"Your Hair Looks Good But It's Nappy Though"

Ask her what's wrong with nappy? ;)

For the record, it doesn't look natural at all, so I'm confused why she would say this. I guess she just doesn't like any sort of curl?

Dont' worry about it, a lot of moms don't like what their daughters do to their hair.
It looks great and it really suits you , i wouldn't call it nappy to be honest ,it's quite a lose pattern ,maybe kinky . You re very pretty
Not everyone is going to understand what you've set out to achieve. If you have straight hair people will tell you it's boring. If you have curly hair people with tell you it's nappy. If you relax people are gonna say you hate your natural hair. I you wear it natural people will tell you you don't look professional enough for the office.

You really gonna pay anybody any mind?? Do your thing girl! You AND your hair are very cute! Wear it how you like it and do what works for you! Heck, if you tried to please people with your hair you'd have to part it in 4 and wear a different look in each section! :lol:

This is the truth! :lachen:
Your hair looks very cute
When you're ready to come to the nappy side let us know and we'll help you transition LOL

Ha! Thank you! I tried to go ntural before and essentially I was - no relaxed ends - but I was hiding under a weave. But now I have all you lovely ladies to make it easier when I go natural again.
i wouldn't worry about what ANYONE says.

your hair is cute. IMO

your hair is cute in YOUR opinion. THAT OPINION IS THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS. value yourself first and foremost and don't ever let other people, no matter who they are, bring you down and get you feeling bad about yourself.

you are beautiful. period. no matter how your wear your hair.

give moms a hug and keep it moving and tell her in a nice way that you love her. but it's no matter what she thinks about your hair........
vent----- i am really sick of nappy being a negative word and the word some people use to describe our hair when they think it doesn't look good....sigh.

like i said. just give moms a hug and do "YOU"!
your cuteness isnt tied to your hair...youre cute without it! but if youre feeling a lil feisty, next time tell her she was the one who blessed you with such interesting hair and it wouldnt be nice on your part to look a gift horse in the mouth. not rude, just a reminder that you are exactly who and how you should be at this moment in your life.

oh, and youre not alone.
my mom: hmph...whatchu gonna do with your hair?
me: nothing
mom: i liked it better when you had it twisted. now it just looks unkempt. *starts laughing* it looks like a helmet *laughing and waiting on my response
me: well you could always pay for me to get it braided
mom: *mumbling under breath* yeah right

she wasnt trying to be helpful, she just wanted to be negative. and this is what i hear all the time. some people are still not happy with the eccentricity they were given
your hair came out pretty cutie-pie :) its unfortunate that so many folks are so self hating and want to project it onto others. just because a hairstyle is not silky straight doesn't mean its unprofessional, nappy, ugly or wild. do you girlie and keep it moving....as stated upthread she'll be asking you for advice after a while.
Your hair is cute! My mom is my babysitter and every day when I pick up my DS, she tells me AND him how much she doesn't like my hair. I just completely ignore her now, even if she says it again and again.