You move to slow... That's why you're still single!

I'm no relationship expert myself. I will say if you meet a guy that you like then go along for the ride. Watch for things you expect a man that really likes you to do. He should be calling often and courting you to show you he is serious about wanting you in his future. If he is not putting in the effort then I would be on guard, too. His intentions should be clear with his actions.
Kinky...please don't take offense to my post as I mean well, but from my experience with your previous post, you do not strike me as the most self-assured woman and that is a HUGE drawback when you are trying to date. Being too cautious is just as bad as being too impulsive.

You need to learn how to be strong enough to make your needs known all while willing to take a risk in truly getting to know a man, and you need to be strong enough to realize that it is wrong to make a new man pay for the mistakes that past men have made.

Relationships are risky regardless of how much time you take. No amount will make you immune to heartbreak. No man is perfect and you can't close-up and run cold just because you all have a disagreement or because he says something you don't like. Truly getting to know a man requires willingness to let the past go and start fresh.

No offence taken. I think my problem is I'm just not dating the right individuals. All the men I've dated have similar characteristics some things I like but others are what cause me issues. I'm never happy or satisfied and always find myself trying to help the man reach his full potential by encouraging him to get a degree or better job etc. I'm educated and have a successful career but I don't seem to date men on my level. Not that I don't want to but they have not be approaching me. If I found someone close to what I wanted I would go with the flow and not be so guarded. I have to admit I've been dating men that I know I'm settling for but I hope they will become what I want. I'm always trying to fix something to work for me. I'm done with that now. I'm not dating anyone and I will take this time to work on my self esteem and self image. I know I deserve so much more but I shy away from it. That pisses me off but I'm gonna get better.