Your Ex: Married & Divorced & Ready to Reunite...WITH YOU! Would You?


New Member
I talked to my cousin, and she said that she dated a man exclusively for years. She thought he was "the one." They broke up, and he married someone else. They stay married for nine months and were divorced. The guy wanted her back, but he could never give a reason besides "bad choice" for marrying someone else. My cousin never got back with him, because she couldn't get over him marrying someone else when he knew she was who she wanted. (BTW, she did meet "the man of her dreams" eventually). I just wanted to know would you take someone back after he had married and divorced?
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No. If he married someone else on a whim, how do i know I'm not a whim as well.
I don't believe there is such a thing as "the one." So I don't buy the whole "I married the wrong person" ish. You marry a compatible person whom you love and you make things work. His reasoning is immature.

She is not the super angel who fixes all. The right choice...the soul mate...the end of end-alls. That's a ridiculous. She should run away! Good for her.
No I wouldn't marry him especially if he was the one who broke up with her and knew how bad she wanted to get married.I wouldn't even talk to him.What explanation could he possibly give?What the heck is wrong with people?That's like a slap in the face.:nono:He must have realized the grass wasn't greener.Oh well sucks to be him!:ohwell:
No I wouldn't marry him especially if he was the one who broke up with her and knew how bad she wanted to get married.I wouldn't even talk to him.What explanation could he possibly give?What the heck is wrong with people?That's like a slap in the face.:nono:He must have realized the grass wasn't greener.Oh well sucks to be him!:ohwell:

My sentiments exactly! I'd have a winter wonderland wedding in hell complete with snowmen and snow angels to some ex that went as far as marrying another woman..pardon my language, but N!GGA PLEASE!
Guess he thought he was getting someone better than me when he met and married someone else :rolleyes:. Nope, I wouldn't do it.
No. If he married someone else on a whim, how do i know I'm not a whim as well.
I don't believe there is such a thing as "the one." So I don't buy the whole "I married the wrong person" ish. You marry a compatible person whom you love and you make things work. His reasoning is immature.

She is not the super angel who fixes all. The right choice...the soul mate...the end of end-alls. That's a ridiculous. She should run away! Good for her.


I would not entertain this. Last year, a married ex of mine was trying to convince me that we should be together if he divorces his wife. :naughty: There are so many things wrong with that picture, but the bottom line is that he made a decision and is not man enough to live with it.

There was a REASON he left her in the first place, chasing the other woman so I wouldn't concern myself with him. He didn't have the sense and foresight to choose me in the first place so that would be a loss he'd regret for the remainder of his life because there would be no coming back.
I could go back and forth on my answer to this question. I do believe in "the one" and if my "the one" decided he wanted to give it another shot, today I'd probably take it.
I'm mixed on this because I'm in a situation that is kind of weird. My first real love (we were in our early 20's) and I have connected again after many, many years. I'm now 41. We were very young when we were together and a lot has happened (obviously) between now and then. He was married and has 2 kids. I, after multiple relationships, never married. We each moved away from our home states. And today, we live many states apart. We did stay in touch over the years. He always managed to catch up with me even though I lived in 4 different states over the years. Whenever he would begin to reminisce about our old relationship I would never allow it. After all, he had a wife and that would have been all kinds of wrong. And I was also involved at the time. Now that they are divorced and I am not currently involved, he would like to explore getting together.

Part of me thinks that it is because he has some romanticized version in his head of a 'first love' relationship. And that he probably held on to that vision during times in his marriage that were bad. Fantasy can be so much better than reality. On the other hand, what do I have to lose?

So, see... I just don't know. Though he did marry someone else. That was a long time ago.
smells like, "rebound" to me. he wanted to see what was out there after being with her for years, left and fell for someone else, that relationship didn't work out and then he became nostalgic about the ex. the excuse he gave for divorcing was weak as hell; i would have not accepted an excuse like that either. divorce is a big deal, imo. clearly, something deeper went on and he may have been largely at fault somewhere in his marriage and that led to divorce. i think your cousin did the right thing; he thought she was his "standby" and would come running, imo. i'm glad she found someone else.
dude is trippiiiiin :perplexed

no i wouldnt go back to him if i was your cousin he seems so immature i mean what kind of man marry someone on a whim and then comes back around saying it was a mistake GTFOOH!!!