feel it's a way for people to not claim being black, or a minority in ways.

I don't get what your complaining about :look:
Yeah, people don't get that it is a heritage, culture and identity thing. Its okay for certain other groups to be diverse but any black/AA that doesn't fit some narrow stereotype must be somehow denying their 'mixedness' (apparently no matter how distant for some) when there is really no such thing as racial purity anyway. When people ask if I or certain family members are really mixed I ask if they are pure. An older cousin used to tease me growing up because I'm not as dark as he is. He'd call me a 'mulatto' and other cousins names like 'mello yello' and launch into tired b.s. about mixed vs black, light/dark, verbal vomit about how 'African' and pure he was. He took an admixture test and because of the results hid it for years; found out the test came back with Euro admixture of over 50%.
Arguing degrees of 'mixedness' in people who identify themselves as black is pointless. You can never really tell and our heritage isn't based on degree of African ancestry but simply being of African descent and identifying as such and with a community that is such.

The history of black America shapes our concept of race, blackness and who is part of 'us'.
When people ask I say I'm 100% AA too (I use the term as ethnicity), or all black. Race and ethnicity are socially defined, not biologically, they are relative, they vary across cultures. None of those women were incorrect for saying they are only black when one navigates our society from the perspective of black women, bolstered by heritage and sense of community rooted in black American identities, histories and experiences.

LOL :lol:
I thought this growing up too actually
I was confused later when it became apparent there wasn't a strict line between bi/multiracial and black(AA).
weirdest thing, lol
:lachen: That first chick is in str8 up denial. She looks black. Nothing about her screams "other race". . . esp not her shape :lachen: Ppl kill me with that "R u Dominican" BS. Like Dominicans aren't black :confused:

I can't speak on other cultures, but if you're African-American, your behind is obviously mixed. I don't get the point. Tyra sucks.
Exactly. I don't ask people or really wonder, because I just don't care.

I don't either! I never ask people about their ethnicity, but everyone is always so interested in asking mine...

I don't know why people are so concern about other people's ethnicities :look: If someone wants to claim both their White and Black side, who are we to judge? :ohwell:
I'm watching this and just thinking this child is so lost and ignorant (Jenna)

still trying to get through the rest of the show
How many black people don't have other genes? That's what gets me so annoyed with this mixed/non mixed/you look like this so claim this type of a thing. Most of us are MIXED here in America, and that is how we came to be black Americans. Whereas most Latinos are mixtures of African, Spanish, Indian cultures, etc and they are Latino. Most places are MIXED anyways. So this whole thing just gives me a headache. Most people in my family don't look alike, so I thought all black families were that way. My mom is light skinned with naturally red hair and was called (little white girl) but never once said she was mixed (technically her mom is Native American and her dad is half white and black), my dad is a little darker (black/cuban mix). We have relatives that could pass for white, or look mixed, or look black, or look spanish (and the back ground is varied as my background from both sides is black, native american, white, and cuban) and I can tell you that I look black!BLACK BLACK! It cracks me up to see people ashamed of who they are. But still this whole "other" gene thing is kinda perplexing. We don't all look alike as black americans because we have a varied background starting with rape in slavery, mixing in with Native Americans (some of us), and then the current mixing of other races. Unless you came straight off the boat from Africa...and even there there is some mixing going on, chances are our features are going to be varied. I cracked up when someone called Obama mixed and said he didn't represent black people. I was like his Dad is African, he is more black then you. How many times were your ancestors raped over the past century and a half? How many generations were you "mixed" down. He only has his mom in the mix. You may have your great great great great grandmom and your great great, and your great, before the mixing thing stopped. So this whole mixed thing is just a huge headache because I feel it's a way for people to not claim being black, or a minority in ways.

This is true some of the time but not all of the time. You cant actually expect someone to not claim every part of them, I aint kicking my white mother in the soul, who birthed me and loved and raised me by denying her to make others comfortable for anybody, nor my black father or my full blooded Choctaw indian grandfather

why should anybody have to deny any part of themselves

big difference in claiming every part of your bloodline out of pride , than claiming every part of your bloodline out of shame of one part
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No offense but what is 100% black, race is not biologically based, race is a social construct. This is why it really bothers me when people say blacks can't grow hair, what does it really mean to be black. I don't know any black americans who aren't mixed except those whose parents more immigrated from Africa.

Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, damn anything to get that "good" hair right ? smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is clearly african claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.
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Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, was your ancestors sleeping with corpses!? damn anything to get that "good" hair right :lachen: smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is nappy as shyt claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.

uh oh :look:
Wow! I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but first we have some chick darker than me talking about she doesn't claim her Black side and she identifies as white. OK, whatever... Does your Black parent see you running around in a KKK hood made out of a pair of jeans? She is a disgrace to both sides of her heritage.

Then we have a more polite version of the jigaboos vs. wannabes argument from School Daze. Priceless!!!! By the way 100%, African American is an absolutely meaningless term when it comes to describing "racial" makeup or genetic background. Almost by definition we are a mixed race people.

I understand that having people make random assumptions about you is annoying and it is true that Africa has more genetic diversity than any other continent, but the likelihood that your straight hair, blue eyes, etc. come from Ghana or Nigeria are just about nil. If people think you are "mixed" it's 'cuz you probably are even if both of your parents self-identify as Black. It is not the end of the world. Correct them and go about your merry way!
Wow! I didn't have time to watch the whole thing, but first we have some chick darker than me talking about she doesn't claim her Black side and she identifies as white. OK, whatever... Does your Black parent see you running around in a KKK hood made out of a pair of jeans? She is a disgrace to both sides of her heritage.

Then we have a more polite version of the jigaboos vs. wannabes argument from School Daze. Priceless!!!! By the way 100%, African American is an absolutely meaningless term when it comes to describing "racial" makeup or genetic background. Almost by definition we are a mixed race people.

I understand that having people make random assumptions about you is annoying and it is true that Africa has more genetic diversity than any other continent, but the likelihood that your straight hair, blue eyes, etc. come from Ghana or Nigeria are just about nil. If people think you are "mixed" it's 'cuz your probably are even if both of your parents self-identify as Black. It is not the end of the world. Correct them and go about your merry way!

yeah that was alot of drama, how they are so offended :blah:

this first child is just certifiable , in KKK garb? wth? I HOPE that was just some fake hoopla for the show:ohwell:
yeah that was alot of drama, how they are so offended :blah:

this first child is just certifiable , in KKK garb? wth? I HOPE that was just some fake hoopla for the show:ohwell:

I'm with you Irresistible,

The first chick just gotta be crazy or getting paid mad loot by Tyra's people to pretend like she is. The other ones are like, "and your point is?"

I understand that you do have Black folks who try to distance themselves in any way possible from Africa (anthropologists have actually studied this stuff and very few of us really do have Native ancestry) but the reality is that most of us simply are not 100% African and if people choose to claim all of their ancestry, why should someone judge them?

If you ACTUALLY have "Indian in your family" why should you be ashamed to say so along with all of the rest of what makes you who you are? There is a difference between denying Blackness and claiming BOTH Blackness and something else!
Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, was your ancestors sleeping with corpses!? damn anything to get that "good" hair right :lachen: smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is nappy as shyt claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.

What she was saying was true. Most blacks in the US are from ancestors of slaves who were raped by their masters, who were white. I think you would be hardpressed to find a black family who has lived been in this country for 400 years who had nothing but African blood in their line.

And as to the part in bolded, there are a lot of experts that believe that a good deal of the AA community has native american in their history. Two oppressed peoples getting together to help each other makes sense.

Just because you have obviously met some black folks who were ashamed, doesn't mean you have to take it out here in such a mean way.
People really should leave this 100% business alone.

All that means to me is that their parents completely subscribe to African-American culture. That in no way negates any other heritage that they may have in their blood. What they trace their heritage back to exactly where they originate from in Africa to prove that there is no mixture. And even then, they need to show that no other groups that have made their way through the African continent ever mixed with their family.

It's make much more sense to state that one is completely African-American culturally, even though there may be other heritages in their line.

The other guests have been addressed them in the OT forum...
What she was saying was true. Most blacks in the US are from ancestors of slaves who were raped by their masters, who were white. I think you would be hardpressed to find a black family who has lived been in this country for 400 years who had nothing but African blood in their line.

And as to the part in bolded, there are a lot of experts that believe that a good deal of the AA community has native american in their history. Two oppressed peoples getting together to help each other makes sense.

Just because you have obviously met some black folks who were ashamed, doesn't mean you have to take it out here in such a mean way.

Excuse me my ancestors were ENSLAVED too, did the white enslaver only rape in america? does EVERY RAPE RESULT IN A CHILD??, what sane person would be proud of there ancestors being raped anyway, I would keep that to myself, ok the comment about the corpse went a bit far i will take that back I apologize if i caused offense.
Am sorry but your statement about not knowing "ANY" blacks in america who aint mixed is rubbish!, Am from the UK and I notice that blacks in america who think like you are really insecure and still are in mental slavery,you try EVERYTHING to distance yourself from being african and black, why EVERY black american i meet have 'indian" in there family LOL! by the way when exactly did you all get the chance to mix with thease indians since 99% of them got wiped out, was your ancestors sleeping with corpses!? damn anything to get that "good" hair right :lachen: smdh.
And the funny thing is its always the ones who hair is nappy as shyt claiming indian :lachen:
Just embrace what you have an LOVE yourself!
and how can race NOT be biological?? are you feeling alright?

And to my secure sisters who know who there are and are free, this aint for you, just who ever the cap fits.

As a black American I am offended by your statement. I am not 100% black because my grandfather was a mulatto. it is said that I have Piscataway Indian great-great-grandmother. I do not know if that is true without doing a DNA test and I don't know to much about the other Indian tribes. I DO know that the Piscataways once lived in Charles County, Prince George County, and Washington, DC and they were FORCED into slavery along with AND AT THE SAME TIME as blacks. I do know for a fact that my peoples were enslaved in Charles County Maryland. It is documented Piscataways and blacks slaves intermarried quite often. It was said that since Piscataways were dying from disease, they were no longer "slaves" and some made their way to Canada.

I please ask if you are going to make general comments about black americans please take time out and read up on African American History and Native American History.

Oh yeah by the way in order for my fellow black Americans to survive in this country we HAD to distance ourselfs from Africa.
Ok I just watched the video, that first girl is truly disturbed and immature. She doesn't like herself, that's the problem. She needs some counseling.
Excuse me my ancestors were ENSLAVED too, did the white enslaver only rape in america? does EVERY RAPE RESULT IN A CHILD??, what sane person would be proud of there ancestors being raped anyway, I would keep that to myself, ok the comment about the corpse went a bit far i will take that back I apologize if i caused offense.

Where did I say that there were no other enslavement going on elsewhere?

Where did I say that I was proud of the rapes?

And where did I say that the rapes only happened one time?

I see you are not trying to discuss this in a civil manner. I was calm when I made my post, you obviously are not.
Well their parents may be black, but somewhere in the gene pool they have strong "other genes." I'm not saying they aren't black but genetics are really tricky.

Exactly what I was thinking... people are mixed and mixed with so many with... mixtures these days.
And then there are other issues, like, fathers who aren't really... fathers... yep, I said it :look:.
Its hard to pin point race sometimes... but I don't know if its so important.
Anyway, interesting show!