"Your husband should love u more than you love him"

You know my mom told me this a long time ago.(she has been married for 29 yrs) :yep: and my dad is not going anywhere!!!! After a few heartbreaks I am ready to listen to her advice.

:look: I am really starting to think the butterfly feelings are overrated. He should feel butterflies when he sees me. Dang, I have been on this board too long :grin:
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My mom strongly believes this as well as that a woman can grow to love a man but a relationship is doomed if the man does not love the woman. She's been married to my dad for 30 years so she definitely knows what she's talking about. My only issue with this is at some point a woman has to feel something for the man or the relationship will leave her unfulfilled, which is what I don't want.:nono:

I see what my mother's saying but she's speaking as someone who's madly in love with her husband as well. So I think there needs to be a balance. I can grow to love a man but that doesn't mean at the end of the day, if I could be with someone else I'd make the same choice. Growing to love someone is not the same as falling in love.
Great thread. As someone who's recently been dealt a serious blow, I see myself and my most heartbreaking relationships have fit the pattern of me loving the guy more.

Whenever I see happy couples, I always ask myself, "Why not me?" I've been praying and asking for insight and this thread helps and sheds light on some things.

But before I totally commit to this line of thinking I want a roll call. It's been 5 years since this thread started. The ladies that love their men equally, more or less; I want a head count.

Who's still married or in a long-term relationship?

I didn't post in this thread but I read it several years back. I loved my DH WAY more than he loved me. I cooked his meals, ironed his clothes and anything else he wanted/and or needed and he walked all over me. He is now about to be my exDH