Your Ex/Mouth Taped Shut/Restrained in a chair/


Well-Known Member
What would you like to say to your ex. Come on ladies, I know there are some things that you wish you would have said when the relationship ended. Maybe your ex wouldn't listen. Or maybe you weren't brave enough to let it go. so come on in, say it. What would you say if your ex was restrained in a chair, eyes and ears wide open, but mouth taped shut so they didn't have any choice but to hear you out?
I'll go first:

If you weren't ready for a relationship, you should have said something sooner. I MAY have waited for you and the drama never would have hit the fan.
There's nothing to say to that fool. I hope that he's matured into a better person now, but if not, that's not my problem anylonger.
He knows what he did was foul and nothing I could say can change what happened between us.
Nothing! I'm so superby happy right now, that I have no disdain for him. Its the past. Maybe if it was still fresh, I would have alot to type, but I don't cause I am so far removed....This is a good thread though...:popcorn:
Nothing! I'm so superby happy right now, that I have no disdain for him. Its the past. Maybe if it was still fresh, I would have alot to type, but I don't cause I am so far removed....This is a good thread though...:popcorn:

You think so. . . .? no one is talking.
oh God i just wrote him an email , not sure if he is going to be my ex right now, but its a very good possiblity......right now

I guess I already did this exercise and yeah it felt good

I blocked his email for right now cause I need to make it about ME right now and I have come a long way in understanding things dont want nothing he says to *** that up right now


Okay I'm better now. :lachen:
I probably would have said:

Haha..your loss, b*&%#"

..then proceeded to push him down a flight of stairs blind folded and all :lachen:

Naw, it wouldn't even be worth my time, energy, or effort.
LOL i already said everything i wanted to when i returned all the stuff he bought me... quite a funny story. i went to his dorm suite return his stuff (had it all in a large shoebox plus one big stuffed tiger in the other arm). i was just gonna leave it outside the door but noticed the door wasn't shut all the way. so i walked in to leave it outside his bedroom door (the suite was 4 small bedrooms leading into a large living area). then i thought, "hmmm... i wonder if his bedroom is unlocked..." sure enough, it was. :rolleyes: he was asleep and didn't hear me open the door. well seeing him made all my feelings rush to the surface... hurt sad angry frustrated... and mind you this was back in the day before my current SO were serious and pre-motherhood. so i was much more bold with my lack of anger management. :lol:

i threw that shoebox of stuff right at his head. and trust me it found its target. :lachen:
I dont know if there would be anything left to say because all I want to do is ask questions and he can't answer them with tape over his mouth.
You are so fckd up. It makes me laugh to know that you regret what you did to me. You get flabbergasted when people mention my name & tell you I'm okay without you. I'll admit, you broke my heart. But I got over it. Because I'm strong. I always have been. You know what you did was foul & you still feel the guilt. Now you're stuck with her and a kid. But that's where you chose to be. I almost let the pain you put me through stop me from loving the one I'm with now. I had to realize that he's not you. He really loves me. You did too at a time. I can tell. But I have no hard feelings. I'm letting go of the hurt & moving on. Just like you did.
I've been rattling my brain all day trying to think of something. I can't cuzz I'm in good place now and really happy. I wish him well.
Today, I would just floss my loving dh and dd in his face.

A few years back it would have been: "You didn't think I was gonna find out you were still ****in' youe ex?!" "Don't you know I got eyes and ears everywhere?" Then beat him with a shovel while asking, "Who's hurtin' now ****?"

Whew. Glad I'm past that.
to one in particular: all or nothing is not working for me. wish we could be friends at least. why can't black folks just get along. :look:

to another: i closed your chapter in my life a long time ago. so quit texting me and asking me questions. you had access to me 24/7 but i had to revoke that PRIVILEGE based on your behavior. life goes on........... yours without me and mine without you. all the best.
Right now I wouldn't say anything, because I'm happy with my life and 20x better with my fiancee now than I was with him. But if this was, maybe a year or so ago? It'd be something like:

I hate you for what you did to me, and I hope that your d#$k falls off just to punish you for what you've done and make you even more of the little bytch that you are.

But I'm soooo passed that stage now LOL :lol:
" Your lame skitzo a$$ could have told me you were married to my friends mutha$**$@!** wife. Oh, and while you were at it, you could a told me you had a mutha$**$!** child.
As a matter of fact, wha' di ras$*** were you doing hanging around my high school for anyway... you f***ing borderline peadophille.
I'm leavin' now... ain't nobody gonna care where the h3ll you are anywayz. "

I'm sure I would say more, but thats the jist is it!
He was around 25 when I met him, but I was around 17-18, finishing my A-Levels when I met him. He had no business hanging around a school full of 11 to 18 year olds, even if he had friends there.

Long story.

But that is so in the past (Like 8 years ago; I've been with SO for over 7 years now) and I actually feel sorry for the poor sod because his life is a mess! Some things just make you stronger and wiser :yep: !
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I did you wrong the way I ended it like that. I wish I could go back and re-do everything. And just so you know, I loved you then , and still love you now. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would choose YOU!!!!:blush:


Okay I'm better now. :lachen:

LOL and that would be about it. Seriously- my exes are not worth the energy that would entail to stir up those memories- mulling over them and our worthless relationships. I know that I am better off than all of them and I have no ill will seeing as they both have a lot of growing up to do, I am so much better off without them and I know that life has taken some serious chunks out of their a$$es.

The best revenge is living well! :yep:
LOL and that would be about it. Seriously- my exes are not worth the energy that would entail to stir up those memories- mulling over them and our worthless relationships. I know that I am better off than all of them and I have no ill will seeing as they both have a lot of growing up to do, I am so much better off without them and I know that life has taken some serious chunks out of their a$$es.

The best revenge is living well! :yep:
I totally agree with you ^^^ there!!
Hmmm I would say: I wish you had the b.a.l.l.s. to tell me that you saw the relationship going absolutely no where and let me walk away from your stupid behind sooner. Damned fool.