november wind
Well ladies, my hair is up in braids right now and has been for about 2 weeks now. I will keep them in for another 5 or 6 weeks or so, remove, deep condition and protein treat for a week, then relax. I will continue on with keeping my hands out of my hair for a while afterwards as I am desperately trying to get to at least touching MBL but only to trim it back down to full BSL. I want to retain my length at full BSL only for a while and see how much I like that length. If I feel I can handle it longer after that, then I will attempt to grow it to MBL eventually. I'll see.
It's been fun ladies but I want to at least show my current progress here. The dates are already on the pics. I didn't take a start pic in September unfortunately but I did find one I took in October below:
I know I sound like a broken record, but I love love love your hair Aggie! I'm trying to get mine thick like yours.