Any one and I do mean ANYONE who does not think what this mother did was torture than may I suggest that you find a comb and a brush and begin pulling out your own hair, from your own scalp with that comb or brush.
DO IT. Do it now! See how it feels to be tortured and powerless to do anything about it by scream and cry.
You may not hold your own hair so it doesn't hurt.
You may not use conditioner or wet the hair.
You may not take small sections of hair to work on.
You may not comb or brush gently.
You WILL leave your hair dry and tangled and use that damn brush.
You WILL use long, brutally forceful, ripping motions from root to tip.
You WILL also take the comb and brush and back tease the hair to make it even more matted at the roots and after ALL of that, you will proceed to rip and tear the matts right out of your scalp.
You will do this for 5-10 minutes NONSTOP.
When you are finished, your head MUST look like this little girls scalp (hopefully it'll feel like it's on fire). And, while looking in the mirror you don't notice any bald patches, then DO IT AGAIN and AGAIN UNTIL YOU DO.
Better yet, have an enemy of yours do it to you and you will feel
just a tiny bit of what this little girl must have felt, her pain and agony will be your pain and agony. I'm reasonably sure that any of you would pray to God that some kind soul would intervene on your behalf.
I sincerely hope that this child and her brother can feel what it's like to live in a home of true love. I hope and pray that their souls can begin to heal.
I hope the mother receives whatever treatments she needs and if or when she ever gets these children back, she will know how to properly care for AND treat them with love.