Your Ex/Mouth Taped Shut/Restrained in a chair/

I would thank him profusely for the things he did/put me through AND leaving me the hell alone, and freeing me to find the man that I'm supposed to be with.
Baby Daddy ex

Thank you for my child and for all of the ish u put me though. i am soo much stronger now and I can't spot foolishness coming... The whole getting 2 other women pregnant while i was pregnant and leaving out the long term g.f was really rich

If you could also kindly stop asking me when u are gonna get to tap that again i would love it... You and I both know that won't happen again:look:
at this very moment? nothing. because i am finally realizing how wrong i (and he) was for making our relationship bigger than it was. plus he basically said it all that one night (with his actions, as corny as that sounds), i just absolutely refused to listen. i guess i would say thanks. :ohwell:
Stop calling, texting and coming by my mama's house looking for me!
She can't stand your ass anyway. Leave me the hell alone!
To the ex before last, "thank you for being a cheat and not controlling your h**. It got on my nerves so much I decided to leave you alone, oh and thank you for changing your number so I couldn't change my mind and call you. I really would have moved to Atlanta to be with you, but all that drama opened my eyes and it saved me more heartache and moving fees. Thank You."

My former boo, "Thank you for showing your true self. I thought since you were 8 yrs older I wouldn't have the issues I have dating men my age. But maturity has nothing to do with age. When I told you I didn't want to deal with your drama and blatant double anymore and you should your a** by cussing me out and having your new "girlfriend" call me, I knew I had made the right decisions. I learned why you always date women considerably younger. You like to play games and you want control and you know most older women wouldn't put up with your foolishness. But I'm sorry boo, your penis was not worth losing my closest friend, so what he didn't like you and respect you, you didn't deserve respect. I wasn't going to lose anymore friends because of you and I sure as hell wasn't going to forsake my family for your a**. All I can say is by God's grace I was out of town when you were playing those childish games. When you see me act like you don't know me. Grow up and get some self esteem. "
Nothing. I'm cool with all my exes from age 15 on. I talk trash and sweetness to all of them regularly.
i told me ex RAGGS what i think of him

"my new mans bigger and longer"

"sometimes u smell"

"your nasty"

"your gonna get aids"


i think hes a peice of sh*t and i speak to him like he is..we seem to agree to this agreement..

after all he knows hes a peice of rubbish
There's one I would like to apologize to, to tell him that my poor behavior was not his fault. That what he was and his views on life brought out my own insecurities in a way that others didn't do to me.

Other than that, I have nothing really to say to anyone. I don't really feel like I've been done wrong.
I won't say anything to him. I'll just put snooker/pool balls in a sock and deal with him lol.
Just joking. I'm over my exes and I haven't seen or heard from them in years. I don't even know what they are up to and I'm happy with that :yep:
Most of my exes I'd have nothing to say to. But I think most of us have that ONE. The one who made you sneak around your neighborhood in all black clothes :ninja: with a backpack containing a brick, a can of tuna w/opener, spray paint and a knife. :bricks: Purely speculation on my part :sekret: of course. :look:
Men do not understand words, but they take heed to actions. Now, picture it...

He's restrained in a chair, naked. I would pull out a newport one hunnit and light it. Then, I would proceed to pull out a small bottle of gasoline out of my purse and squirt it on his genitals. after around...say 5 puffs off da newport in absolute silence on my end, I would toss my cigarette on his genitals, watch it go into flames and quietly walk away, closing the door behind me.
Men do not understand words, but they take heed to actions. Now, picture it...

He's restrained in a chair, naked. I would pull out a newport one hunnit and light it. Then, I would proceed to pull out a small bottle of gasoline out of my purse and squirt it on his genitals. after around...say 5 puffs off da newport in absolute silence on my end, I would toss my cigarette on his genitals, watch it go into flames and quietly walk away, closing the door behind me.

Most of my exes I'd have nothing to say to. But I think most of us have that ONE. The one who made you sneak around your neighborhood in all black clothes :ninja: with a backpack containing a brick, a can of tuna w/opener, spray paint and a knife. :bricks: Purely speculation on my part :sekret: of course. :look:

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: why did I just picture my former self. :look: tehehehehe (I was thoroughly equipped with a happer, nails, a bag of sugar, a banana AND a brick. God saved that man's car that night or should I say morning. God showed me myself locked up. lol.

Men do not understand words, but they take heed to actions. Now, picture it...

He's restrained in a chair, naked. I would pull out a newport one hunnit and light it. Then, I would proceed to pull out a small bottle of gasoline out of my purse and squirt it on his genitals. after around...say 5 puffs off da newport in absolute silence on my end, I would toss my cigarette on his genitals, watch it go into flames and quietly walk away, closing the door behind me.

@HeChanged -

He hurt me that bad to the point where the pain caused my soul to weep, just that bad.

But I meant what I said. Hell hath no fury.....
Ex number 1 Whenever I told you God takes care of babies and fools I was referring to you. Thankfully I believe it is true and life is working out for you.

This guy was nice and a sucker for a sob story from a female because his mom had 8 baby daddies. So he dreamed of being the perfect guy no matter what.

Ex number 2 You knew I would never marry you, I felt bad for even accepting. I still have love for you though, you are my homey. I will be forever thankful for that summer.

Ex number 3 Truthiness time: when I said I did not have the same feelings for you and could not marry you anymore I was lie telling. I decided to take heed when you said I was to good for you. I still loved you. I made an executive decision & I don't regret it. Afterall you were right, I am better than you.
Ex number 1 Whenever I told you God takes care of babies and fools I was referring to you. Thankfully I believe it is true and life is working out for you.

This guy was nice and a sucker for a sob story from a female because his mom had 8 baby daddies. So he dreamed of being the perfect guy no matter what.

Ex number 2 You knew I would never marry you, I felt bad for even accepting. I still have love for you though, you are my homey. I will be forever thankful for that summer.

Ex number 3 Truthiness time: when I said I did not have the same feelings for you and could not marry you anymore I was lie telling. I decided to take heed when you said I was to good for you. I still loved you. I made an executive decision & I don't regret it. Afterall you were right, I am better than you.

I am feeling the bolded! When a man says that you are too good for him, believe him! He is usually right.
Ex number 3 Truthiness time: when I said I did not have the same feelings for you and could not marry you anymore I was lie telling. I decided to take heed when you said I was to good for you. I still loved you. I made an executive decision & I don't regret it. Afterall you were right, I am better than you.


what I would say is:

You didn't have to lie. When I asked you point blank you could of been honest, I would of been hurt but I could of respected your decision.
I would proceed to drop like it's hot and say nanana can't touch :grin:this let you know what you could never have again lol. I'm SO GLAD I didn't cave in and answer all your calls too little too late you didn't pay me no mind. When I was calling you had me looking like a desperate fool in front of your family. In the end I can only thank you it took my awhile but I realized I DESERVED to be treated so much better sucka. Also you are so lucky I don't know where you park that sheet metal you call a car at nite
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I am confused, not sure what you mean.

The bold I agreed with. He told me I was too good for him a couple of times.

Essentially we broke up because he lied, had he told me the truth I would of been hurt but I could of maybe dealt with the situation.....
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The bold I agreed with. He told me I was too good for him a couple of times.

Essentially we broke up because he lied, had he told me the truth I would of been hurt but I could of maybe dealt with the situation.....

Ahh that guy. The ones that refuse to let you make a choice of whether you want to be involved in a situation. They are the worst but at least you are free of him now.

There is only 1 ex I would like to have in this kind of position and that’s my first bf. We dated for 7 years and he was my first…….:)

It’d probably go something like:

I can't believe I was going to marry the only man I've ever being with but thankfully you were good enough to break my heart. If you hadn't, I would never have travelled, met my SO and experienced what it is to be truly loved and cherished. I'm much better off for what you did and I forgave you for the callous way you acted a long time ago. BTW, I’ve found out a thing or two about colouring since and my advice to you is if there is a school for it, sign up and learn how to colour cos dude you sucked at it. :grin: