Young Wife, Broke Older Husband - Preg Again


Well-Known Member
UPDATED 2/11/19

So we went to dinner lunch and she seemed to be happy to have some company. The only things she mentioned about her husband was that he does most of the cooking because he likes his food a certain way. One thing I found interesting was that she "felt bad" about it because she thought that "as a wife and mother I should be doing more cooking". She also said that her husband is helpful with the baby. I'm still not sure why she didn't want to talk around her husband because she basically said he's really helpful and doesn't put everything on her. There has to be something else going on. I'm gonna dig up some more info.

It seems she's fine with the occasional text, which I can do. I'll just add her to my rotation.


Said associate texted this past Saturday and asked if she could call me later on in the day. I said yes, but didn't hear back from her for the rest of the day, so the next afternoon I texted her and asked if she still wanted to speak with me. She said that she did, but wanted to talk during her commute on Monday. I was worried her home situation had turned sour because she clearly did not want to talk at home. One she arrived home, she said she had to get off the phone. This made me uncomfortable.

She told me that her friends had basically abandoned her which baffled me because she had so many of them. When I was on FB, she'd post tons of pictures surrounded by people, including church friends. She explained that she'd ask them to text her once in a while or even come by because she's been feeling really isolated, but they did so for a few months but just stopped. It must be bad if she's pulling in her second-string associates like me. We are having lunch this Sunday.

I have two questions. The first is to wonder of this is normal for friends to just stop talking to folks because they have a kid. The baby is only 1 years old. Still cute enough to warrant stopping by to see him. Even if they don't want to come by, folks can't text a meme or just asking what's going on with her new job or the baby? Seems weird.

Question 2: How can I support her? I figured she doesn't want to complain to her husband which is why she wanted to talk in private. Any ideas as to why?

Thank you.

So an associate of mine is married and pregnant by a man 23 years her senior (she's 30, he's 53). She told me that she has to go back to work 6 weeks after the birth because they can't afford any extra time. I just wanted to ask you ladies if I'm wrong in assuming a man of that age should have enough savings to cover at least 2 or 3 months so she can stay home. Like, what's in his retirement fund?? Please advise because whenever I get asked by older men they have funds. :look:
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Most people that age don't have a lot of money. Less than 40% have anything in their retirement fund. People work a lot but most of the US population has very little to show for it. However at 53 she met a man that doesn't sound like he has enough to care for himself. She has to be contributing too much to the household if she has to go to work. He should have at least enough to pay all the bills without touching his savings.

I agree with the poster about doing better with someone her own age. They could at least grow together. He is at the end of his career if he even has a career.
Sounds like she's on the struggle love bus. Maybe he's the sweetest, kindest, most helpful, most wonderful man in the world? But I cannot imagine at 30 marrying a man that age and not have better financial support. Good luck to her. Sounds like she just wanted to get married and have a baby, so perhaps she is happy. I am hearing more and more about men in their 50's and up with no money and looking for a come up. Unlike younger men, they are more than happy to marry a young woman with a good job :look:.
I'm sorry but what is the point of marrying a man so much older if he can't contribute to the household appropriately? He gets a nurse and she gets...what exactly?
In another life, I was a stylist and while in cosmetology school I had a little old white lady (in her 70s or 80s) who came in regularly for perms and roller-sets.

I did her hair for her wedding and remember her saying she didn't think she'd get married at her age because most old men are looking for "a nurse and a purse."
Sounds like she's on the struggle love bus. Maybe he's the sweetest, kindest, most helpful, most wonderful man in the world? But I cannot imagine at 30 marrying a man that age and not have better financial support. Good luck to her. Sounds like she just wanted to get married and have a baby, so perhaps she is happy. I am hearing more and more about men in their 50's and up with no money and looking for a come up. Unlike younger men, they are more than happy to marry a young woman with a good job :look:.
Yeah, that'd exactly what happened. I remember her telling me a few years ago she was worried about not finding the right person for her and that she was "not getting any younger". Oddly enough, she said the old man was interested in her back then.

Where is her family?
Her dad died when she was a teen. Turns out he wasn't her real dad. :look: I think that's how she became such a devout evangelical. Heavenly Father won't fake on paternity. You will always be His child. I think she still has dad issues, though the old guy was not her first choice.
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So an associate of mine is married and pregnant by a man 23 years her senior (she's 30, he's 53). She told me that she has to go back to work 6 weeks after the birth because they can't afford any extra time. I just wanted to ask you ladies if I'm wrong in assuming a man of that age should have enough savings to cover at least 2 or 3 months so she can stay home. Like, what's in his retirement fund?? Please advise because whenever I get asked by older men they have funds. :look:

No, you're not wrong. At that age, he *should* have enough saved for her to stay home way longer than 2 or 3 months.

But if he has other financial obligations like other posters have mentioned, it can be a huge factor as to why he has less. Especially if he is in financial ruin because of it and is trying to get back on track.

Now, if he is just one of those men that are just bad with money, she needs to run....and run fast!!!! Men like that are stubborn and barely change unless they're ready to or until they hit rock bottom. She's not going to want to be there with him when that happens, especially with a baby in tow.

Is her job only offering 6 weeks of maternity leave?

Sounds like she's on the struggle love bus. Maybe he's the sweetest, kindest, most helpful, most wonderful man in the world? But I cannot imagine at 30 marrying a man that age and not have better financial support. Good luck to her. Sounds like she just wanted to get married and have a baby, so perhaps she is happy. I am hearing more and more about men in their 50's and up with no money and looking for a come up. Unlike younger men, they are more than happy to marry a young woman with a good job :look:.

Wait....what???? Man, where is that Viola Davis gif when we need it? SMH...:nono: #menarethenewwomen

I'm sorry but if I took a vow to fondle old nuts for the rest of my life, at minimum, he has to be paid.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

@Crackers Phinn we're waiting! Come on....! :lachen:
Not unusual at all in men that age.

50 is my upper limit dating age. I'd say a good 60% of the men trying to holla are not only broke but have moved back in with their parents or have roommates or rent rooms, working dead end jobs, and crowing because they dont know how they will retire due to lack of life savings. And these are angry, bitter men. not fun to be around.

They all blame the economy, Bush, Obama, Repubs, and anybody else but themselves.

Homegirl is young and could've done way better.
So an associate of mine is married and pregnant by a man 23 years her senior (she's 30, he's 53). She told me that she has to go back to work 6 weeks after the birth because they can't afford any extra time. I just wanted to ask you ladies if I'm wrong in assuming a man of that age should have enough savings to cover at least 2 or 3 months so she can stay home. Like, what's in his retirement fund?? Please advise because whenever I get asked by older men they have funds. :look:
She got pregnant by which means that they aren't married, right? He probably does have enough to cover a few extra months for a wife to stay at home but not a baby mama. Regardless of what the old men in Hollywood are doing, most men over 50 are not pursuing women in the same age range as their children to have more children with.

The age gap listed in the OP is gross but it's not as attrocious as the early-mid 20's w/60+m pictures I've been bombarded with in the natural hair group. These young girls Instagram posing with dudes that look like droopy nut sacks talking bout some damn age ain't nothing but a number have me ready to cuss. Listen, at 44, I'm old enough to have a 25 year old daughter. If some 62 year old man came at me talking bout some he can't help who he fell in love with, I'd introduce his a-- to my glock 19 and my shovel and suggest he check out a senior facility to find love. I can't imagine the kind of balance sheet I'd have to see in order to encourage a very young woman with options to commit to someone 20+ years older.