Alpha Male, Alpha Female and Dating: Need these questions answered (Come on in)!

One of my girlfriends is Alpha Female, and her man is Alpha Male. He has a VERY strong presence. I can sense when he's in the house and when he isn't. They have a very good relationship, because she knows how to defer to him, but she runs the HEYELL outta everybody else. He's the only one that can truly handle her.

Walking around puffing out your chest with nothing to back it up does not make one an alpha male. Nor does having a pocket full of money (hence why I mentioned Bill Gates). On Demi Moore - you might be right.

I'm just saying, wanting a man that can wire up a stereo system and isn't a punk doesn't mean you necessarily want an alpha male. And being confident, successful and "powerful" doesn't make one an alpha female. Being that dude in the room who's presence EVERYONE is aware of, regardless of whether or not he's talking is an Alpha Male. Alpha Males don't have to talk the loudest - cuz folks are already listening (sometimes for no good reason HAHA). And like you mentioned -they're not necessarily the most accomplished, successful or physically attractive people in the room. But for some reason, every is still listening.

Most pimps = alpha males. They ooze masculinity and "control". They ooze dominance and for whatever reason, the people around them seem to fall in line. They know how to be in a room and make the men feel like men and the women feel like women. They're captivating - hence why they are able to convince people to do the things they do. I think some of the chicks on HBO's "the Cathouse" are the same way - they give men the perception of being in control, while deep down everyone participating knows who's REALLY in control.

I think Ivanka Trump is an Alpha Female. The Donald - not so much. The respect he commands come more from his persona and WHO he is as opposed to what he is.

See, everything there describes the so-called "independent" woman. I'm sure 80% of the sisters in here would consider themselves "alpha females" based on this description, but that simply isn't the case.

And "being in control" is totally subjective. If you tell a man where you want to go, and when you want to be there - and he takes you there at that time, and pays for it - Who's REALLY in charge?? If you're debating something with a man and ya'll are really getting into the discussion - is that really a display of WHO is in charge?

Alpha Male + Alpha Female = BAD relationship. That's competition. That's a constant battle to show who's in charge and who isn't. That's a constant one-up challenge.

In Alpha relationships, one partner has to be content NOT being the one in the spotlight - it doesn't mean that they are subordinate but that one is "allowed" to outshine the other in certain social situations.

As someone who's been in a relationship with bonified alpha personality I agree with everything you'd said especially the bolded. My dad and my grandad are both alpha personalities. I've not seen many successful double alpha relationships, but I do think they are possible with work :yep:

You are so right, successful, masculine, or powerful do not singularly indicate an alpha personality. A lot of people are describing masculine men or rich men, but the alpha personality is innate. Alpha also doesn't mean a man that exhibits extreme machismo, walking around pounding his chest. They don't have to. Alphas walk into rooms and people follow their lead. They welcome attention. People they don't even know, know them. They also tend to strive for perfection or high achievement in their respective fields. Alpha females lead, not just attract attention. That's the thing about an alpha personality, people pay attention regardless of their physical attributes. We assume they are successful or powerful even if they aren't.

Ahh, the study of the human animal.
See I don't consider "powerful, confident and successful" traits of an alpha female. Those are just the basics. Alpha (fe)males run sh!t. They're not managers and VP's. They're board of director members and CEO's. They can't handle positions of "subordination" or taking direction from others because it is contrary to how they view themselves. Venture Capitalists and Hedge Fund managers. HIGH profile attorneys ($1000+ per hour).

From Wikipedia:
alpha male or alpha female is the individual in the community whom the others follow and defer to. Where one male and one female fulfill this role, they are referred to as the alpha pair. In some groups, the alpha males and females are overrepresented in the genetics of a population if they are the only ones who breed successfully.

In humans, the expression refers to a man who is powerful or high on the social ladder, similar to hegemonic masculinity. In Western cultures, the term is usually pejorative and describes a man who is overtly or affectedly masculine to the point of rejecting any affront to his ascribed status.

There's a difference between a high profile couple and an alpha pair.

High Profile Couples vs. Alpha Pair
Brad and Angelina - High Profile Couple
Old Kimora and Russ - High Profile Couple
Beyonce and Jay-Z - High Profile Couple
Will and Jada Pinkett Smith - High Profile Couple
Ashton Kutcher & Demi Moore - High Profile Couple

Tom Hanks & Rita Wilson - Alpha Man
Kelsey Grammar & Camille - Alpha Man
Old Bob and Sheila Johnson - Alpha Man
Barack and Michelle Obama - Alpha Man
Bill and Hillary Clinton - Alpha Pair. A TRUE Alpha Pair. And look at them... Would anyone CHOOSE their relationship??

Just 'cuz a man is masculine, can fix things, makes you feel sexy, safe and secure does NOT mean he's an alpha man. That's just a masculine man.

I agree with you somewhat, but I disagree with you also. I do not consider Hillary Clinton to be an "alpha" anything. Not ever. Even when Bill was in the White House. Yes, she obtained power and was more "powerful" than most First Ladies. However, I don't think of her as a "go to" or "dominant" person in any respect, even though she is running for President, even though she's a Senator. Bill is definitely an Alpha male. I definitely see Angelina as an Alpha female. She is a "go to" person. People are always following her lead. Notice, she adopted Maddox and Zahara, b/c she wanted to. Now all these White celebrities are going to adopt Black children from Africa, all b/c of Angelina. Oprah is another "alpha" female, and I think Stedman may be an Alpha male, but he is more non-descript. His stuff is extremely tight, even in the midst of Ms. Winfrey. And actually, now that you mention it, I think Barack and Michelle Obama are an alpha pair. I'm going to add their pictures to the list! Thanks!
See, but is he an ALPHA male or a high profile individual in his community (and I'm asking not because I know - I honestly have no idea)??

Folks act like high profile is a bad thing and being an ALPHA male is necessarily a good thing.

Donald Trump - Alpha Male
George Soros - Alpha Male
Bill Gates - NOT an Alpha Male

Omarosa - Alpha Female...and for no good reason.
Karrine "Supahead" Steffans - I think in her head, she sees herself as an Alpha Female.

Shoot... as far as I'm concerned, you can keep the alpha men. Give me a high profile successful man who knows how to pick and choose his battles. A man who doesn't have to be right all the time, only when it really matters... and who does his homework to try and make sure he gets it right.

I don't want the shot caller. I want the man who PAYS the shot caller to make the decisions he doesn't want to be bothered with. :)

Why do you consider Donald Trump an Alpha Male?

Also, please list the characteristics you see of an Alpha male! Thanks!
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As someone who's been in a relationship with bonified alpha personality I agree with everything you'd said especially the bolded. My dad and my grandad are both alpha personalities. I've not seen many successful double alpha relationships, but I do think they are possible with work :yep:

You are so right, successful, masculine, or powerful do not singularly indicate an alpha personality. A lot of people are describing masculine men or rich men, but the alpha personality is innate. Alpha also doesn't mean a man that exhibits extreme machismo, walking around pounding his chest. They don't have to. Alphas walk into rooms and people follow their lead. They welcome attention. People they don't even know, know them. They also tend to strive for perfection or high achievement in their respective fields. Alpha females lead, not just attract attention. That's the thing about an alpha personality, people pay attention regardless of their physical attributes. We assume they are successful or powerful even if they aren't.

Ahh, the study of the human animal.

I agree with your post!
I am Alpha.

Now I know it. I grew up trying to defer it because I didn't want the attention. But it would definitely shine when I would just be myself and I couldn't help it. I knew even then how to command attention/control when I really wanted it.

Since my quarter-life mark, I have come full circle and am now embracing it and realizing that it's not my fault if I outshine others. :smirk: Or rather, it is, but that's not my problem.

And yes, I do attract alpha males and initially perplex other alpha females who thought they were the only ones in the room.
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Why do you consider Donald Trump an Alpha Male?

Also, please list the characteristics you see of an Alpha male! Thanks!

I actually gave the Donald some thought and took it back. Folks respect and listen to the Donald for WHO he is, not for what he is. Folks listen becuase he seems like the type to be the loudest one in the room and the one saying "but listen to me". I think Ivanka Trump is definitely an alpha female - you feel her presence, or at least I did when at a charity event with her. She wasn't the most influential person there, nor was she the best dressed, the most attractive, the most educated etc. But you felt her, whether you wanted to or not. I also saw this come through in her interview with Oprah. I also think Hillary Clinton is 100% an alpha female. She has a commanding air about hair that is not forced but is natural.

In my opinion, there's nothing alpha about Angelina Jolie. She's a trailblazer, she's an original, a character. Folks pay attention to Angelina not because they feel that they should but because they're curious to see what she's going to do next. IMO that does not make one "Alpha", but merely a trailblazer, a "high profile individual". She's a celebrity, plain and simple.

Alpha's exude a natural "aura" about them that commands attention and respect, without intention. Being an alpha isn't only about the characteristics that individual possesses, but the way in which those around them react to their presence and influence. I think Sonce was right when she said it was a primitive urge within all people - that Alpha's naturally rise to positions of prominence when within a group partially because the group collectively places them in that position.

He's one of the very few people I've met in my life who didn't have to say a word to me or do anything before I realized I was in the presence of someone inherently stronger than me.

Best description yet of an alpha.
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I am Alpha.

Now I know it. I grew up trying to defer it because I didn't want the attention. But it would definitely shine when I would just be myself and I couldn't help it. I knew even then how to command attention/control when I really wanted it.

Since my quarter-life mark, I have come full circle and am now embracing it and realizing that it's not my fault if I outshine others. :smirk: Or rather, it is, but that's not my problem.

And yes, I do attract alpha males and initially perplex other alpha females who thought they were the only ones in the room.

I could have written this myself.

I too am an Alpha female - didn't really know the meaning of it until i read this thread.

I still can't stand people staring at me....i keep checking my trouser zip to see if it is undone!
I've always thought, why do i get all this attention? Loads of girls are prettier than me/ why do people always want to hear what i have to say and find it sooo interesting/ i wondered how come i can be so brutally honest to people and they don't seem offended, infact they are almost i get it....

I attract Alpha men but i don't want to settle down with one. Past relationships have been intense and explosive!
I agree with you somewhat, but I disagree with you also. I do not consider Hillary Clinton to be an "alpha" anything. Not ever. Even when Bill was in the White House. Yes, she obtained power and was more "powerful" than most First Ladies. However, I don't think of her as a "go to" or "dominant" person in any respect, even though she is running for President, even though she's a Senator. Bill is definitely an Alpha male. I definitely see Angelina as an Alpha female. She is a "go to" person. People are always following her lead. Notice, she adopted Maddox and Zahara, b/c she wanted to. Now all these White celebrities are going to adopt Black children from Africa, all b/c of Angelina. Oprah is another "alpha" female, and I think Stedman may be an Alpha male, but he is more non-descript. His stuff is extremely tight, even in the midst of Ms. Winfrey. And actually, now that you mention it, I think Barack and Michelle Obama are an alpha pair. I'm going to add their pictures to the list! Thanks!

I don't think I've seen anything about Stedman that would indicate he's an alpha male. Alpha personalities are very dominant. They don't just have people following their lead, they enjoy. They enjoy the attention gotten from their excellence. There is nothing meek about an alpha personality.
Stedman to me, is successful. Successful doesn't necessarily mean alpha.
Oprah is an alpha personality. You can tell even in some of her interview how strong her opinions are, to the point where she has a habit of politely steam rolling people. Even in her best friendship, Oprah is the alpha personality, Gale is the submissive (in contrast to Oprah).

I agree on Barak and Michelle Obama. Michelle is definitely an alpha female.
I don't think I've seen anything about Stedman that would indicate he's an alpha male.
Ditto. I was like :look: at that one. Stedman? Nah. The fact that he's best known for being Oprah's sidekick creates a presumption against that, and nothing else I've seen rebuts that presumption.

I agree on Barak and Michelle Obama. Michelle is definitely an alpha female.
Alpha or not, I love Michelle Obama. Just wanted to say that.
Alpha or not, I love Michelle Obama. Just wanted to say that.

Me too. There's something incredibly sexy and powerful about the two of them together as a couple.

It's like she's consistently aware of her husband's power and presence and is 100% willing to play the supportive role, while at the same projecting her own presence. Almost like that yin-yang type of thing.
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I don't think I've seen anything about Stedman that would indicate he's an alpha male. Alpha personalities are very dominant. They don't just have people following their lead, they enjoy. They enjoy the attention gotten from their excellence. There is nothing meek about an alpha personality.
Stedman to me, is successful. Successful doesn't necessarily mean alpha.
Oprah is an alpha personality. You can tell even in some of her interview how strong her opinions are, to the point where she has a habit of politely steam rolling people. Even in her best friendship, Oprah is the alpha personality, Gale is the submissive (in contrast to Oprah).

I agree on Barak and Michelle Obama. Michelle is definitely an alpha female.

I'm with this. High profile and alpha are not one in the same.

Here's a question - so it seems like we all agree on a few Alphas. If we asked these people to name Alpha individuals, would they name themselves? Do Alphas RECOGNIZE their own alpha status - or is it just a part of their being...?
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I don't think I've seen anything about Stedman that would indicate he's an alpha male. Alpha personalities are very dominant. They don't just have people following their lead, they enjoy. They enjoy the attention gotten from their excellence. There is nothing meek about an alpha personality.
Stedman to me, is successful. Successful doesn't necessarily mean alpha.
Oprah is an alpha personality. You can tell even in some of her interview how strong her opinions are, to the point where she has a habit of politely steam rolling people. Even in her best friendship, Oprah is the alpha personality, Gale is the submissive (in contrast to Oprah).

I agree on Barak and Michelle Obama. Michelle is definitely an alpha female.

I completely agree with your post:yep:
Regina George (from Mean Girls)--Another "Alpha" Female


Think I should respond to this one since it is my nick on this site! lol. What makes an Alpha Male is the same as what makes an Alpha Female: strong, confident, bold, assertive, independent, go-getter, like to be in charge, dominant-type personality, want success & willing to do what it takes to get it, etc. Women like this in a male because it typically means the male will be a good provider, look out for his family, take care of his woman, 'go to work & bring home the prize,' etc. In turn, the Alpha Male is typically attracted to the type woman that is looking for that - someone to take care of & provide for her, someone that makes her feel feminine & like a woman, someone that is okay with the man making most/all of the decisions, someone that loves being the 'domestic diva' in the home, etc.

The issue can come in with the Alpha Female, and quite frankly, it really shouldn't even be an issue. But society as a whole does not expect, nor does it fully appreciate, the Alpha Female who shows those same qualities that make the Alpha Male so desirable. It's about gender roles. Whether society wants to admit it or not, and for all the women's liberation that has taken place over the years, society still expects men to be the leaders and women to be the 'little helpers.' And when you have a woman that is a leader, and not a 'little helper,' it makes some people uncomfortable and uneasy. IMO only, black men are too caught up in wearing the pants and 'being the man' to appreciate all of the qualities that an Alpha Female offers, and so have some of the greatest difficulty interacting with an Alpha Female. I've found some of the greatest acceptance as an Alpha Female in men of other races, particularly white men, who seem to love a bold, assertive, independent Black woman! A man has to be secure in his own masculinity; respect & accept a woman as his equal; and not subscribe to typical/traditional gender roles in the home to build a successful relationship with an Alpha Female.

I once heard it said that Alpha Men want to be 'ego-stroked' - meaning they want to come home and have someone fawn all over them because of the way they 'slayed the dragons out in the world' today. Two Alphas will find it difficult (though not impossible) to be together because 2 people can't both come home looking to be fawned over and ego-stroked. Eventually, one or both will feel they aren't getting their needs met (i.e. they're not receiving enough stroking from their partner). It takes a lot of work for 2 Alphas used to being the center of attention to make a relationship work because successful relationships typically mean putting 'self' aside and thinking of someone else first, and the often overlooked, but typical, 'more negative' characteristics of Alphas are that they are self-centered and ego-centric (i.e. they come first). Obviously if 2 Alphas can make it work, the results of their pooled ambitions & success can be fantastic. But more often than not, an Alpha needs to be with someone a little more content to step out of their limelight and let them be the leader.
Think I should respond to this one since it is my nick on this site! lol. What makes an Alpha Male is the same as what makes an Alpha Female: strong, confident, bold, assertive, independent, go-getter, like to be in charge, dominant-type personality, want success & willing to do what it takes to get it, etc. Women like this in a male because it typically means the male will be a good provider, look out for his family, take care of his woman, 'go to work & bring home the prize,' etc. In turn, the Alpha Male is typically attracted to the type woman that is looking for that - someone to take care of & provide for her, someone that makes her feel feminine & like a woman, someone that is okay with the man making most/all of the decisions, someone that loves being the 'domestic diva' in the home, etc.

The issue can come in with the Alpha Female, and quite frankly, it really shouldn't even be an issue. But society as a whole does not expect, nor does it fully appreciate, the Alpha Female who shows those same qualities that make the Alpha Male so desirable. It's about gender roles. Whether society wants to admit it or not, and for all the women's liberation that has taken place over the years, society still expects men to be the leaders and women to be the 'little helpers.' And when you have a woman that is a leader, and not a 'little helper,' it makes some people uncomfortable and uneasy. IMO only, black men are too caught up in wearing the pants and 'being the man' to appreciate all of the qualities that an Alpha Female offers, and so have some of the greatest difficulty interacting with an Alpha Female. I've found some of the greatest acceptance as an Alpha Female in men of other races, particularly white men, who seem to love a bold, assertive, independent Black woman! A man has to be secure in his own masculinity; respect & accept a woman as his equal; and not subscribe to typical/traditional gender roles in the home to build a successful relationship with an Alpha Female.

I once heard it said that Alpha Men want to be 'ego-stroked' - meaning they want to come home and have someone fawn all over them because of the way they 'slayed the dragons out in the world' today. Two Alphas will find it difficult (though not impossible) to be together because 2 people can't both come home looking to be fawned over and ego-stroked. Eventually, one or both will feel they aren't getting their needs met (i.e. they're not receiving enough stroking from their partner). It takes a lot of work for 2 Alphas used to being the center of attention to make a relationship work because successful relationships typically mean putting 'self' aside and thinking of someone else first, and the often overlooked, but typical, 'more negative' characteristics of Alphas are that they are self-centered and ego-centric (i.e. they come first). Obviously if 2 Alphas can make it work, the results of their pooled ambitions & success can be fantastic. But more often than not, an Alpha needs to be with someone a little more content to step out of their limelight and let them be the leader.

Excellent and very well said! I totally agree with everything:yep:

According to Wikipedia:

In humans, the expression refers to a man who is powerful or high on the social ladder, similar to hegemonic masculinity. In Western cultures, the term is usually pejorative and describes a man who is overtly or affectedly masculine to the point of rejecting any affront to his ascribed status.

I think I'd do better by starting with types of men who claim to be Alpha Males but who are really just d*cks. An Alpha Male is not to be confused with the following:

A rude azzhole
A bully
An arrogant jerk
A contemptuous snob
A chronic cheater
A Machiavellian social climber

99% of men who call themselves Alpha Males are really immoral, vile, Rasputin-type beta/omega males. I've only come across one or two Alpha Males in my life, and neither announced himself. When you meet one, you know one, I think.

I think that a definition all can agree on is one that revolves around status. But to me, an Alpha Male is one not because of his status but because of his supreme control of himself, his situation, and those around him. It is this rare personal power and control that gives him the social status (measured in finances and deference shown him by others) that many associate with Alpha Males. This is why not every rich man is an alpha male and many men who do not have money walk into a room and radiate power. Control and personal power are what make an Alpha Male to me.
Because despite all the shyt we talk about needing no man, being as strong as men, yada yada, we still want a man we can defer to and submit to. I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I think it is true. I am a tough lady. I am very smart, very capable, mentally strong and flexible, with a lot of self-discipline, and I've always been this way. There are strong men who are happy to lick my boots and let me run circles around them...but those are not the types I want. I want a man who is even more powerful than I am. A man who I instinctively recognize as having even tighter game, even more control, even more presence than I do. A truly strong man. I'm about to lose all the feminists here but I think that the need to submit only to a stronger man is a primal one (stemming from the way males in nature have to fight and overpower the female in order to mate with her), and who is stronger than an Alpha Male? His strength is why panties fall off when he enters the room.

I'm not an Alpha Male, so I can't say. Same thing as an Alpha Male: personal power and supreme control.

i so agree with everything that you've said here... and i can relate to it all as well...
Think I should respond to this one since it is my nick on this site! lol. What makes an Alpha Male is the same as what makes an Alpha Female: strong, confident, bold, assertive, independent, go-getter, like to be in charge, dominant-type personality, want success & willing to do what it takes to get it, etc. Women like this in a male because it typically means the male will be a good provider, look out for his family, take care of his woman, 'go to work & bring home the prize,' etc. In turn, the Alpha Male is typically attracted to the type woman that is looking for that - someone to take care of & provide for her, someone that makes her feel feminine & like a woman, someone that is okay with the man making most/all of the decisions, someone that loves being the 'domestic diva' in the home, etc.

The issue can come in with the Alpha Female, and quite frankly, it really shouldn't even be an issue. But society as a whole does not expect, nor does it fully appreciate, the Alpha Female who shows those same qualities that make the Alpha Male so desirable. It's about gender roles. Whether society wants to admit it or not, and for all the women's liberation that has taken place over the years, society still expects men to be the leaders and women to be the 'little helpers.' And when you have a woman that is a leader, and not a 'little helper,' it makes some people uncomfortable and uneasy. IMO only, black men are too caught up in wearing the pants and 'being the man' to appreciate all of the qualities that an Alpha Female offers, and so have some of the greatest difficulty interacting with an Alpha Female. I've found some of the greatest acceptance as an Alpha Female in men of other races, particularly white men, who seem to love a bold, assertive, independent Black woman! A man has to be secure in his own masculinity; respect & accept a woman as his equal; and not subscribe to typical/traditional gender roles in the home to build a successful relationship with an Alpha Female.

I once heard it said that Alpha Men want to be 'ego-stroked' - meaning they want to come home and have someone fawn all over them because of the way they 'slayed the dragons out in the world' today. Two Alphas will find it difficult (though not impossible) to be together because 2 people can't both come home looking to be fawned over and ego-stroked. Eventually, one or both will feel they aren't getting their needs met (i.e. they're not receiving enough stroking from their partner). It takes a lot of work for 2 Alphas used to being the center of attention to make a relationship work because successful relationships typically mean putting 'self' aside and thinking of someone else first, and the often overlooked, but typical, 'more negative' characteristics of Alphas are that they are self-centered and ego-centric (i.e. they come first). Obviously if 2 Alphas can make it work, the results of their pooled ambitions & success can be fantastic. But more often than not, an Alpha needs to be with someone a little more content to step out of their limelight and let them be the leader.

i agree to an extent. i can't agree on your observation where it pertains to race because i've never noticed this but it is a good theory. i think on the whole the black (and latin) community tends to be much, much more macho than the caucasian community. i think they buy into homogenised masculinity a lot more than whites do and that's why it's so difficult for black (and latin) gay men to come out. in white communities, this is much more accepted. i know in some african and carribean countries, if you dared come out they will literally be looking to kill you.