Your SO and his female neighbor have a food exchange.

Would this be a big deal to you?

  • Yes she betta back away from my man!

    Votes: 106 87.6%
  • No I dont see the big deal.

    Votes: 15 12.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
So your SO has a female neighbor, lets call her X. They've known each other for years. They dont hang out but they say hello, wassup, etc.. They joke around have conversation.

Anyway, your SO keeps asking X about her cooking, like can she cook well, when she gonna give him a plate, etc? So X decides to give him a plate of food. Next week your SO decides to give X a plate of food from what he made that week.

So now your SO is like we should make this a weekly thing and X is like um:look:

What do you think? Would you be suspiscious? Or would you be strongly against this?
I wouldn't care. Most people in my family do that all the time. I wouldn't be suspicious, but if I had a problem with it SO would know.

... Just no spaghetti. :look:
Well, she better be cooking for me as well. I mean how would my SO feel if I cooked for another man and this man did it for me? I just would not do it or even go that far. I am a good cook myself and if he were my neighbor and asked me I would be like NO, what about your girl! I would never want to disrespect someone elses realtionship. IMHO
Umm I don't play any of that secret club crap.Nip it in the bud.If they want to cook then invite each others family over for dinner period, but this special plate exchange shouldn't take place. If anything he should be bragging about your cooking and your baking.
No way!
Cooking for someone is a way of showing affection for them.
No plate exchanges between my DH and anybody.
Listen there is something very personal about someone cooking for the man you love.Food and sensuality are linked.That old saying about the way to a mans heart is through his stomach has some relevance.He doesn't need to even begin to start to compare her cooking or comparing anything else.Trust me your neighbor is getting her kicks off each time she receives a compliment or request for her cooking,you don't need him craving anything outside of home.
Listen there is something very personal about someone cooking for the man you love.Food and sensuality are linked.That old saying about the way to a mans heart is through his stomach has some relevance. He doesn't need to even begin to start to compare her cooking or comparing anything else.Trust me your neighbor is getting her kicks off each time she receives a compliment or request for her cooking,you don't need him craving anything outside of home.

I didnt think about this, you have a point. :yep:
Only female family members.

A few years ago my daughter had a friend, and it was just her and her mom. My husband would take them skating, picking the girl up and dropping her off at night. Well, I didn't know it but come to find out this lady had shown my husband pics of her in swimsuits when she was a body builder, then she cooked some food and had her daughter bring it over. It was one serving of food and there are 4 people in my family. I was like "Oh Heck No!!!", my husband didn't think anything wrong with it, but I was upset that #1 the daughter said the food was for my husband, #2 it was only one serving, and #3 she had been showing my husband pics of her in a swimsuit.

I told her that same day not to send anymore food over, that we had enough here at home. She got a little offensive, but I tried to be nice about it because our daughters were good friends.

She was a single mom, my husband is a dedicated, hard-working family man, and I'm sorry, he's not the best-looking man in the world, but he's got a job with benefits, and to a lot of women that's a good catch.

So to make a long story short, no woman is going to give my husband food. I already told him about the "spaghetti thread", and hopefully that'll make him think twice about eating other females food.
Only female family members.

A few years ago my daughter had a friend, and it was just her and her mom. My husband would take them skating, picking the girl up and dropping her off at night. Well, I didn't know it but come to find out this lady had shown my husband pics of her in swimsuits when she was a body builder, then she cooked some food and had her daughter bring it over. It was one serving of food and there are 4 people in my family. I was like "Oh Heck No!!!", my husband didn't think anything wrong with it, but I was upset that #1 the daughter said the food was for my husband, #2 it was only one serving, and #3 she had been showing my husband pics of her in a swimsuit.

I told her that same day not to send anymore food over, that we had enough here at home. She got a little offensive, but I tried to be nice about it because our daughters were good friends.

She was a single mom, my husband is a dedicated, hard-working family man, and I'm sorry, he's not the best-looking man in the world, but he's got a job with benefits, and to a lot of women that's a good catch.

So to make a long story short, no woman is going to give my husband food. I already told him about the "spaghetti thread", and hopefully that'll make him think twice about eating other females food.

yeah that was wrong. I dont even wanna talk with married men. Very minimum convo. I already keep my distance with my male friends that have SO's. :nono:
Only female family members.

A few years ago my daughter had a friend, and it was just her and her mom. My husband would take them skating, picking the girl up and dropping her off at night. Well, I didn't know it but come to find out this lady had shown my husband pics of her in swimsuits when she was a body builder, then she cooked some food and had her daughter bring it over. It was one serving of food and there are 4 people in my family. I was like "Oh Heck No!!!", my husband didn't think anything wrong with it, but I was upset that #1 the daughter said the food was for my husband, #2 it was only one serving, and #3 she had been showing my husband pics of her in a swimsuit.

I told her that same day not to send anymore food over, that we had enough here at home. She got a little offensive, but I tried to be nice about it because our daughters were good friends.

She was a single mom, my husband is a dedicated, hard-working family man, and I'm sorry, he's not the best-looking man in the world, but he's got a job with benefits, and to a lot of women that's a good catch.

So to make a long story short, no woman is going to give my husband food. I already told him about the "spaghetti thread", and hopefully that'll make him think twice about eating other females food.

I just came back to mention that thread.:lachen:
Okay, now my record will show that I am not against maintaining platonic friendships with the opposite sex when you're in a relationship. Especially if they were friends before you two got together, and your guy is trustworthy and of good character.

The key is though, the dude has to be of good character. You have got to trust him, but he's got to be trustWORTHY.

I'm sorry, but I'm judging SO. Why was this his suggestion? One time is one thing, but he wants to make this a weekly thing? Is he that oblivious as to how this may make you feel or does he just not care?

You have 2 options:

Option A
You should cook for a male friend. Don't complain to him, don't say nothing (yet). Whip up a lil something and then fix a plate. Wrap that bad boy up in some foil where SO can see it. After you're done cooking say, "My friend xyz isn't feeling too hot, and I wanted to take him some food to see if it would make him feel better." Bounce before he asks any questions. You don't really have to take it to a guy, drop it off at a girlfriend's house or a shelter whatever, SO will never know.

Then stroll back in later like nothing happened. He's not gonna be too comfy with it more than likely and when he starts to complain about how *sick friend should get his own woman to cook for him* - bam- he's made your argument for your right there. Just innocently and without one hint of sarcasm (this is important) say "Oh, well I didn't think It'd be a big deal seeing how you and X have your weekly arrangement..."

The key is no sarcasm, or snarkiness in the voice- if he detects that, he'll know your mad and he'll figure out that you were doing all of this to make him jealous.

Option B
Otherwise, just tell him straight up that it's not acceptable for him to have this arrangement with X. Again, don't be sarcastic, mean, or have an attitude, cause men LOVE it when we get mad/jealous b/c of them- and he will eat that sh*t up!

Just tell him you have a few of your own male friends you could be cooking for, but out of respect for him and your relationship- you don't go there, and he needs to appreciate that and follow suit.
I mean really. What's the first thing we do as women when we want to get a man's attention. Bake him something. Cook that cake he loved as a child. Fix that pot roast that made his momma's Sunday roast taste like canned spam.

Girl please, don't even get me to talking about some homemade'll get em everytime.

Keep Suzy Homewrecker on her side of the fence and her pot roast with her. Tell him if he wants to have someone "taste test" his culinary efforts, you'll be more than happy to.
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I need a third poll of option of yes, and I would need to know what the hell is up with my SO that he kept asking about some damn plate of food like he can't cook some for himself..sounds like in this case SO keeps initiating this food exchange...I would need to know whas up with that
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Umm I don't play any of that secret club crap.Nip it in the bud.If they want to cook then invite each others family over for dinner period, but this special plate exchange shouldn't take place. If anything he should be bragging about your cooking and your baking.

My Thoughts excatly!
Listen there is something very personal about someone cooking for the man you love.Food and sensuality are linked.That old saying about the way to a mans heart is through his stomach has some relevance.He doesn't need to even begin to start to compare her cooking or comparing anything else.Trust me your neighbor is getting her kicks off each time she receives a compliment or request for her cooking,you don't need him craving anything outside of home.

Should have Multi your quotes. This is the way I feel when I cook for my new male friend I cook for him and only him it is that serious to both of us!:lick:
I would be against that.

I send plates of food to one of my gay friends and Dh hates it, he also cooks for me.
So your SO has a female neighbor, lets call her X. They've known each other for years. They dont hang out but they say hello, wassup, etc.. They joke around have conversation.

Anyway, your SO keeps asking X about her cooking, like can she cook well, when she gonna give him a plate, etc? So X decides to give him a plate of food. Next week your SO decides to give X a plate of food from what he made that week.

I don't like the way your SO initiated the conversation about the food exchange. You don't know X's motives. Just because they have known each other for years, doesn't mean that X won't decide to make her move. Maybe now she is suddenly single or just realizing that you have a good man. To some women it is just competition.

I just can't see why he is asking her about food. Maybe you need to come out with some banging recipes that will blow her food out of the water. I wouldn't nag your SO about it -- but I would keep my eyes open.
Ain't no other female providing nourishment for any SO of mine. Period.

I have told my ex, don't you dare eat another woman's don't want another man providing for any one of my basic needs right? Right.

So no, he bet-not be swapping meals with some other woman!

I take cooking very seriously, somebody will get hurt.
I don't play that mess, for real...........

I wouldn't like it. Cooking and serving food is like an expression of love to me.
The only way I could see this working out is if food was being shared at a dinner party and/or potlock or something.

Even still: why is the SO all krunk about it?
I wouldn't like it. Cooking and serving food is like an expression of love to me.
The only way I could see this working out is if food was being shared at a dinner party and/or potlock or something.

Even still: why is the SO all krunk about it?

They say that "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach".
I wouldn't like it. Cooking and serving food is like an expression of love to me.
The only way I could see this working out is if food was being shared at a dinner party and/or potlock or something.

Even still: why is the SO all krunk about it?

Exactly!!:yep: That doesn't sit well with me at all.:nono:
I wouldn't like it. Cooking and serving food is like an expression of love to me.
The only way I could see this working out is if food was being shared at a dinner party and/or potlock or something.

Even still: why is the SO all krunk about it?

Right! He does sound quite hard he doesn't eat regularly. :ohwell: