"Your Hair Looks Good But It's Nappy Though"


Well-Known Member
Please bear with me, since this is my first time posting using the app. Anyway I am relaxed but since my hair is short again I rarely wear it straight. I do like the "natural" styles more anyway. So on the weekend I like to wear a curly fro. I love this look because I think it is cute. I get it by doing lots of pincurls around my head on damp hair letting it dry overnight. Last time my mom saw me my hair was airdried so it was.straight with very little texture. Today she looked at my hair and says "nice but it's nappy though" I didn't say anything so she decided to say it again. Then I said "yeah, that's the point, my hair isn't straight!" I like my hair and that's all that matters but I still want to be cute and it seems as though my hair makes me less cute. What do you guys think of my hair?

Don't mind the make up in the second pic. I still haven't mastered how to do my makeup without getting it on my hair.
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Thanks. Idk, why I let my mother make me feel like it wasn't cute. She did also say "you look like one of those natural girl" That was the first thing she said and I smiled because I was happy. That was the look I was going for. I wasn't offended by the term 'nappy' because yeah my hair is nappy. I guess it was just the look or sound of disdain in her comment. Ehh. I guess I'll get over it.
Yeah, I agree...its very cute. Sassy even. Rock what makes you feel good and that confidence brings out WHATEVER hairstyle you happen to be wearing. IMO
I think your hair is pretty; it looks healthy, thick, sheeny, and voluminous. The style looks very deliberate and much more 'styled' than how I have my hair on many days... so what's not to like? :lol: It sounds like your mom isn't a fan of natural hair or the more popular styles, so I wouldn't allow her words to affect me negatively. You look good, so keep smiling.
What part of your hair is she considering nappy? I don't see any type of texture that would be considered nappy in your hair from these pics. :perplexed
I just don't get it. Your curled your straight hair...I'd don't see what she considers to be nappy. I can only imagine the harsh comments she would have if you really were natural. WOW!
Your mom sounds like my mom. She thinks its funny when she tells me and other naturals that we know, that we need a hot comb...because she doesn't like natural hair...while she ignores me AND my sister's advice we give her and she's the one losing her hair/edges :nono:

I know it hurts bc its your mom...but you got to do you. It's YOUR hair. And i really dig the look!

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Your hair is really cute. I don't see any "nappy" anywhere your edges are straight as well. As long You like it, it's all that matter.
That is your mom's opinion and she is entitled to it as we all are. However, it is your opinion that should count the most. Rock what YOU like. It is a cute style :)
I think your hair looks very cute. Some of the older black women (50s+) I know, some of whom wore afros in the 70s themselves, for some reason can't reconcile the new natural looks. Unless my hair "looks straight" like my aunt likes to say, then it doesn't look that good. I guess the only acceptable natural look is fro and everything else just looks terrible and "nappy." I just let it slide off my back. I have more hair and its significantly healthier than any of them were ever able to grow relaxed or natural.
I think, first, you need to realize that your mother has a problem with the hair that grows out of her head and the hair she gave to you. That is her issue not yours. To what ever degree you are comfortable, let that be known and that the way you wear your hair is not up for discussion nor are negative comments appreciated.
Then, go into ignore mode.

Yes, your hair is beautifully styled and cute.
um... yeah your hair was super cute. She was probably jealous, keep doing what your doing because it is coming out great.

ETA: Didn't realize it was your mom. Well my mom has said worse to me... ignore it... what do they know about style? :lol: She will realize soon that your hair is doing welll and you know how to style your hair. Like i said it is really cute... nothing negative about it. Keep doing you! :grin:
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It looks cute to me. My hair is even shorter, but I was still getting male action. :-)
Short, "nappy hair" and all.

Thanks everyone. You are all right. It is my hair and I will wear it any way I want to. Whether it looks nappy or not. I do not care. Thanks for the compliments on my hairstyle too.
I have the exact same issues with my mother. First the compliment then the cut down. What is strange is my mother used to rock a big arse afro back in the day. Now she claims natural hair looks nappy and she prefers when it's straight like a white person. WTF?! I can't even deal. Ignore your mama and do you with all the confidence in the world. Then one day she will also see the beauty in natural hairstyles and ask you for advice.
I don't understand what she means by "nappy" hair - your hair is beautiful, its smooth and shiny, and it looks like it's bouncy. What's your mum's hair like? Relaxed and the same length as yours or shorter? Sounds like sth else to me...
Not everyone is going to understand what you've set out to achieve. If you have straight hair people will tell you it's boring. If you have curly hair people with tell you it's nappy. If you relax people are gonna say you hate your natural hair. I you wear it natural people will tell you you don't look professional enough for the office.

You really gonna pay anybody any mind?? Do your thing girl! You AND your hair are very cute! Wear it how you like it and do what works for you! Heck, if you tried to please people with your hair you'd have to part it in 4 and wear a different look in each section! :lol:
Girl I decided to massage my scalp on way to visit my mom and I decided to wear it "massaged up" which is a mess for a reason. And my mom brought up my hair and the forum. We were talkin about something I read online and her exact words were "you believe everything you read on the internet. Just like that site you on, look what they did to your hair!!" But its funny how 3 days later I got a relaxer and suddenly my hair looks good. Smh yea its crazy how moms are.

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It's a cute style. I know that biology and anthropology our hair is really called "Nap" or "Nappy" in a historical sense, but in today's society it's seen as a derogatory. I would just tell her, "Thanks, my nappy hair is beautiful" with my head held high and KIM!
Posts like these make me so thankful for my mother. She went natural before me. Though she still likes straight styles on herself, she is still super supportive of my more curly, wild styles.

Please do not go natural girl or you may have to divorce your mom for a while!
Your hair looks very cute
When you're ready to come to the nappy side let us know and we'll help you transition LOL