You run into an Ex...while with your SO/DH?


Well-Known Member
What do you do? I'm asking because this hasn't happened to me YET but I know it's possible. Especially since I'm about to be in a wedding where the bride knew everyone I used to know. So say you run into your ex boyfriend (of YEARS AGO) while walking around with your SO/Husband.

Do you say, "Hi, good to see you!" and (then introduce your new man)?

Or do you give the ex boo a cold shoulder and not speak?

OR do you say, "Hey, how have you been?" and introduce your new man and then carry on a conversation? Do you hug?

Notice that in all these situations you introduce your husband to your ex. Right?!? I can only imagine how I would want to be treated and that would be with my husband saying a polite hello if his ex popped up in his face and then introducing me first and foremost. I think that would work.

Can some of the long time married ladies (or those in committed relationships) fill me in!
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This has happened to me before. My ex entered my favorite restaurant in my home town while my DH and I were eating. I was seated towards the door, and I saw his little brother, and I thought nothing aboout it until his brother made a funny face, and I knew what was up. So, I waved at his brother, and in walks his brother, and I just wave and smile. As we are getting up, I casually wave at him, and genuinely asked, "Hi, how you doing", and he said "Fine", and I say "Great", and I smile and walk off with my husband. They already knew each other, and they don't really care for each other.
No need for introduction. Acknowledge with a "Hello" and keep moving. He may not even want an introduction followed by pomp and circumstance. Men are not like that, that is woman stuff.
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Depends on the setting. If you're passing in the street no introduction necessary, say hi and keep it moving. If it's a mix and mingle type setting, then introduce them, but keep the convo light and move on quickly.

No hugs!!!
I'm friendly with all my exes. i've had one bad break up in my entire romantic life. I would introduce and K.I.M. I don't start dating anyone seriously until we know each other's histories pretty well, so he would know who homeboy is and it would be a fleeting thought and curiosity overcome.
Depends on the setting. If you're passing in the street no introduction necessary, say hi and keep it moving. If it's a mix and mingle type setting, then introduce them, but keep the convo light and move on quickly.

No hugs!!!

I like your answer the best! I gotta remember this - no hugs. Sometimes I'm guilty of hugging before "thinking". :nono: I really want to work on this. It means being more "real" - not giving out hugs without meaning.
I have had a similar thing happen recently.
Lesson learned, Speak and K.I.M. Unfortuanately for me/us we crossed paths with the ex a few minutes later, in an awkward moment (our eyes met across the floor, he waved; without thinking, I waved back). New SO is still pissed about this 2weeks later. (what was I to do? Ignore him, pretend I didn't see him)

Again, speak and K.I.M; no need to conversate.
My hometown is small so it was no surprise when we ran into one of mine. Lucky for me this ex wasn’t the crazy one, but the mature and well put together guy. He had heard about me getting married and when he saw DH he just said and this must be the other half. He introduced his self to him and they talked about a football game. After that he said bye and we went on bout our marry way. DH just asked who he was and I told him he was an ex. DH just laughed and said I shoulda asked him how he dealt with your stubbornness.

I'm actually friends with my ex. So, if I saw him while out in public I'd wave and KIM. If he approached me, I'd hug him and say 'You remember* DH?' DH would shake his hand though.

*DH and I met while ex and I were together. I left ex for DH. They've seen each other before but never spoke.
Been there done that twice. Those ****'s fought each other and had longterm feuds! :perplexed If their rational then you wave and KIM!
Been there done that twice. Those ****'s fought each other and had longterm feuds! :perplexed If their rational then you wave and KIM!

See...this right here is my worst nightmare. I'm sticking with the pretend you don't see them and keep it moving. Bump a wave!
Wave and K.I.M. nothing more and nothing less. Its really not need to get into talking and introducing you to no one.
I hate my ex husband.
I saw him 2x recently and once I hid behind a shelf in the store, the other times I hid with my SO, who had no idea what was going on. My EX is all about confrontation! (Which I avoid at all costs):nono:

But next time will be different.
I will just ignore him, if I see him.
My SO wants to say "You did a good thing treating her like crap, because now she's my queen":giveheart:
When I did. I was holding my babe's hand so that he would not feel as if I were hiding him...I smiled and waved at ole boy...and kept it moving.
ran into ex boo boo when i was with SO at a charity event--exx boo boo didnt see SO with me since he was holding the door for a lady---
exx boo boo grabs my lil *** and hugs me---im like omgggg--then he takes my hand and leads me over to the side starts goin in--so good to see you--how is the company you started and etc etc---happened b4 i could even turn around
SO comes up behind me and touches my shoulder--and im like babe this is such and such--things got quiet--lol weird silence and then i said well enjoy the night ex boo boo--grabed my SO's hand and we started dancing and acting silly--SO asked ltr on who that was i told him--no biggie

exboo boo is a model dude--200% pure fine from head to toe---so is SO---i thought it was great that he saw his former competition--

i was obviously caught off guard didnt expect to see ex boo boo since i know he travels often---ltr that night b4 i left ex boo boo is trying to get the company name that i decided speak loudly and say its a secret--lololol So and I exit the venue---

i have no problem running into an ex--lil akward but nothing major

my So knows i adore him and i aint goin no where--
This has happened to me.

I tried to play like I didn't see him and dude kept staring...mugging..

Eventually, my SO was like, "Do you know him? He keeps staring.."

I'm like, "Who?" ***Looking around***

I caught eyes with dude, waved and turned back to talk to my mother (Same restaurant scenario as MsPretty)

Dude got up to leave and made it a point to come by the table to say hello. I did a simple, "Fine, thanks"

I made the stupid mistake of not introducing my SO to him and I didnt hear the end of it FOREVER!!!!!!! Well he just recently stopped talking about it...that was about 3 years ago.

Ladies, dont trade places with me..

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My hometown is small so it was no surprise when we ran into one of mine. Lucky for me this ex wasn’t the crazy one, but the mature and well put together guy. He had heard about me getting married and when he saw DH he just said and this must be the other half. He introduced his self to him and they talked about a football game. After that he said bye and we went on bout our marry way. DH just asked who he was and I told him he was an ex. DH just laughed and said I shoulda asked him how he dealt with your stubbornness.

That's cute. I like cool, laid-back men...
My hometown is small so it was no surprise when we ran into one of mine. Lucky for me this ex wasn’t the crazy one, but the mature and well put together guy. He had heard about me getting married and when he saw DH he just said and this must be the other half. He introduced his self to him and they talked about a football game. After that he said bye and we went on bout our marry way. DH just asked who he was and I told him he was an ex. DH just laughed and said I shoulda asked him how he dealt with your stubbornness.

Your DH is alot like Mines lol.
This situation has happened to me on a couple of occasions, but one particular time got kinda "weird". DH and I were at the laundromat and in walks my ex. He came over and started talking. I introduced him to DH, they made small talk and then ex walked away. A few minutes later my ex walks back to where me and DH were with his shirt off, and starts up another conversation. We ignored his ignorance, the whole time I am in shock. I can't belive he did that. My DH is overweight, so we know where he was going with that. My Dh then walks out of the laundromat and leaves me alone with my ex. I think he was more bothered by the situation than he let on, but didn't want to act a fool in public. While DH was outside my ex gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and slips me his phone number. Mind you this is the same ex that wanted nothing to do with me when I got pregnant, and went out with my bestfriend's cousin behind my back. Needless to say he got told exactly where to go.
This situation has happened to me on a couple of occasions, but one particular time got kinda "weird". DH and I were at the laundromat and in walks my ex. He came over and started talking. I introduced him to DH, they made small talk and then ex walked away. A few minutes later my ex walks back to where me and DH were with his shirt off, and starts up another conversation. We ignored his ignorance, the whole time I am in shock. I can't belive he did that. My DH is overweight, so we know where he was going with that. My Dh then walks out of the laundromat and leaves me alone with my ex. I think he was more bothered by the situation than he let on, but didn't want to act a fool in public. While DH was outside my ex gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and slips me his phone number. Mind you this is the same ex that wanted nothing to do with me when I got pregnant, and went out with my bestfriend's cousin behind my back. Needless to say he got told exactly where to go.
LMAO!:lachen::lachen:I could just imagine!And I thought women were silly!
This situation has happened to me on a couple of occasions, but one particular time got kinda "weird". DH and I were at the laundromat and in walks my ex. He came over and started talking. I introduced him to DH, they made small talk and then ex walked away. A few minutes later my ex walks back to where me and DH were with his shirt off, and starts up another conversation. We ignored his ignorance, the whole time I am in shock. I can't belive he did that. My DH is overweight, so we know where he was going with that. My Dh then walks out of the laundromat and leaves me alone with my ex. I think he was more bothered by the situation than he let on, but didn't want to act a fool in public. While DH was outside my ex gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and slips me his phone number. Mind you this is the same ex that wanted nothing to do with me when I got pregnant, and went out with my bestfriend's cousin behind my back. Needless to say he got told exactly where to go.

My SO and ex has met, but So doesn't know. We went to Ex's job (didn't know at the time) and I stayed in the car. I later walked in, to remind him to get something else, and found Ex and SO talking to each other. :blush: I pause as soon as Ex sees me, while SO is still talking. I shyly wave and smile, he waves back and mummbles "what's up". I start talking to SO and we soon left. It was awkward as hell!!!
This happened to me. Dh and I was in Walmart getting some medicine for one of the Supremes. I just knew I was going to run into someone that knew me so I was walking quick, NY style. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him but was hoping he didn't see me but no such luck. Dh was trailing behind so we didn't appear to be together. I am looking at the medicine, dh comes aroud the back of the aisle and my ex is at the front and he calls my name. He then realizes I am with dh and is standing like 50 feet in front like he is scared or something. I introduce them, they dapped, and then I said, "Give me hug, how are you doing?" He was hesistant and dh didn't care and found the medicine. We chatted for like a minute, dh said, "nice meeting you", they shook hands and we left. Dh and I laughed at how standoffish dude was when he saw dh. My husband said, "he was acting like I was going to kill him or be mad. Why would I worry about him? I married you so I ain't worried." Gotta love it. :lol: Q