Your Ex/Mouth Taped Shut/Restrained in a chair/

Dear _____,

I want to sincerely say thank you. I appreciate the lessons that you taught me about love and mostly about myself. You showed me that I was capable of giving love. I'd hidden that part of myself away for so long. I appreciate your friendship. You saw me through a tough time in my life. I want to also thank you for testing the limits of my anger & the depths of my love. Never had I gone so far & pushed so hard for something to work in my life. You tested my level of dedication and determination. I want you to know that I'm not bitter, jealous, or angry at you. Neither of us were truly equipped to love each other properly. We weren't evenly yoked. Plain and simple. That's no one's fault. We're both wrong in the end. You cheated, I cheated. But the best thing of it is that it's all over. I wish you happiness and pray that you find peace within yourself. Raise your daughter right. I know you've wanted a child for so long. Now that you've been blessed with one, don't let your insecurity and fear of standing up as a man stop you from being their for her. I wouldn't mind being an associate of yours but your new wife wouldn't allow that. Mainly because she knows you'd try to have sex with me, but that's not the point. LOL. Finally, I want to thank you because the lessons I learned from you have allowed me to move forward in my life and meet someone I think is my future husband. Your season came for a reason. He is that reason. So if I haven't said it enough...thank you. =]
You, my dear, are a f@cking imbecile. You chased me for 10 yrs, finally get me and then didn't know how to treat me. If it were not illegal I'd tell you to date a 14 year old because your childish mindset and antics would only move someone that age. You had your chance to be in my life so stop sending me messages, stop calling me you have no right to know how I am recovering from surgery. Please stop saying that you love me, it's all I can do not to call you and just laugh hysterically in your ear because you are such an idiot that you don't realize that when you love someone you make time for a simple phone call . . . dumb @ss.

That felt pretty alright . . . thanks for the opportunity.